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beat the inflation


By batie


Although I am an inexperienced gardener, I tried to grow few vegetables. In the past I have grown potatoes,and runner beans. But after returning from India, last April, I was inspire by the Napalese ladies growing their own vegatables on the foot of the valley.Therefore I have decided to have a go, so far my dining room looks like a greehouse. The financial situation of the country, makes my desire to grow my own even stronger. As a single person I am not quite sure what I will do with all the vegetables, if they happen to survive and bear. Perhaps I may have, to have a stall on the market, or pass it on to friends.

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hi batie
excess veg can be frozen , turned into soup and frozen , you can also make chutney and pickle.and of course you can sell some to pay for the initial costs.all this and it also tastes so much better than shop bought stuff.

21 Feb, 2009


Steve is right, I freeze lots of produce to use in the winter, squash, peppers, tomatoes, onions. I have no way to dry store root veg so I don't grow them, but I do make up Basil Pesto and Garlic and Herb cheese spread and freeze it. Plus lots of pickles and relishes and chutneys can be jarred or frozen for later use. A good book (old) for this is "Putting Food By", it has gobs of info.

21 Feb, 2009


Good for you Batie! I'm sure you'll enjoy veg growing, it's very addictive once you get started and the satisfaction of your first crops is incredible. Hope you have great fun doing it!

21 Feb, 2009


Hi Batie hope you enjoy your veg growing, only veg i grow is tomatoes & this year i'm going to have a go at cucumbers, i am a plant & flower person like to see lots of colour in my garden. Anyway welcome to GOY.

21 Feb, 2009


Hello batie ~
Welcome to GoY.
Enjoy :o)
If you have spare vegetables etc. some car boot sales allow that type of produce to be sold. There are lots of car boot sales in Cambridgeshire.

21 Feb, 2009


Welcome to Goy Batie. Sorry dont much about veg growing I am still learning myself. Talk to me about seeds and flowers And might be abel to help

21 Feb, 2009


Hi Batie,We are all inexperienced at first only way to learn is to give it a go and you sound as tho. thats what you are doing,enjoy your gardening and good luck with whatever you decide to grow........

21 Feb, 2009


Welcome from me, too. I only grow tomatoes and cucumbers, but I wish you success with your veggies!

21 Feb, 2009


Thank you for your advice. I agree gardening could be quite an experience. I Would take onboard all your comments. From freezing my produce to making chutney. which means I would have to get myself a good recipe book on chutneys.

21 Feb, 2009


Hello Batie.....Welcome to GoY. Chutney, sauces, blanched and frozen....there are all kinds of ways to put food by. The book suggested by Wohlibuli is great but I don't know if you will be able to find it in England. Still, I'm sure there must be other books you will be able to find. If not, you can always ask on here....somebody is sure to know.

22 Feb, 2009

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