GoY Update : New filtering options
By ajay
Hi all,
Next time you click “Your homepage” you will see a new option called “Filtering options”.
This lets you choose what category of blogs you will see by default. For those of you that are happy seeing GoY as you see it today you do not need to do anything.
Our guidelines allow for a certain amount of non gardening blog posts from regular members. However, Grows on You is a gardening website.
If you would prefer to only see gardening blog posts (or maybe gardening & pet posts) all you have to do is tick a box.
Happy gardening (what little you can do in this weather),
29 Oct, 2009
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Thanx Guys :D i to chosse 2 see all Pics,Blogs ect :)
29 Oct, 2009
Snag is if you do select say option 3 then instantly this blog disappears. So how would I know about any other site updates.
For now I guess I stick with seeing them all and just ignore the ones I'm not interested in.
29 Oct, 2009
Thanks for pointing that out Moon_grower. We do have a section on the right of the Blogs tab called "News about Grows on You" but clearly need to make that more visible.
29 Oct, 2009
Thats Perfect Ajay :)
29 Oct, 2009
Just about to say couldnt find it then spotted it under 'update your profile', thanks
29 Oct, 2009
It's good to have the choice but I'd be sorry to miss something interesting by cutting down my options. There are an ever increasing number of blogs though so it's good for those with limited time and/or pure gardening interest
29 Oct, 2009
Thanks Ajay...you are working hard at making this a great site..I am very happy to have been here through your growing stages...Again Thank you for this site.. :o)
29 Oct, 2009
Thanks Ajay.......
29 Oct, 2009
thanx ajay but im happy with reading all, i love garden blogs best but enjoy others as we get to know one another more through these, but great to have the choice, you work hard to keep everyone happy :o)
29 Oct, 2009
What a thoughtful Mediator you are Ajay its a great idea, thank you for the change and options.
29 Oct, 2009
Hi Ajay, yours is a very difficult job is'nt it...trying to please everyone, I have'nt been around much lately, for two reasons really first is lack of time, the second is as a gardener i do get very fed up with trawling through all the nonsence and unrealted blogs that are now allowed on this site...and i know that one or two others feel this way too. so i gues this idea is for people like me. Ofcourse i don't mind a laugh, and i think there is room for a small amount of all the other stuff, but i think it seems to have been forgotton that this is a garden web site, and this other stuff seems to be taking over, i notice that there is now sections set up just for this stuff... personally i think this is a shame. i am sure that there are plenty of other web sites out there for pet lovers, wild life and comedians ect... i don't want to upset anyone by saying this but it now feels like thoughs involved in this site for the reason it was created - GARDENING! are now being made to feel isolated and unwelcome, sorry but i think GOY has lost all its charm.
30 Oct, 2009
Thanks everyone. Majeekahead - Sorry you feel that way.
30 Oct, 2009
Thing is Ajay, i know i'm not the only long term member that feels this way, but i do also understand how difficult a possition this is for you, things do move on and progress i understand that, and at the end of the day you will never please everyone, that is just a fact of life. and as i said don't want to upset anyone, but just wanted to say what a lot of others are thinking.... have a bit of a habit of that don't i lol... and i'll still poke my face in here and there like i always do, i just think its a shame that it has gone like this, this site was so unique and i think that is why we all loved it so much, i don't think we will ever get that back now, never mind onwards and upwards so they say......
30 Oct, 2009
When something is good it grows and with growth comes change, sometimes good, sometimes bad and sometimes just different. That happens in nature too, sometimes my plants outgrow their lovliness or suitability but for my neighbour they may be perfect.
As a relative newbie I do understand how you feel Majeekahead, when we find something we like, we want it to stay that way. This site has grown a lot even since I joined but at least Ajay has now given a way to avoid unwanted subjects.
30 Oct, 2009
Hi Ang :) i think u should have ago with the Filter & find time 4 us again ;) Iv missed u XXX
30 Oct, 2009
A good point Lily2, obviously things are going to move on and change, i am all for bigger and better ofcourse, it is never easy to please everyone, and i think the boys do a fantasic job in trying to please the majority, but surely a gardening web site set up for us to 'garden with friends' should not be out growing the people that made this site what it is.... the true gardeners? i think there should be room for all, but i just think it should not be forgotten that this is primarly a gardening forum, for garders, and yet there are gardners leaving the site because of upset caused by nonsense blogs about unrelated topics...i am sorry but i just think this is so wrong.
30 Oct, 2009
ah bless... i am not leaving Jac, others have because of this, but no i still log on now and then, but my time is limited as you know, so i am rarely regualr particually in the summer. and i know the filters are an idea that has been put in place to ease the situation, i just think it is a shame that it has come to this in the first place, if i put filters in place on my page i may miss out on something i would find amusing and want to read.... i am not saying there is no room for this stuff, just don't think there should be quite so much of it, obviously not eveyone will agree, lots of people now log on just for the other stuff, and maybe are bigger users of this site than me, so obvioulsy there opnions will count for more, anyway how you would go about limiting it i have no idea, like i said i think it has gone to far to go back now. this filter system will go one way or the other won't it, either it will work, or it won't and this site will loose more gardners...we'll see....
30 Oct, 2009
I do agree M, there are members with limited interest in gardening but they must have been attracted by the gardening theme in the first place and GoY does still encourage that interest. I was attracted to this site over others because it felt relaxed and easy to use (and I am very interested in gardening above all else). I'm sure I would feel the same as you if I was as long term a member.
30 Oct, 2009
I think lots are attracted in the same way Lily, and for me it is not just about how long i have been a memeber i don't think that should matter. I don't want it to sound like i am unhappy about change and progression, ofcourse i know that it will grow and grow (forgive the pun) attracting different people as it does, this is a good thing, what i do not think is good is that people are being upset and offended to the extent that they want to leave because of unrelated topics that i think have taken over what was a very friendly and positive web site set up primarly for gardeners... my opnion will not change on that..sorry!
30 Oct, 2009
I think I'm one of the few 'surviving' early members, and I've seen soooooo many changes since I joined! Most of them have been excellent, to our advantage as a group of gardeners, for that's what we all joined for, didn't we? We can also have a laugh and a chat, and I've made really good friends on GOY and learned a lot on the way - so thank you, P&A.
However, I am sad that the site now has to have filters - it seems to have moved in diverse directions - I would hate the central gardening focus to be lost.
Ajay - you say 'a certain number of non-gardening blogs from regular members' - could you please tell us what you mean by that? It might reassure me. I am feeling a bit confused.
30 Oct, 2009
I think Peter/ Ajay do a great Job Of GOY & if we didnt have a mixture of everything what would there be 2 talk /chat about when The Gardens Sleeping? :) I for 1 wont be useing the New Filter as iv already mentioned as i love to see what all Members/Friends have to say on everything :)
30 Oct, 2009
I know, Jac - I wasn't saying that at all. However, there are still gardening topics for the winter months! Lots! And don't forget that we have members all over the world, and their gardens will be waking up when ours are dozing....lol.
I love seeing the unusual (to me) flowers and plants from their gardens, don't you?
