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Too many plants ... too little space/time ..


So I’ve done it again … got carried away, planted all my veggie seeds at once in a germinating frenzy and then looked on in bemusement as against all odds (what with me being a complete amateur and all) every single seed I planted germinates successfully and screams at me “where am I going to live in your little end of terrace garden plot eh?”.

There’s only so many runner beans you can fit into a small tin bath on bricks … 3 as I found out today … not 8, which is how many I have.

And there’s only so many tomato plants you can plant on into 7.5cm pots and stick on your windowsill … again, 8 is too many.

And as for the 10’s of sweet basil plants and several red chili pepper’s … looks like I’ll be needing a lot more tin bath planters.

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You're not alone in having sown whole packets of seeds and having every one germinating! I've no spaces left in the flower borders, I've given plants to family and friends and still the greenhouse is awash with bedding begonias, lobelia and other annuals sown from seed and perenials raised from cuttings!!
I just can't bear to throw seedlings away or put them on the compost heap so I pot them all on...and the problem grows!
Perhaps the plant stall at the local fete can make use of them.

24 May, 2008


lol glad im not alone, i spent yesterday filling seed trays, old window boxes, ice cream cartons ( without the ice cream lol ) with all the extra seedlings i had. they will all go to my sister, boy is she going to be surprised. i have cabbage, broccoli, courgettes, and tomatoes to give her.

24 May, 2008


I am just the same, only with flower seeds - I had to grit my teeth and tip half a seedtray into the compost bin as ALL the Rudbeckia seeds germinated and I had already pricked out 3 dozen! Now what am I going to do with all those? Neighbours and friends will be pleased - I hope!

24 May, 2008


Well I'm glad someone's having some success. I've sewn k. beans, carrots, peas, dill, red and green basil, lemon balm. Nothing has even attempted to germinate ! I only have radishes. I have a nice lot of radishes. I'm going to try again.

24 May, 2008


aw blodyn, thats a shame. i would try again if i were you.

24 May, 2008


Good luck, Blodyn! Let us know how you get on.

25 May, 2008


two of my chilli's didn't germinate if that's of any consolation ... and any spare radishes gratefully accepted!

25 May, 2008


I always plant way more than i need just in case things don't germinate which they always do! It's great tho as i swap for other things.. i've just been given some celeriac in exchange for purple sprouting brocolli! stil doesn't alleviate the space thing tho!!

27 May, 2008

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