UK Mole Survey
By ajay
BBC news are running a story on a survey to count the number of mole hills across the UK. The report claims moles can actually help gardeners. Yeah right!
Wonder what GoY members think of that?
If you want to help the People’s Trust for Endangered Species you can find the survey on their website here
To get you in the Mole mood.. here is video I found on YouTube
25 Jan, 2008
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Great video, Ajay. During that I was thinking along similar lines as you, Andrea. I remember as a kid going with my Dad to the local golf course with buckets to collect molehill soil. We used to also collect up cowpats, which he dissolved in a water butt and used as a feed for his tomatoes. Now, having been reminded of that, I know where there are lots of molehills within walking distance. Thanx, Ajay, my jobs in the morning now are; go to shop, buy Garden Answers, take a bucket and spade, pen and paper, count the molehills, fill bucket, come home, add to the survey, completing the box stating where I found out about the survey - brilliant!
26 Jan, 2008
Well, I have done some research and fieldwork. We walked out of our village and immediately found loads of molehills along the grass verges, at field edges, and at the edge of a nearby woodland. We collected a large plastic bagfull (2 pics uploaded). Have found a couple of references to the value of molehill earth, including one which says that mixing it with compost in a 50:50 ratio is a great way to bulk up compost for containers, etc, and gives great plant results. The earth is, apparently, filled with nutrients and the stones have been removed (which we found to be true). I suppose it might be a problem for those who like bowling green style lawns, but I would be thrilled to find a molehill in our garden as it would be a sign of a healthy garden. I look forward to obtaining more of this free, nutritious topsoil. Many thanx for the reminder.
26 Jan, 2008
I know where there are some molehills, too, but they are at least a mile away across several muddy fields and over stiles too. So I am NOT going to collect the soil. I do, however, often trot up the lane with my bucket and shovel to collect presents left by local horses!
26 Jan, 2008
Some horses passed us today while we were collecting the molehill earth. I'd be interested to know what you do with the stuff, Spritz. Do you dig it in fresh, allow to rot down or add to the compost heap? The Timesonline on Friday also ran the mole survey story. Did you add your local hills to it?
27 Jan, 2008
My husband has made a 'manure box' by the compost bins, and we collect manure from local stables (as well as off the lane!) and keep it in there for some months until its well rotted. We occasionally put a layer in the compost bin. I don't dig the fresh stuff straight into the ground in case it rots roots. I am ashamed to say that I didn't log the molehills, I didn''t have time to check out map references whuch I would obviously need.
27 Jan, 2008
Thanx, Spritz. I thought it would have to be stored until less "potent" in case it burned or rotted plants.
27 Jan, 2008
Wrote a blog back in May re - moles whilst understand no one wants mole hills in middle of their lawn really disgraceful methods used to eridicate them. if you trawl through the web and look for mole prevention some really shocking means of killing them available.Some have now been banned not because of effect on moles but more because it was dangerous to user.There are enviromentally sound ways of dealing with them and despite years of persecution they havent dissappeared so can we not acknowledge their right to exist and try and co - habit with them. Strikes me if we extended this attitude to all living things human and animal we d all rub along that much easier.
20 Aug, 2008
Thank you, Bonkers, for drawing my attention back to this. We really did collect quite an amount of molehill earth for topping up pots and raised beds. The herbs, especially, seemed to thrive on this.
22 Aug, 2008
AAAAaaaaaw iv never seen a Mole b4 Ajay what a Fab Video :)
25 Mar, 2009
Loved it clever little things I think, there is a pupose for every thing in life, its just most humans are selfish
30 Oct, 2009
Ive just been reading all about Moles after my daughter found 4 hills on her lawn after the snow has melted.....heres the advice i have now given her.......get used to them being there as if you shoo them away or try to kill them more will come if these have choosen your garden more it shows you have a good food supply for them...So, you need to encourage worms into your garden as the more worms that are available the less hills they will leave you....keep your lawn short....this encourages the worms...the moles will be happy and live in the tunnels underneath and you will never see them.....flatten the mound ,,,use it for your borders or potted plants...even bag it up and sell it...... The moles will also eat harmful bugs n grubs that you dont want.....worms are good for the garden so more worms...less hills.....everyone Should be
Bev Walker
14 Jan, 2010
We used These large Sonic Rods that you bury into the Ground, and every so often the rods let of a sound and it vibrates the soil below. The Mole does not like this movement so they pack their bags and tunnel elsewhere!!
You can buy these at some large GCentres or DIY Stores.
So the Moles do not get harmed at all.....We have not had a problem
since. :0)
The Moles are happy and so are we!
14 Feb, 2010
I was out today taking teddy my little doggie for his daily walk in our nearby Field, I saw loads and loads of Mole Hills. It was reading the comments
on this Blog that made me realise that the soil was very good for the
garden. The soil on top of the Mole hills was rich dark and healthy!
It was tempting to take some of it, but never had anything to put it into
but then i thought .......would it be Legal? If i was to have taken some from the field.......Or i could in future leave the moles in the garden!!!
15 Feb, 2010
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I'm sure that us gardeners dread the thought of random mounds of earth appearing in our well manicured lawns, but whilst I have been out walking my newly acquired dog, Harry, the Lurcher I've noticed plenty of molehills and have wished I'd taken a bag out with me to collect the gorgeous dark fantastic quality soil that has been left in the numerous mounds. It is mostly in woody areas so I would assume that this soil s rich and full of nutrients from the rotten organic matter of leaves and wood.
25 Jan, 2008