30 Oct, 2009
OMG yes Spritz theres some truely wierd & wonderful Plants over there when weve nothing here lol:)
30 Oct, 2009
Don't be sorry M, you're entitled to your opinion and I'm not saying I disagree with you. It's just that I haven't been a member for so long and so am less aware of the changes. Of course no one wants members to be upset to the point of leaving but I have seen some very heated and irate comments on gardening topics too. Whether any of these members left because of it I have no way of knowing. It would be sad if we couldn't share other parts of our lives with our gardening friends, we're not just gardeners. Well done Ajay and Peter, a difficult job to keep the site 'all things to all people'.
30 Oct, 2009
I think that we all agree that Peter and Ajay do a great job Jac, it can not be easy to please everyone... in fact make that impossible lol... and i don't think that anything non-gardening should be completely banned, i just think that the fact that we now need filters proves that there is far too much of the non gardening stuff on here, all year round... ofcourse we need other things to talk about during in the winter... but then again there is always planning the next years planting and growing etc... discussing mistakes and sucesses from the previous year... floral displays inside the home when we can't get out into garden to play with flowers, i know we have had a few blogs on this sort of stuff which i really enjoy reading... maybe that is because i am a florist i don't know, but you can't get a stronger related subject can you, and yet there is no seprate section for this is there?... you've known me long enough Jac to know i am all up for a laugh, but it is'nt like we have nothing at all to talk about during the winter...there is room for some of the silly stuff, but as i said, i believe that the main theme of this site should remain focused on gardening, with the other stuff on the fringes here and there for a laugh and common interest...
30 Oct, 2009
i agree with jacque in i like to chat about other things its part of getting to kknow people on here, i enjoy the garden topics so much and learn so much to, but this way people have a choice, i will continue as always, if i dont like something i just wont comment "simples" :o)
30 Oct, 2009
lol crossed over there with a few of you.... but i think we are all agreeing on this....
30 Oct, 2009
i will also keep mine on open San, as sometimes i do find the other stuff interesting.... i just question that so much of it should be allowed that we need a filter system is all....oh and Lily i missed the comment you made about heated discussions on gardening, and well yes it does'nt matter what the subject is you will get disagreement,,, but in my experience, you often find these heated discussions after there has been a falling out about something else and has continued onto garden questions and blogs etc..lol
30 Oct, 2009
We all like to chat, Sandra - you know I do! lol. But how would you feel if the site had NO gardening blogs on it? That's what's worrying me about this. If all the members who joined as gardeners go - well, think about it!
30 Oct, 2009
100% agreement Spritz... you have a far better way of putting things than me :o)
30 Oct, 2009
It's only how I'm feeling, Angie. And yes, I'm a bit upset, too, to be honest.
30 Oct, 2009
Sprtiz i love reading your garden blogs and will continue to write some of my own, but it is a shame that others have left because of the nonsense stuff... i could name quite a long list of real gardeners that have imput some fantasic stuff in the past, that have left over the last year or so for this reason. i just don't want anymore to go... and i can see it happening with this new filter system...sorry A & P but i think a better move would have been to some how limit the other stuff instead of giving it a free licence...
30 Oct, 2009
I mainly chat in the gardening Sections, thats why i joined :) and any none gardening sections i dont bother much to be honest but im not using the filter as im scared in case i miss anything lol..
Majeekhead, I agree with most of what you said, and especially on when some think it but wont say it.., as for members leaving I think thats just childish, Why would you leave a site you love because of one topic upsetting you!!!
Agree with you Spritz too, I get a bit upset, especially Lately.. Sending u a hug X .. Dee..
30 Oct, 2009
I'm with Spritz and Angie on this, I don't WANT to have to use filters but I do feel that the non-gardening side is becoming too much on the blogs. Right now I have put a filter in place and will see how things go Mr MB & I only joined in February of this year but the gardening to non-gardening ratio has changed dramatically since then.
30 Oct, 2009
some subjects are to far from gardening and nature, thats the ones i dont really bother with now, i just dont like the upset at all thats all i can say cause i like everyone i chat to on here and wouldnt want to cause upset,. i do think ang,, has a point though :o)
30 Oct, 2009
The trouble is when you start to filter, you lose such blogs as TT's Wellie Olympics, Flower Pot People, Nosey Potter's art blogs, etc. These are ones I'd hate to miss.
I for one will be leaving my fliter to accept everything.
30 Oct, 2009
I know Gilli and I'm doing this reluctantly and will see how it works. The ideal for me would be less non-gardening/nature/wildlife blogs being posted.
30 Oct, 2009
sorry Gilli, but i think the wellie and flower pot people blogs are what started all this off and set the direction this site has now gone in...I remeber making this point at the start of all this when the first wellie blog had sooooo many hits but a lot of members strongly objected to what i said and i got told off....i really don't mean to offend anyone just being honest. for about the first 5 pages it was funny, as i said room for a bit of it, but the amount we now have? sorry but i just don't think it is beneficial to have this amount of it....seems like some are starting to realise that now when it's too late...
30 Oct, 2009
...and just to clarify do not mean any of this as a dig at Territoonie, but where do you draw the line now that the boundry that anything goes has been set? it seems that if it is ok to have pages about flower pot people and wellie olyimpics, that quite a lot of us would choose to ignor, then how can you say well it's not ok for someone to write a blog about cats?
30 Oct, 2009
I am laughing my head off here as each one that has critised what goes on goy other than gardening has entered pictures and blogs other than gardening.
Which when I first came on here there were options of gardening/Horticulture/pets/Nature/wildlife/other pleases state, so how can you condem new people for placing things on. It seems looking though the pictures and blogs its do as I say not as I do.
30 Oct, 2009
condem Morgana? was'nt awear that anyone has actually done that, and it is not a case of do as i say and not as i do, i think there is room for it but not the amount we have, which is the point that i think we are all making is'nt it? and if you look through my blog file you will find that the vast majority is garden related...
30 Oct, 2009
i think we should all get on and just enjoy the blogs pics that you want to look at, its better than falling out about it all, let people talk about whatever they enjoy, doesnt mean you dont like gardening, its just in way of getting to know people and what they like and dont like, isnt that what friends do,i for one just would like some peace and quiet and enjoy GOY as i aways have, love to all:o) xx
30 Oct, 2009
mine too...
30 Oct, 2009
I don't think there is any need to fall out here San, some very valid points have been made by new and old members a like.. but it seems to be the fasion on here to make a drama out of an opinion that you don't agree with and choose to take offense, when none has actually been intended... i am sorry but thoughs of us that think enough is enough of this stuff should not have to shut up and put up. As Spritz pointed out how would you feel if this 'gardening web site' acutally had no gardeners logging on anymore? i have not said anything that should be taken offensively, nore has Spritz or Moon grower, or Daisy.... and anyone that is taking it in the wrong way, well then sorry your problem not mine...
