Just my luck.
By clarice
On thursday 1 of sons was having a item delivered to his house, i went to wait for it from 7-30am & the weather was really nice warm & sunny, but the item was delivered at 3-20pm (mind you the delivery time was 7am till 7pm) i came straight back home & with in mins of me walking back in it poured it down. Then yesterday 1 of my daughters was havinga parcel delivered between 7am & 7pm so of i went to wait again,this time it arrived at 4-55pm, jet again the weather was brill, so for 2days i tidy up my son & daughters gardens, then this morning i’m going to get in my garden & what happened its never stopped raining alday.
9 Aug, 2008
Previous post: THANKYOU.
That's not fair, is it? Try reversing the roles, have a day out and get them to do some for you.
9 Aug, 2008
wont let any of them touch my garden,dont take after me for gardening, half the time they have to ask whats a weed and whats a plant.
9 Aug, 2008
Oh well Clarice, I'm sure you will get some more days when you can get into your garden! Is the forecast still bad over there? I'm sure your kids appreciate the fact that you are close enough to do these favours for them and their gardening too!
9 Aug, 2008
same here Clarice, it has not stopped for more than a week. A few minutes sunshine, do not give me enough
time to cut grass that usually take 2 hours to do.
9 Aug, 2008
I suspected as much, Clarice, but was worth a try!
9 Aug, 2008
Typical isn't it Clarice. The only decent day we've had here in ages was last week once and I had to take my mother for a medical appointment. The other days when I could have gone in the garden it has rained .
10 Aug, 2008
Recent posts by clarice
- Garden Birdwatch 26-27th January. plus a very slow laptop.
19 Jan, 2013
- Merry Christmas
20 Dec, 2012
- Southport Flower show
18 Aug, 2012
- Thought my laptop was dead.
29 Jun, 2012
- Olympic Touch
22 Jun, 2012
- Jack my Boy
7 Jun, 2012
Isn't that typical, Clarice! Never mind, I am quite sure that your family were very appreciative of your work in their gardens!
9 Aug, 2008