Changes to Favourites tab
By ajay
Hello all,
As you all seem to be getting on so well and adding each other as favourites and storing favourite photos in great numbers we have added some pagination links to split favourites on to different pages.
This will speed up loading of the favourite pages.
Also, apologies to the handful of you who used to store Plant favourites. These are now gone as so few of you were using the feature. If you are one of the handful and want that list let me know and I can email it out to you.
If you notice any other slow pages to load (we already know about TT’s wellie blog) then do please let us know via the Contact us link at the bottom of every page.
7 Jan, 2009
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Hi Ajay, i wondered what was going on, just been on my fav's page, and it is now going right accross the page with my fav pic's but not showing any of my fav members, is this because you have been working on it? or is my page going doolally for some reason lol. also i don't think i really used the favorite plants list, to be honest did'nt know we had one, would be useful if we could have a 'wish' list though. so that we could save pic's of plants we would like to get...or is this what we already had that i did'nt know about? lol - or maybe i have used it and not realised lol - this site is just getting so big - all good! if this is what has been removed, could i please vote that it comes back please, pretty please.... promise i will use it in the future...
7 Jan, 2009
There should be a link to your favourite members on the page.
7 Jan, 2009
Hi Ajay, no i can't see one - were is it located on the page? and it is still going right across the screen - even over the adds on the right hand side, is this what it is ment to do?
7 Jan, 2009
Majeekahead....there should be a 'favourite members/favourite photo's' link under the tabs at the top of your homepage. Should not come right to edge of page where adverts are. Try pressing f5 key to re-load the page and see if it displays properly.
Ajay....good idea to split these onto 2 pages!
7 Jan, 2009
Thanks Pottygardener, i have found the members tab, and tried the f5 key, but still going right across the page, not lined up either, something has gone wrong, pherhaps you can help me Ajay - do like the fact that they are now on seperate pages though, thanks Ajay.
7 Jan, 2009
Still trying to puzzle out the logic of the order in which the photos/ members are displayed. Date order ? I have no trouble with the display on screen. Angie I hope you can sort out yours. :o)
7 Jan, 2009
Sometimes closing your browser then opening it again can help......Doing a clean up, removing temporary files, clearing stored data etc. can help....browser can get a bit stuck in the wrong place sometimes.
7 Jan, 2009
TT....mine appear to be displayed left to right in the order I added them to my best as I can remember!! :-)
7 Jan, 2009
mmmm, think i will do that, proberly a good idea to log off in a minute anyway, as dinner is in the oven...and we all know how that one usually works out don't we lol
7 Jan, 2009
Hi Majeekahead, The problem with the photos going across your screen should be fixed now. :o)
The favourite photos are in the order they were posted to the site. :o)
7 Jan, 2009
Thanks, Peter.
Thought for a moment you had put all my blue flower favourite photos together.
Colour co-ordinated favourites would be very sophisticated. :o)
7 Jan, 2009
Thanks guys. This is great. Especially now the photos don't go right across the page. Good job. Well done. :o)
7 Jan, 2009
Guess who had favourite plants! I don't really mind losing that feature, as I know what plants I like! I do like Majeeka's idea of a wish-list, though - I might use the favourite photos as that very thing!
7 Jan, 2009
thanks Peter it's much better now all fixed, and yes PLLLLEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEE could we have a wish list? everyone is always talking about 'wish lists' i am sure it would get well used.
7 Jan, 2009
Angie you make me smile,as do so many people on GOY I love it that so many of us are not afraid to say we dont understand our computers,yet still manage to be on here,I also vote for wish list please Ajay and many thanks for making it easier........
8 Jan, 2009
~Well done Guys!
8 Jan, 2009
lol, well, we are gardeners first and fore most arnt we Lincslass! can't be good at everything, and just goes to show how great this site is, that so many of us spend so much time doing something we arn't that good at! lol
8 Jan, 2009
I would like a wish list too! I add some photos to my favourites because I see a plant I would like at some point, so a wish list would be really, really, really useful :-)! Please :-)
10 Jan, 2009
Great advance, guys! I really miss the calendar tab, though, it was my own events diary for the year.
16 Jan, 2009
Recent posts by ajay
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- GoY News: A new design is coming...
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- GoY Update : Performance, continued
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Thanks for the favourites amendments.
With GoY growing so fast, I've been stacking up lots of fav. photos and members. :o)
I once asked Peter if there is a limit to how many favourite photos we can have and he said 'no'.
So I guess that hasn't changed ? If so, that's good news.
Yes, Wellie blog. is demanding on the scrolling down almost 700 comments. I hope it gets everyone in trim for working on their gardens this spring. :o)
I have been asked by several members to start a new GoY Winter Wellie blog ~ Build Up to Vancouver 2010.
In this, I'm hoping to include a lot of gardening themes. The Canadian members tell me there are some fantastic gardens to visit in the Vancouver area, and I'm hoping to feature these and get lots of input from our Canadian members who provide such knowledgeable gardening comments to GoY.
Looking forward to a great gardening year on GoY in 2009. It will now be even better with the help of the new GoY changes.
Thank you. :o)
PS I've just tried the favourite photos and they load nicely. Are you please able to tell me the order in which they appear ? I think they used to be by date when members joined. ~ Thanks.
7 Jan, 2009