Green Johanna arrived
Well it arrived. My Green Johanna ordered from greencone.
Usually over £100 + delivery but we got it discounted down to just under £20 with inclusive home delivery.
Not to shabby hence hubs ordered one for me.
This is a hot composter that also takes cooked food waste.
Yep that’s right. Not to sure about that though but I guess only time will tell.
Got it open and Felix my ever faithful guard cat offered to help.
Must have been dirty in the box judging by the grubbiness of his nose lol
Once unpacked the box of course makes a great hideaway.
Hmmmmm doesn’t look like any composter i’ve ever seen.
Not going to fit much in this one LOL
Well an hour later and lots of cursing because some screw holes didn’t line up this is what we have.
Once it’s in place the first lot of compost should be ready for use within 4-6 months. Supposedly anyway LOL
After that it’s ready to use in 2-4 months.
29 May, 2010
Previous post: Compost corner found
Next post: Garden update
happy composting,, arent things so expensive these days, its plastic and so cheap to make , makes my blood boil, im happy your happy though lol, felix is lovely, same sort as my casper ;o))
29 May, 2010
Got a bargain, now all you have to do is fill it. Lol. Felix says thanks for his new bed and please don`t say my nose is dirty !!!!! cos actually its rather cute. LOL.......
29 May, 2010
Sooze I was told if ants make home it's because there is too much dry material in there and to add more greens or some water.
Sanbaz you're not kidding. If you go onto the greencone website and add your postcode you can see if your local authoristy is susidising it and what discount you can get. This thing is huge. Almost 1 meter across at the base.
Linclass he can keep his new bed until I need it to fill the composter LOL
29 May, 2010
I paid £46 for one last year from my local council which included delivery and a base. Its huge and thought this was good buy till I saw the price of yours. I have had to add water to mine as it got too dry.
29 May, 2010
I think we got lucky LOL
My mother in law who is only a few miles down the road has to pay £39 + delivery.
I would have orderd one for her but it's limited to one per household.
30 May, 2010
Happy compost-making :o)) lol
30 May, 2010
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Good luck with this - unfortunately ants invaded my composter last year making the conents unusable!
29 May, 2010