A sulking Tigger......
By craftnutter
I nipped out to the garden to take a couple of pictures and when I came back, Tigger wanted to go out. (He is a night hunter of mice) When I told him no, he sulked…… but let me take a photo of his handsome self….. (well, the birds are busy in the garden and he does like to torment them by watching them!)
Then he joined me in bed (have had headache for 36 hours) and had a lil’ wash…
Then pointedly stubbornly refused to look at me for a photo when I called, cooed, begged and pleaded……
(Note: his ear is cocked to me, so he’s not deaf!)
Nope, still cross and not playing……
31 Mar, 2009
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lovely cat,,,,,,,,, hope your headache has finally passed?
31 Mar, 2009
Ah hah! somebody else who's cat sulks, my Son's cat is just the same she goes out only at night and snoozes during the day, but stop her from going out and she sits in a corner with a silly look on her face, and no amount of cajoleing, even with treats, gets her out of the sulk. .... But beware if anyone opens the door she is like lightening. :o)
31 Mar, 2009
Hello tiger.
31 Mar, 2009
Great photos of your lovely cat .Hope your headache has cleared now !
31 Mar, 2009
Cats are so funny .Tiger looks a lovely cat
31 Mar, 2009
Tigger is a beautiful cat. Seems he enjoys his life - and so he should .
Blodyn is the same - she looks at me with a camera and just when I press it to take the pic she turns away !. lol
2 Apr, 2009
Thanks everyone! Yep, headache finally cleared after 2 days! Phew!
Tigger is a 12 year old grumpy old man with bad breath. He is also very overweight, no doubt from eating all those mices from the field behind our garden!!
Cats are very funny Donnah, I never understand people who say cats don't show their emotions! Hywel, my other cat, Pepsi, is the opposite. Point a camera at her,and she goes into "model" mode! Tooooo funny!!
2 Apr, 2009
Yes they all have their own personalities :o)
2 Apr, 2009
I've put a piccie of Pepsi up just now, so you can see her. She does make me laugh. She usually sits on my lap when I'm in bed but the second I get out of bed, quick as lightening, she's in the position she's in the photo!!! Lil' tike!! (good job we luv's 'em!!!)
2 Apr, 2009
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Is Tigger a female. Sounds like it.
31 Mar, 2009