30 Oct, 2009
im not saying i dont think things shouldnt be said ang im glad things get cleared up, but im saying im just going to get on as i have always since being here which is enjoying,i dont think we are going to loose all gardeners, its just up to everyone to read what they enjoy, its all upset and im not going to fall out with anyone over this or anything else. so shall we all agree to move on now,its very draining, ajay and peter are doing their best to please everyone im sure :o)) x
30 Oct, 2009
That comment about drama was'nt directed at you San, sorry if you thought it was, i know you hate the upset, i think we all do, but sometimes things should be said... anyway have said it now so yes lets move on shull we xx
30 Oct, 2009
:o))) ang. x
30 Oct, 2009
I'm still hoping that Ajay will clarify the proportion of gardening and non- gardening blogs that will be allowed - because I'd like to know what happens if someone posts non- gardening blogs all the time? Will this get to a stage when number 'umpty-ump' is not allowed?
I really am not pointing a finger at anyone in particular in asking this. I just want to know!
Thank you Dee for the hug. I needed that! xx
30 Oct, 2009
As I said before, everybody who is a member must have SOME interest in gardening. GoY can encourage this especially if it is not too narrow and serious as this can be off putting. Maybe these less serious gardeners may become those 'real' gardeners you speak of because of GoY. As Sandra says, we all have the ability to choose what we read, it's easy to quickly judge the essence of a blog.
I agree there are a lot of irrelevant blogs but I don't know how A and P could lessen them other than what they are now doing.
30 Oct, 2009
Yes, Lily - I take all those points you're making, and you know I wouldn't want GOY to be completely serious - it would be boooorrinngg!!!! lol.
He did say in his blog that.... "Our guidelines allow for a certain amount of non gardening blog posts from regular members"....
I am just asking what exactly that means! I am a confused person! :-(((((
30 Oct, 2009
Sorry Barbara, we crossed with posts - I wasn't questioning what you said! lol
30 Oct, 2009
im confused to barbara so thats 2 of us lol :o)
30 Oct, 2009
Oh dear , Sandra - where's Ajay?
Oooops, Lily! xx
30 Oct, 2009
Send him a pm he answered mine within the half hour... then you can tell us all what he says Spritz
30 Oct, 2009
Lily, speaking as a 'long term' member, who is a 'real' gardener it has always been the case that any and all are welcome regardless of age, gender, experience seriousness about gardening, proffessional or hoby, i am actually a single mother with very little time for this anyway... in my expereince there is nothing 'too narrow and serious' about this site, and there never has been.... and i would imagine anyone logging on should have SOME interest in gardening otherwize they really have no business logging on at all.... i think that some of the points and comments seem to be getting a bit twisted here don't they... i think if you read back over the comments made... it is the amount of nonsense and non gardening issues and blogs that has caused a problem, not having any at all! i think it is more about getting the ballence right, than stopping people from having fun! Spritz has asked Ajay a valid question, that i would also like to know the answer to. if everyone seems to agree that there is too many irrelivant blogs on here, why do we have seperate sections atcually set up for them?
30 Oct, 2009
taking too long to write my comments... sorry guys keep crossing, yes i am confussed too.. it has not been made clear, and unless i am mistaken it was'nt that long ago that the last lot of guidlines were given after all that advertising stuff last year, that stated that all the blogs should be garden related....
30 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Moongrower - rather than wait for Ajay to look at this, I have sent him a message. Let's see what he says!
I don't like being confused.....:-(((
30 Oct, 2009
please let us know what he says
30 Oct, 2009
You seem to have misunderstood me M. That was my point, everybody who joins IS a gardener of some sort and of course GoY is not narrow and serious, I just don't want it to become so. I have already agreed there are a lot of irrelevant blogs and mine and Barbara's posts crossed as I have explained so I wasn't being disagreeable. Too much of that lately! :o))
30 Oct, 2009
Ok all, I've just got in from work, and noticed this thread taking off. I am also one of the early members of this site, Everyone is entitled to their opinion on how they think the site should operate, and that's fine. I have to admit I'm in the Angie and Barbara camp, and would have quit the site because of the abundance of non gardening related topics that have gradually appeared over time. it was only the excellent online data and photo storing facilities that kept me tuned in. I am now, more than happy however, with the new filter facilities that Ajay and Peter have installed, so I can view garden and plant related topics only.
30 Oct, 2009
Oh, how true. Lily!
I asked Ajay to comment on this 'thread', so I'm hoping for an answer ASAP, folks! :-))
Ooops, BS - we crossed there. I'm so glad you stayed with us!
30 Oct, 2009
Bluespruce I too am glad you did not leave. I value your input and knowledge and conifers.
I've never really bothered with the 'favourites' thing before but am starting to add folk now so I will know if they blog.
30 Oct, 2009
Hi Stephen, nice to have you on board with this... i think i crossed with several comment there Lily, i really am not trying to be difficult, maybe my hands are not typing the right words as i think it is sounding lol - does that make sense... but i think we are all agreeing on this.. i don't want this site to be boring and serious either, as i said ballence, i don't think we have that right at the moment...
30 Oct, 2009
Absolutely M!! :o)))
30 Oct, 2009
Hi Moon grower - what about my input and knowledge on Japanese maples as well ? :0))))
30 Oct, 2009
I would agree, out of balance... I like fun and laughing but want the meat of this site to be gardening
30 Oct, 2009
i agree moongrower i want mostly gardening but i to have made the odd blog on none garden :o( sorry but its only an odd one, but im happy doing my new project and being a gardener most of all ;o)
30 Oct, 2009
i don't think anybody objects to the odd non-garden blog, i believe i have one or two on my file, i think we all have, so no need to apologies for that San
30 Oct, 2009
Seems to me a lesson in gardening is needed.
1 : what does a gardener do if one finds weeds are taking over
A [ leave them alone and let them take over.....
B [work at his garden and keep things under control ,therefore keeping his garden how he likes it........
C[ Create space for both,because he knows weeds and gardens go hand in hand and one cannot survive without the other.
Answers on a post card
Think very hard before you answer, Adults only please.
Peter,Ajay and all who help make Goy what it is I Thank you............
30 Oct, 2009
lol... very good Lincslass, lol personally i think i'll opt for B) but will allow the odd pretty weed that fits into it's surroundings! and actually improves the overall effect... any thugs would just have to go i'm affraid lol... after all there is a big park just over the road where the weeds can riot as much as they like and are in fact very welcome, maybe you know it.. it's called face book lol
30 Oct, 2009
nicely put lincs and yes they do do their best to keep things even i think :o)
30 Oct, 2009
Isn't this great, all talking together, no one storming off or telling us off for speaking our minds, even a few kisses flying about :) its what adults do, respect each other.. Mwaaaah < kisses :)
Bluespruce, ello :) I think your input on Japanese Maples is second to none,...
Linclass, B for me :)
30 Oct, 2009
your quite right to Dee :o) x
30 Oct, 2009
Hi Dee! xxxxx from me. lol.
Shall we sing 'Whyyyyyy are we waiting'?
Altogether now......ready??
30 Oct, 2009
Having just returned from a break on and around Exmoor and having read this blog and the comments made by various members I won't be contributing as much as I used to as many of my contributions have not been strictly of a gardening nature and have even been very silly and I don't want to upset anyone as that's not for me.
