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Sowing a birthday card!


By balcony


Sowing a birthday card!

I bet that caught your attention! 🀣

At the insistence of our granddaughter I’m going to do a short blog post on the above theme!

Last year I wrote a blog on her helping me repot some cacti. I included some pictures where her hands were visible & she remembered those photos & the blog this afternoon.

When I asked her if she wanted to help me sow the birthday card she bought for me a week or so ago she insisted I share some pictures with my friends! 🀣

So here are the pictures:

She chose this card for my birthday as it is biodegradable & contains seeds embedded in the cardboard. Only it doesn’t say what the seeds are, only that they are pollinator friendly!

You can see her hands again!

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That going to be a great surprise for you both when the seeds germinate...They showed these cards on the Chelsea Flower show.

22 May, 2024


Lovely idea, Balc!!! It'll be a really nice surprise when you start to see developing plants! I can't wait to see what appears, you must show us!!! 😊

23 May, 2024


That’s a lovely idea David … really hope they germinate for you both!

23 May, 2024


Thanks all! πŸ‘πŸ» As far as I know it was all her idea! As her dad likes gardening (a right chip of the old block!) he may have been watching the Chelsea Flower Show on TV or she may have seen the card went they went to a garden centre, I don't know.

But, like you, I look forowrd to seeing what germinates in a week or so's time! I will certainly keep you updated as well!

23 May, 2024


What a lovely card to have, I wonder what the seeds are, you'll have to let us know when they flower :)

24 May, 2024


No worries, Hywel! I'll keep everyone up to date! I had to water the tray again today it had become quite dry & as the seeds have only a light covering of compost, (you should have seen her telling me off because I tried to put more compost over them than she though they should have! 🀣), I hope being dry for 1 day doesn't stop them from germinating or she will be very upset!

24 May, 2024


That's a novel idea and I shall look forward to seeing your photos of the seedlings ... :o)

25 May, 2024


The black specks you can see if you make the photo bigger we think are the seeds. We should know in a few days.

25 May, 2024


9th July. No seeds germinated from the card! πŸ™ I sowed some out of date Cosmos seeds over the top of the card after a few weeks which have germinated & become plants that now need to be pricked out & put in their own little pots ASAP!

9 Jul, 2024


Now that's a real shame that none of them germinated. At least the Cosmos are growing though.

13 Jul, 2024


Just this morning I transplanted the Cosmos seedlings to 1 of the planters the Town Council gardeners put on 3 sides of the cash machine that is very close to where we live.

A couple of months ago I emptied all the used compost from the hanging baskets & the troughs into this planter. I thought the gardeners would plant them up this spring (they were put in place last August!) but they didn't.

On Friday I saw a man pulling out all the weeds that had grown in the little soil the gardeners had left in the 3 planters. I thought he might return & put some plants in them as it seems the TC is not going to do, (even though the Lord Mayor, when he was judging the balcony last August, said would "Be planted up in due course"!), as the man hadn't returned to do that this morning I thought I'd put my Cosmos in it!

I took a photo which I will try & upload.

15 Jul, 2024


I hope they grow well ... :o)

21 Jul, 2024


They do seem to be growing well, Shirley! as we have had a lot of problems with GoY during the last 3 weeks at last I haven't been able to complete 2 blogs I had started. One of them is about showing off the balcony & the other is about the Cosmos seedlings I put out in one of the planters around the cash machine.

I'll try & finish them this coming week. Though it may be a bit difficult as I will have a lot less time than usual as our son, who lives in Cuenca, Spain, & his family made a surprise visit to us on Saturday! We had no idea they were coming, so this week we will be spending more time with them! πŸ‘

21 Jul, 2024


What a lovely surprise for you, enjoy their company.

22 Jul, 2024


Our other son invited us all to his place for a BBQ yesterday & the weather was fantastic! We all had a good time & our son is good at cooking & the BBQ turned out great! πŸ‘

Today we had our son from Spain & his family for lunch & they stayed till around 6pm! We enjoyed each others company & the 2 daughters of our sons get on fabulously together! πŸ‘ It makes me so happy to see how they play together & do things together! πŸ‘I'm also happy that our 3 children get on so very well together, too! In fact the 3 of them have gone to the local pub for a long overdue chinwag! πŸ‘

22 Jul, 2024


Life is good ... :o)

23 Jul, 2024

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