The End of our Wintertime Draws Near ... Downunder.
By bernieh
So August is our last winter month, and here in the northern tropics we’ve been experiencing our usual glorious winter weather. Of course, we’re in the middle of our long dry season, so the landscape around us here is quite bleak.
My courtyard garden is my favoured space during this time of the year,
as it’s the most colourful spot.
I do spend a bit of time wandering around the property just checking that the established plants are not withering too much with the dry conditions. The ferns do suffer a bit at this time of the year.
There are just a couple of winter bloomers scattered around the property, like the Tabebuia impetiginosa, but they’re few and far between.
There’s always lots of garden visitors around here, especially birds.
Then there’s always an Agile Wallaby around somewhere too, just to keep me company as I wander around.
For those who wish to find out a little more about what’s been going on around my place, just click on the link below and you’ll find the latest entry for my own gardening blog:
So It’s Been A While … My Dry Tropics Gardening Journal
11 Aug, 2013
Previous post: For Sticki - Mimosa pudica or Sensitive Plant. This is the plant we refer to as 'mimosa'.
Next post: It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like A Tropical Christmas.
Thanks Jane. I'm so very lucky to be able to see a wide variety of birdlife here, well wildlife really. It's something I never take for granted and appreciate immensely. I'm also lucky to be able to have colour somewhere in the garden all year round.
11 Aug, 2013
You have some wonderful wildlife and your plants look great, you must have to spend quite a lot of time watering I should think!
11 Aug, 2013
You have a lovely garden with lots of beautiful wild life.
I was talking to my son in Tasmania yesterday and he was also looking forward to the warmer weather.
Best wishes
11 Aug, 2013
Hi Bernieh, its good to hear from you and know you and your lovely garden are doing ok, wonderful photo,s as usual, I love a sojourn around your grand courtyard and seeing all the colourful plants, smashing bird photo's and your wallaby pal is looking very laid back, a bit of a rotund tum showing as well, lol.
Take care, off to check out your latest blog....
11 Aug, 2013
Glad you have remembered us Bernieh.
11 Aug, 2013
very welcome..
11 Aug, 2013
Very interesting blog - its good to see gardens from across the wrls - they are so different from ours in the UK. And we never find wallabies in ours...
11 Aug, 2013
Lovely blog and pictures as ever Bernieh, Your Wallaby pal hasn't gone short on food it seems! :o)
11 Aug, 2013
I think its expecting twins.
12 Aug, 2013
Louisa, I so have to water the potted plants every couple of days during the dry season here. I have learnt though to make waterwise choices when it comes to plants, and I've now worked out a great recipe for potting mix that works well.
12 Aug, 2013
Marjorie, I can imagine your son in Tasmania would be looking forward to the end of winter. Up here in the tropical north we don't get anywhere near the cold temps they get down in Tassie. We love our winters up here, and dread our summers. I am not looking forward to the horrid summer conditions that are now getting closer and closer.
12 Aug, 2013
Thanks Lincslass. I only pop in occasionally these days, I know. I just don't seem to have the same time for catching up as I used to.
Things are coming along nicely in the garden, and I'm now looking forward to the completion of new garden beds so I can spend time planting in the ground, which I haven't been able to do for many years now.
12 Aug, 2013
Diane, I do find it hard to pop in as much as I used to do. I even find it hard keeping up with my own gardening blog these days. I not posting anywhere near as often as before. Work and family keep my too busy!
12 Aug, 2013
Steragram, wallabies are an everyday sight around my garden. I love my little spot out here in the bushland. I get to sight so many little critters. The bird song here is amazing too.
12 Aug, 2013
Neellan, the wallabies have been digging up our side and front yards for weeks and weeks now looking for grass roots to eat. They do this every year when things dry out in the bush, and they can't find any green grass at our place. Our place looks a bit like a construction site with holes all over the place at the moment. Still, it's good to see the wallabies!
12 Aug, 2013
Diane, you might be right, lol! It is certainly carrying a hefty tummy around at the moment.!
12 Aug, 2013
Lovely Berneih, thanks xxx
12 Aug, 2013
Lovely, beautiful garden.And Wild life Just great.
22 Aug, 2013
Recent posts by bernieh
- So, Yesterday Was Australia Day Downunder ...
27 Jan, 2014
- It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like A Tropical Christmas.
11 Dec, 2013
- For Sticki - Mimosa pudica or Sensitive Plant. This is the plant we refer to as 'mimosa'.
13 Apr, 2013
- What's Been Happening Here In N.E. Downunder.
23 Mar, 2013
- End-of-Spring in my Downunder Garden.
25 Nov, 2012
- Recipe for Easy Peasy Lemonade Scones
28 Oct, 2012
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5 Aug, 2013
MY WORD!!! the birds are amazing and those plants look good even in those weather conditions... love seeing the Agile Wallaby... beautiful blog and thank you for the info too...
from jane...
the colour of those plants rock!!!
11 Aug, 2013