Most of the pics I took while away are of scenery, fungi, birds and wild flowers and they can't be classified as gardening.
Can't say that I can blame the gardening purists for their attitude and as I too love to garden and will still continue to visit the site but perhaps not so often as in the past. Filtering is ok but it's not for me. I will continue to view all and will, in future only contribute material of a strictly gardening nature. That way I will conform to the original aims of the site.
30 Oct, 2009
Hi Toto, don't think anyone is asking for strickly gardening, just a limit to the other stuff allowed, obviously scenery, fungi, birds and wild flowers all do very much fit in with the garden theme...well in my opnion anyway, i for one would be interested in reading that blog....
.... and still no news Spritz?
30 Oct, 2009
No - don't stop posting your nature photos, please! They are great and we all love them! You aren't silly at all! And you contribute gardening, as well - so you have a balanced view - as we hope we all do.
Angie - I asked for a response on this thread, so we should all see it, not just me.
30 Oct, 2009
toto dont you dare stop your wildlife, i really enjoy what you contribute to this site and its all part of the garden,:o))
30 Oct, 2009
Totally agree with M, S, & S, Toto, Fungi, Birds and Wild Flowers are Deffinatley part of gardening, havent we all got these in our gardens :) Please stay just the way you are ...
30 Oct, 2009
Thank you for you supportive comments. I will continue as before but as I said, I don't want to contribute to the watering down of a site that was and is for gardeners. When I joined I did so because it was for gardeners and I have learnt a lot from both the more knowledgeable and the not so knowledgeable among the members.
May the site long continue to survive and prosper.
30 Oct, 2009
nice one toto, :o)
30 Oct, 2009
Good speech! :-)))
Also - good decision! :-)))
30 Oct, 2009
I like this site so much I joined twice! I also think that YES their is a little 'watering down' of the essence of GoY and it can't be good for the site overall.
I would also like to add that when I joined (the first time) I was told that GoY was 'an adult Facebook' and I quite like that analagy.
30 Oct, 2009
Toto I really appreciate your blogs I believe that nature and wildlife have a lot to do with gardening - Sanbaz posted a blgo earlier today (or as it yesterday) she'd actually grabbed her camera 'cause there was a pheasant in the garden... pheasant went but she took pix anyway. It is some of the totally unrelated blogs that can cause problems... I seem to remember one on dolls houses at one point!
Bluespruce, you are indeed an expert of acers :-))
30 Oct, 2009
that was youngdasydee moongrower :o)) sorry to interupt there
30 Oct, 2009
Here -here! well said. :-)
Ian what a scary profile pic eeekkkk is it for halloween?
...crossed with moon grower and Sanbaz there... i think yours are good points too though...
30 Oct, 2009
Count me in for any kisses flying about xx :0)))
30 Oct, 2009
Hiya M. Thank you, Yes it is and it will go back into its lair on Sunday! Lol
30 Oct, 2009
I'm just off to watch GW. BBC2 NOW
30 Oct, 2009
Errrr Who had a Pheasant in there garden Moongrower hahahaha... Me Me Me .. XXX for Bluespruce..
30 Oct, 2009
lol as i said scary...... and XXX there you go Stephen...
30 Oct, 2009
i thought it was you Dee and did say so,, didnt want to take credit for not having a pheasant lol
30 Oct, 2009
Thanks Angie xxx
30 Oct, 2009
Apologies YDD - a 'senior' moment lol
30 Oct, 2009
Just like to say that as regards myself I prefer to see all the blogs as long as they are not political,religious or downright ignorant,prefer not to walk in minefields. Toto I love your blogs and if you like I`ll hold my indoor gardening tools whilst I read them, " YES " thats a silly statement, I know but what the heck ,there`s a lot of them about.Lol.......
30 Oct, 2009
LoL sanbaz, thought u nicked me Pheasant there.. and Moongrower you made me giggle..so no apology needed..
Goodnight all, suppose im last up :) been watching a really scarey movie so im a bit wired LOL..
31 Oct, 2009
I just got home from work....being in the "far west" puts me on when you lot are sleeping. LOL
Toto.......I will add my two cents worth....don't you dare leave or change in any way.
I am with Lincslass....I prefer to see all the blogs as long as they aren't political, religious or ignorant. Those blogs have no place here. Blogs about gardening, nature, wildlife, pets, wellies, the dreaded flower pot people, our creative attempts, or important events in our lives are all part and parcel of my GoY friends lives. I have no problem with any of these. I even blogged about Brad and his cancer. I didn't think that was out of line.
Perhaps we should have a "come in for a chat" or "have a cup of tea" area where people can discuss more lighthearted topics such as custard creams (I'm guilty, I know) or Wellie Olympics or similar topics. Sometimes we just need to blow off some steam by being silly.....no harm in that.
31 Oct, 2009
Sorry Majeekahead,I`ve realised I forgot to answer the latter part of your comment,obviously i have heard of facebook,who hasn`t ?No I don`t use it ,wouldn`t know how to,sounds fascinating, do they have riots really ?or are you teasing me.? You have obviously been on there...
31 Oct, 2009
I use Facebook Linclass...have no idea what riots you might find..I have family and friends there that I cherish.
Gilli...I am with you...gardeners are known to love to share their knowledge of gardening, but I have not walked into a garden store yet to purchase a plant or needed items and not met up with someone who wants to talk about gardening and grand babies or their cats that play among their flower beds..and of course our dogs who are part and parcel of our garden area's..Who could give us better encouragement with their waggy tails...We are more than gardeners, we are human beings with lives and events and for eons the gardens of our ancesters have been alive with the chatter of life going on around them...laughter and tears, hugs with a plant in hand...The birds live in our gardens, insects help keep the garden healthy. I love Wellies...I love flower pot people, I love Alaskan Nature and alpine plants that grow there...I grew only wild plants in my garden at one time in my life...I only brought in plants from the woods..but I nurtured them to see what they did if I fed them like domesticated plants..it is my curious nature..and I learned a lot...I have done blogs on my Cat Larry, My horse Flash and where he lives..because I wanted you to know me..and the many things I do with dirt besides garden in it..I went through a lot losing my store, and you have all been wonderful supportive gardening friends, through it, nothing more nurturing and healing than a bunch of gardeners..!
I will not use any filters...You are all my family and no more than I would shut out any of my family here, will I shut out any of you...~Cat
31 Oct, 2009
Here, here, Cat. :o)
31 Oct, 2009
I'll second that Gilli. Very well put Cat xx
31 Oct, 2009
Thirded, Cat and Gilli!
31 Oct, 2009
...............and 4th'd!!
31 Oct, 2009
teasing Linclass, but i gues you could start a riot on face book no one would mind... it is an anything goes websit, you can talk about any subject and you will be able to find someone who wants to hear your 'silly comments' and talk about nonsense... you can load photos and videos of anything you like, and share it with your friends.... that is what it is all about...in fact, i don't know if it is still on here but we used to have a link to face book. and GOY is also a group on face book...you can look me up on there if you like :-) this is primary a gardening web site and although i think everyone here agrees that there is room for a bit of the other stuff here and there it should not be taking the focus of this site away from the main theme....GARDENING. lets face it the park is a big place, where any and all can grow without any objection.. in our gardens however, we are more selective, after all is'nt that what gardening is about, choosing what you grow? rather than let nature run riot?...i don't think anyone minds a few daisies in the lawn, they add carrictor and fit into the suroundings. But personally i prefer to pull the bind weed out from my roses so that i can appreciate thier beauty and they don't end up strangled....especially when there is a park full of it over the road!......going back to your little lesson on gardening there Linclass...
a place for everything and everything in its place!
Anyway i am off to work now so xx to you all...
31 Oct, 2009
Think I m with Toto on this and yes sad that a filtering system has become necessary .
Will have many questioning whats appropriate and perhaps thats no bad thing but when you develop a community a wide range of people move in.
Certainly there have been things I have considered non gardening related and guilty of submitting a few myself despite working as a gardener - some light relief is very welcome . Well by me anyway ..
Sometimes threads difficult to follow and lead in all sorts of directions but then you see how many contributions are made often by those who also submit gardening topics.
Whilst perhaps not to my specific taste had no problem accepting that other community members were gaining a lot of enjoyment from non garden related blogs and topics.
You raised some very valid points Majeekahead and I apologise if anything I have added has contributed to serious gardeners leaving the site.
Your views were carrying a lot of weight until you decided to specifically identify one blog by one member who does a lot of work for Goy behind the scenes.
Feel this was unnecessary as presumably your point was there were too many non related gardening topics occuring here ..why the need to identify one only ?
This will almost certainly have upset the individual member and perhaps many others that have contributed to it.
I have not been a regular contributor to the blog you mentioned but had no problem seeing others enjoy it.
I too shall also ensure that Goy can return to the serious issue of gardening .
31 Oct, 2009
Hi Jane/Ray, good point, not my intention to upset anyone, i think i did say at the time that the comment about that particular blog was in no way a dig at Terratoonie, i know that she does a lot on this site and is well respected...the reason i mentioned this at all was that i believe this is where this problem started and it got out of hand, a point i did make at the time, and was told off for saying so, you may remeber that conversation Ray. It now seems that some of the members that have enjoyed these blogs are now objecting to other non-gardening topics being added... i gues what i am staying if you allow hundreds of pages of something that is a laugh i am sure, harmless fun definately, but yet only very loosely related to the central theme of this site...then where do you draw the line? sorry if i upset you Tt never my intention.
31 Oct, 2009
You're be late for work Angie x
31 Oct, 2009
I think gardening means more than just horticulture.
To me gardening is the plants in it obviously, but also the wildlife that's in and around it, the environment it is in, the weather that affects it, the pets that play in it, the fences and paths and soil.
It's like our bodies. - Each organ is linked to all the others, and one depends on the other. You can't have one living on it's own. So with our gardens. They are part of a wider environment.
My garden is in a hilly area so it's different to one on the shore. So it's nice to have blogs about (for example) the surrounding area of a garden - it helps me understand it better. And adds a wider interest than just consentrating on horticulture only.
31 Oct, 2009
Hi Majeekahead, I agree with you on this point. I think you only pointed at Tt's blog as a point of reference and I know you intended no insult or harm in your comment. I have to say that this site is perhaps bigger than a lot of us realise and has far more members than, certainly I, thought there was. I wonder, is there a way of finding out how many members are 'on the books' as it were? I know there are an awful lot of blogs written every day and the final tally over a year must run into the thousands.
I think we are all guilty of contributing to non gardening blogs and threads, as in this one! I can not see a single reference to a gardening topic in the entire thread. I know this 'discussion' is a very valid and justifiable one but so are so many other non gardening ones.
31 Oct, 2009
Ian, the topic of this thread is none gardening by the founder of GOY, thats why there's no reference to gardening..
Its good to hear your thoughts on this Guys and I for one think its a great way of clearing the air, so to speak ;)
Love your idea Gilli, Come for a chat or cup of tea thread, great idea..
31 Oct, 2009
Hi Ydd, I have re-read my last comment and I don't think I made myself very clear! I was trying to say that there are some very good non gardening threads that are just as valid as this one. My apologies for that. :~))
31 Oct, 2009
Tis OK Ian X and I agree there are some excellent none gardening threads which ive contributed to, Thats why this is agood idea for members who only want gardening, as i said earlier i wont use it because i love all of Goy and the members :)
31 Oct, 2009
Thanks Ydd and I agree. I think I'm just to nosey and don't want to miss out on anything. Lol ;~)))
31 Oct, 2009
Thats it exactly Ydd ,we have met through our gardening and have found out other parts of our lives,its all part and parcel and I see nothing wrong in that,in fact it was a great comfort to me when I lost my gardening companion Malik. I have a special blog to write but last night I decided I couldn`t submit it because of how this was heading and to put it bluntly I NEARLY said goodbye,this morning I `ve changed my mind because at the end of the day it would hurt me more than anyone else,plus I am an adult and can`t stand sulking, it never solves anything.........
31 Oct, 2009
~I agree with Hywel and I must admit that I was thinking of going too as I am equally as passionate in all aspects of wildlife and nature and the environment and have only a small garden so would be unable to contribute as much as those with acres of land~surely the filter system should please everyone?
If we don't look after the environment we can kiss gardens as we know them goodbye!
31 Oct, 2009
I’m new to GoY, and pleased to have joined. For many years, due to long business hours, my gardening has been limited to pottering and helping my wife with the heavier stuff – mowing, clearing, heavier digging etc., Now that I am retired I have the time to get more involved and I’ve realised that there is a lot to learn again. I joined GoY to ask a question about Elaine’s new Magnolia which appeared to be dying. I gratefully received the advice I wanted. Then there were other questions – and there will be many more! In the meantime I have been browsing through fellow members’ blogs, picking up valuable tips all the time. This is essentially what GoY is about isn’t it? At the same time, I agree with all those, Hywel (Blodyn) particularly, in that a love of gardening embraces plants, flowers and other features in the countryside - anything to do with your natural surroundings - companionship in the garden like wildlife and pets, garden tools, sheds etc., GoY does embrace all these things and Blogs and questions, as I have discovered, lead to comments, humour and downright laughter emanating from the fellowship within the GoY forum. I’m all for the filter, too, for all those who would prefer it that way. “All part of life’s rich tapestry” as the bard said. And GoY is a very rich tapestry. Cheers!
31 Oct, 2009
Hehe Ian..
Good comments Linclass and Arline, and as you say Linclass, your only hurting yourself by leaving, this thread has turned out to be a place to get our views across without arguments or bickering and everyone is being honest and grown up about it, only proves (to me) how much we do get along and how much we do respect each other....
Ponty, Lovely Comments about GOY and all absoloutly True..
31 Oct, 2009
Yes Ydd ,respect and sharing.
31 Oct, 2009
Dear Spritz and others,
When we wrote the community guidelines in consultation with the community we were asked to put in point 4 - http://www.growsonyou.com/pages/guidelines.
The reason I said "a certain number of non-gardening blogs from regular members" was that the general feeling during the writing of point 4 was that as you made friends on GoY there are occasionally times you want to share something non-gardening.
'Filter' seems to be the wrong word to have used. If you do nothing the site stays as it is. For those that requested the feature they now have the option.
As with all our changes, we watch and see how they get used and adapt to what people want.
We would love to hear all of your constructive suggestions via the "Contact us" link at the bottom. We will reply to any messages on Monday.
Sorry this has caused such a stir.
31 Oct, 2009
~ thanks Ajay ~
I think that you are right and as we have got to know each other you start to share other aspects of your interests ie birds dogs places to visit even personal tragedies to which most people respond with extreme sympathy and warmth etc which helps to keep the community spirit on GOY a much nicer one that that on other sites(usually!)
31 Oct, 2009
Bless you Ajay,I like Goy as it is but do respect others views,filter was a good enough word to use and for those who don`t wish to chat about anything other than gardening is a darned good idea. Thanks Ajay..
31 Oct, 2009
ajay it hasnt caused a stir, the stir apeared before this lol, but we as ADULTS can be grown up and choose which we want to do, its "SIMPLES" REALLY, anyway im like Dee and ian because im nosey and dont want to miss anything heheh, i love gardening ,nature, holidays, i also like to know when my GOY friends are ill and if they have lost a loved one, being human or a pet, thats what friends are there for, to help eachother along in life, if there is an issue im not into i simply by pass it, how easy is that,so ajay you have made it possible for goy`s to have the option, how much fairer can you be, thankyou
31 Oct, 2009
Ajay, thank you so much for all you do for us here. Adding the "filter" was an excellent solution for those who just wish strictly gardening conversation.
31 Oct, 2009
Yes Sandra it is simple and you sum it up perfectly. Thank you Ajay for giving the choice to those who want it.
31 Oct, 2009
thanx lily :o)))
31 Oct, 2009
My thanks to you too Ajay, and Pete as well!
31 Oct, 2009
I think you, Ajay, and Peter do an excellent job with our GoY and respond in a tactful and sensitive way to all and any comments left to you via the 'contact us' link and on the odd occasion that something needs to be 'flagged' then this to is dealt with swiftly and surely and for that alone I am grateful to be a member.
Thank you both for the sterling work you do.
31 Oct, 2009
Me and the children, as many know, have, for the past few years, grown a garden based on a chosen theme. One of the most exciting aspects of this is that, whilst doing some related "research", we get to go on some fab "themed" excursions and visits, and I include several pics, blogs, etc., on GOY. (it is sometimes, great, after all, to climb over the garden gate and "escape", whether it be to the local GC, to the park, theme park, museum, or (for me, fab!) into the wild, and learn about our native flora and fauna, ancient trees/forests/woodland/ estates/garden history, etc.)
Most recently, I wrote (what became, unintentionally) an epic series of blogs, retelling (a personalised, I admit) story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, with plants, etc.from our wee garden,, to illustrate how we got our ideas, inspiration, and plants.
I'm finding, now, that I'm pressing the "other" button when asked to categorise blogs, as, for most, don't strictly fit the gardening bill - although they always do, for us/me, on a personal level.
Have always thought that the real strength in GOY, one which makes it unique among gardening "forums" (and the inverted commas are deliberate because GOY goes well beyond this), lies in the fact that 99.9% of the global membership have been here for each other, whatever the weather (myself included).
Anyways, I do agree, wholeheartedly, of course, with this great new addition. Will probably post under "other" henceforth, lol!!! :-))
1 Nov, 2009
~ always love your blogs David~ mine will probably join you under Other!
1 Nov, 2009
Lol, Arlene!! We'll meet on the "other" side, then? :-))
1 Nov, 2009
~ how appropriate given the time of year~Halloween!See you there !
2 Nov, 2009
David i think your blogs are very much garden focused, and as i believe i commented on one of your recent installments is just the sort of fun side to gardening that has always been the spirit of GOY... gardening does not have to be serious to be gardening, but there are plenty of completely unrealted blogs on here that i think stretch that boundary far too far. Ajay, the fact that David one of our long term gardening members is now saying he will be entering his blogs on the 'other side' i think proves the point i have been trying to make... that if we go pressing filter buttons we can miss out on the fun side to gardening... just because we are gardeners does not mean we don't like fun.... so we now have the choice of missing some of the good stuff to avoid the all the completely irrellivent....
2 Nov, 2009
A brilliant site and I'm glad I've come across it but I believe most gardeners are also animals lovers so I will be interested in seeing blogs on pets. etc. You can state what your blog is on, so if anyone is not interested they don't need to go there...I personally am very interested in other members views on everything!!
2 Nov, 2009
~ Hi Judz
~that's right! at least you now have the choice! and while I personally believe everything to do with animals the environment etc is part and parcel of gardening I am happy to put those blogs about things that should be on everyone's agenda like loss of habitat,plight of the bees and climate change etc under 'other'.
~ in the belief that these things will impact on our gardens and that we all need to know about and get involved now~
Those purists who only want plant related material can avoid my blogs by use of the filter!
2 Nov, 2009
Perhaps we need a category called 'environment' I certainly want to see those blogs Arlene but do not want to see one of, for example: dolls houses which we had a while back.
2 Nov, 2009
Grows on You is a gardening website, and we assume everyone has some interest in gardening. However, most of you agree that as you've made friends on GoY, occasionally you want to share non-gardening blogs and photos with your friends.
The filtering is not an excuse or an invitation to start posting all sorts of things. Our guidelines still stand, if you find you have signed up for some reason other than gardening this website is probably not for you.
Someone occasionally posting about another hobby or subject is not the same as someone who joins to write mainly about their other hobby. We will be swift to deal with the later case if it is flagged to us.
Maybe the term 'filtering' has been taken as a negative, but that isn't how we see it. GoY is too large for most people to look at everything posted and we think filtering is a necessary step towards making your time on GoY more personal and interesting.
If you could think about the following and give us feedback using the 'contact us' form we'd really appreciate it:
If you don't want to see the non-gardening blogs but aren't filtering, what isn't quite right with the filtering? e.g. would you like your 'favourites' blogs always shown?
2 Nov, 2009
Hi Moongrower
That is what the filter is for!
~Only a few people on here know about this including David BB,Catfinch Gilli and TT~ possibly a few others.
Many years ago I lost my 18 month old son through drowning.
I was devastated and unable to stay in the house alone I took to the road doing market research around Cardiff and the South Wales valleys for a few different companies.
The people I met who were kindness itself and tried to lift my spirits and make me laugh will always have a place in my heart as they helped me to get through it.
There are those on GOY who are sick, disabled and housebound and although they all have garden interests they sometimes need a bit of a lighter element~ possibly like a blog on dolls houses to cheer them up on a particular day.
I would therefore not want to rule the occasional odd blog out
entirely as surely there is room for everyone~ we should all have the generosity of spirit to allow a little bit of irrelevance as laughter is truly the best medicine!
2 Nov, 2009
Arlene I am so sorry that you lost your son in this way, my heart goes out to you. All I was saying is that I want to be able to read your blogs about environmental matters and suggesting we have an 'environment' tick box like the others we have to say what our blog is about.
2 Nov, 2009
~yes that's fine Moogrower I wasn't getting at you personally only trying to explain that there are certain periods in all our lives when we need different things~ cheering up sometimes being one of them! Maybe Ajays suggestion of another filter for favourites would also be helpful!
I also think he has hit the nail on the head when he says those who would join purely to gain a wider audience for their non gardening hobby or occupation~. we have had a few who have joined as a means to sell their products ~are on the wrong forum!
2 Nov, 2009
Arlene, as a mother my heart goes out to you, ofcourse i think we all understand the need for sharing in times of need, or distress but there are appropriate ways of doing that, which are not offensive or upsetting to other members. Like in a PM rather than a blog!.... Ajay has just pointed out once again that this is primarly a GARDEN web site, I dont think anyone objects to the lighter side of that, such as Davids Chocolate blogs, they are fun, but very much garden related, i think most us are quite happy for the nature and enviornment issues to be included here and there, as they are related subjects that interest gardeners, but dolls houses? no sorry i don't think so.....We are not just gardeners we are people i take that point... i like sci fi as well as gardening so is it ok for me to write a blog on here about star trek because it is another interest i have? no i would'nt dream of it... if i want to write a blog on star trek i would log onto a web site that is focused on sci fi..
My point is GOY not the only forum or community on the internet that you can join for free, there are billions of them probably on every subject or interest you can think of, this one is for GARDENING. i think just having a PC is a life line to anyone that is home bound... and we all have email address and PM boxes for other issues we want to chat about with our GOY friends.....
As for the filter system Ajay, i will write my thoughts on this on contact you, as you have requested.
2 Nov, 2009
I am getting the impression from Ajay’s two interventions since the “filter” innovation was announced that he and Peter (I am assuming that they created the site) are concerned that they have created a “monster” which is getting out of control. Dead wrong lads, if that is what you fear. Judging by the blogs I have looked at since I joined in September they are OVERWHELMINGLY on the subject of gardening – its principal purpose. It is true that peripheral subjects such as pets and wellies etc., have been introduced during the comments phases but I agree with others that these ARE a part of gardening and very few blogs have been created which have been based on these alone. Those who feel that they want strictly gardening topics with no diversions whatsoever have to be respected and the team have introduced a perfect solution. Personally, I have submitted 7 blogs, 2 of which were questions. Having recognised the popular trend, in one or two I added a few pictures of my cat. I think, now, that I incorrectly posted them as “other” because the essence of the items was to do with gardening, gardens and the gardening environment. I think that Ajay, Peter and the team have created something to be proud of. How many members are there? This speaks volumes in itself! Countless people clearly obtain a great deal of pleasure from the site. Give yourselves a gold medal for creating a monstrous success!
2 Nov, 2009
Hear, hear Ponty. Very well said :-)
2 Nov, 2009
Ajay has definately hit the nail on the head when he asked "would you like your 'favourites' blogs always shown?" I think with this option and of course the 'gardening blogs' option at the top of each page, you can find material for any event or mood.
I think GoY has to be the best web site I have ever visited, gardening or not! It is easy to use, has a friendly atmosphere and never suffers fools/trolls for very long and I think that must take a lot of work 'behind the scenes' so when there is a problem I think we must give and take a little and in this instance only time will tell. :~))
I will be letting the boys know what I think of this great idea through the 'contact us' link!
2 Nov, 2009
Maj, if I am occasionally 'in need or distress' how are other members going to be aware of this if I cannot mention it in a blog. Am I to send PM 's to all members I think may be sympathetic?
Ajay is offering solutions to those who are only interested in gardening topics but from the comments so far there do not appear to be many who want to take up these options.
I do not consider X Factor a gardening related topic but this was under discussion on Saturday. It is of no interest to me but it doesn't matter to me if others want to talk about it.
2 Nov, 2009
Hear hear Lily, I totally agree, The warmth you get from a LOT of people on GOY is just Fantastic, Exceptional Even. I think there is room for gardening and other topics here and the balance seems just about right to me X
2 Nov, 2009
Depends on what the 'Need or distress' is Lily, if it something that is not likely to offend or upset then i have no problem about you mentioning it in a blog...but i question if writing a blog about it is the right way to go.... I doubt many of you would want to read a blog on some of the things that distress me on a day to day basis at the moment, so i choose to discuss these issues on PM with thoughs i am close to.... i think the key word here is 'appropriate'... but yet it seems that you chose to reed my comments the way you want them to sound... this is not a friendly web site anymore...I have not said anything nasty about anyone, just that i think the level of non-garden related blogs are spoiling what was a friendly and enjoyable web site... and i am sorry that you don't agree with me, but i am intitled to that opnion and as long as i am voicing it in a reasonable way, which i think i have, i really don't see what your problem is... and for the record the comments on the X factor was a converstion that had progressed from a comment... 'i am going to watch the X factor now' on a gardening blog that i wrote myself...which lasted for about 10 comments, not a blog about the X factor! there is quite a big difference Lily..... see how much you can twist what i am saying here....
2 Nov, 2009
Just caught up with this blog. I'm so sorry if my dolls house blog has upset and divided members. I promise you that there won't be any more!
On a gardening related topic can anyone please clarify what a 'real' gardener is? :)
2 Nov, 2009
there has not been much warmth on here for quite some time, hypocrisy and back biting more like!
2 Nov, 2009
Aw Gee that was my first reaction ..to apologise for any content others may have felt inappropriate .
Now I think to hell with it filter me all you like .. you ll probably need to search for me under roast coffee in future.
2 Nov, 2009
I had seen this blog quite early on before a lot of the comments had been added.
I am a very keen gardener which is why I first ever found this site but I don't mind a joke as well. I hope I haven't offended anyone with jovial comments. I would only do it when it seemed appropriate but I must congratulate Ajay (and others involved in developing this filtering system) because it allows the site to develop and gives options to those who only want to see strictly gardening related items. I don't particularly log on to see the non garden related items or the tongue in cheek blogs but I still will opt to see all blogs listed and can then make my choice. If I want to see all comedy, I'll go on another web site, but again congratulations to GOY for giving the options!!!
2 Nov, 2009
Oh, Angie - people just feel strongly, that's all. You sound so upset! I am so sorry. :-(((
Gee - I'd say that a 'real gardener' was someone who grows plants and enjoys chatting about them! Will that do? :-))
2 Nov, 2009
Sorry Bb, I'm being a bit thick. I had to ask because it will probably make me laugh when I realise what you meant by the coffee comment. I'm not very with it at the moment. But, I think we can safely say the real gardeners are us Bb, who've got no money in the winter time, don't you???
I'm only joking really Gee.I don't think any of us could really answer that one do you?.
Your blogs haven't upset me , I can assure you!!!
I agree with you Spritz, .... a very good definition!!
2 Nov, 2009
Gee I think we are ALL real gardeners, that are more than one Dimentional XXX
2 Nov, 2009
Well Maj, you say you have no objection to my writing a blog if I am in need or distress then you immediately qualify that by saying you question whether a blog is the right way to do it. Which do you mean?
From all the PM's I have just received it seems that I speak for many but as I have realised and as has been confirmed to me there is no point trying to express any opinions
2 Nov, 2009
Enlightend i think is a better word for how i feel at the moment.... like i said hypocrisy and back biting.... nite all xx
Lily i said 'mention' so again another little twist
2 Nov, 2009
Lily - she's just upset - please let's all calm down. PLEASE??
2 Nov, 2009
i think i can speak for myself thanks Spritz...I don't actually need this.
2 Nov, 2009
I'm very pleased that you won't be leaving the site Angie/Majeekahead for whatever reason. And I hope you're still logging on in the spring/summer because I'd love to put photos up of the Evening Primrose you sent me seeds for. I looked at them today and they have really grown on well in the borders with all this late summer/autumn sun we've had! I hope to be able to put some great pictures up next year so please keep logging on because us gardeners get agreat buzz from growing things from seed and watching them grow don't we???!!! That's what it's all about!!!
2 Nov, 2009
Maj, there is really no need to resort to bad language. I think we are all civilised adults who have an opinion. Your opinion is as valid as anyone elses. This is why I pointed out the fact that with the new filter system plus having all blogs posted by your 'favourites' and the 'gardening blogs' section at the top of every page there is enough choice to please everyone. I can not understand why this thread is still getting so heated?
2 Nov, 2009
Me either Ian, Im confused.. P&A have given us the perfect solution to the "problem" !!! im shaking my head here :)
2 Nov, 2009
Hi folks, just wanted to poke my nose in here as it looks like things are getting a bit heated and I'd like to avoid it getting personal - please :o)
2 Nov, 2009
Pete I agree this is getting out of hand... We the GoY community can choose which blogs we want to read. Which I totally approve of, whilst I do not want to see certain types of blog I have no desire to stop folk posting then.
And I would really like to know what happened to my previous post on this which suddenly vanished like snow off a dyke! Given I was just trying to suggest 'enough is enough'!
2 Nov, 2009
Thankyou Peter and Ajay, as you can see by the comments here we do appreciate all you do for us and as friendly happy gardeners,we will carry on being so.
Arlene,you are a brave lady and I know you were driven by frustration to explain like that and probably breaking your heart whilst writing it all down but as the saying goes "THERE`S NONE AS BLIND AS THEM AS CAN`T SEE" ( apologies for shouting) sometimes it helps when folks can`t hear.
Bb good one very pleased to read your comment...
Gee go back to your blog about the Dolls House and you`ll find it was very well liked and we are looking forward to your winter theme in its garden, don`t you dare let us down......
Spritz ,I value your opinion and absolutely love your garden and all of your blogs and would not usually argue with you but in my opinion Maj is perfectly at ease with this discussion......... Hello Lily,well done on your point,you got that one in and saved me a job........ Hello to anyone I might have missed,no offence intended and will catch up on other blogs..................................... Maj, good morning. I can`t sleep because I`m upset and worried about my mum and dad` OOPS SORRY.you don`t want to know. Thanks anyway you`ve kept me company and had me laughing my socks off for hours but now I`m bored......LOL....
3 Nov, 2009
Unfortunately, sooner or later, this is the inherent nature of internet forums, and I doubt it will be the last time that differences of opinion crop up in this way , I'm sure we will all get over it in due course and get back to normal - happy gardening to all :0)))
3 Nov, 2009
Over it already Bluespruce, gardening is what's important after all :o)))
3 Nov, 2009
No offense intended??? i would hate to be on the recieving end when you do intend to offend Lincs. luckly i am quite thick skinned and could'nt care less if you like me or not, there are plenty of people that actually know me and do - i do not respond well to bullys, hense my 'rude' word. my aplologies for anyone offended by that, and thanks Ajay & Peter for removing it. I believe Peter just requested that these comments not get personal. and yes Stephen i do agree that is why i tend to avoid most of them, i thought this site was different, adults that can discuss things in a grown up way, i see now i got that wrong. Like your self I think the data base section on this site is second to none, so i will continue to use this, but as for the rest of it well, not really for me.
Really Lily? I thought you were more for the Jemery Kyle show....lol
3 Nov, 2009
I have only been a member of Goy since August and am therefore a relative newcomer.
I do not class myself as a 'serious' gardener, I can never remember the names !! But if any of you have seen my pictures you will know that I love gardening and anything associated with it. Environment, wildlife, pets etc. It's all part of the 'big picture'. This site and the lovely people on it have taught me so much. I didn't even know how to use a camera properly before !! lol
To me, the filtering option is a perfect solution all round and should please EVERYONE. If you want to use it, you do, if you don't, you don't.
Until now I have followed this blog but said very little, but what I really don't like is the way that this blog has disintegrated. There is really no need for it.
Regards to all from Brum xx
3 Nov, 2009
Sorry Paul just realised i missed your last comment, glad you like the seeds :-) and Sue i agree there is no need for this. I thought we were having an adult disscussion where everyone is intitled to an opnion agree or disagree, obviously not.... I believe the best way to overcome bullys is to stand up to them!
3 Nov, 2009
Well said Sue.
3 Nov, 2009
Just a quick thought, If you feel that someone is behaving in a way that is not of benefit to GoY or it's members then you should 'flag that comment straight away and let 'the boys' deal with it. Bullying is a serious subject that can not be allowed to go unchecked. I do hope members can stay civil to each other without resorting to bad language (apology gratefully accepted Maj. thank you) or bullying tactics
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Ian, i think there are a few people behaving in a way that is not beneficial to GOY. Yourself excluded from that comment ofcourse :-) maybe my 'rude' word was flagged it has been removed, before i had the chance to do it myself... as have some of the other 'not so nice comments' made by others, wether due to flagging or the members responsible deleting/editing their comments themselves... i take your point about flagging bullys, but as i said i think a better way of dealing with them is to expose them and stand up to them, which is all i have done here... i am sorry to any other members that have not made these nasty comments, if anything i have said has upset you. I am an upfront person that would prefer to deal with things in the open, rather than the back biting that is obviouly going on in PM's at the moment. I think if my comments are actually read properly it is clear to see what i am saying and that i intend no offence to anyone.... anyone choosing to twist what i say and choosing to take in a completely different way to which it was intended, clearly is the person that has a problem.....This is not an isolated situation i am sad to say,,,, and i think this fact highlights the problems that are current on GOY and the point i have been trying to make....in the nicest possible way!....Anyway, i have things to do today, so i will say goodbye for now... not storming off or sulking at all just want to move on......x
3 Nov, 2009
Can Peter and I ask a personal favour and ask for no more comments on this blog post. Please send in your suggestions using the "contact us" link at the bottom.
3 Nov, 2009
Recent posts by ajay
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- GoY Update : Performance, continued
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Thank you Ajay...
Each improvement to GoY makes it even more user-friendly...
I shall continue with the option to view all blogs, but it is good that others can choose the ones they prefer.
29 Oct, 2009