Trafalgar Square Christmas tree
By ajay
Norway has been sending us a Norwegian spruce for Trafalgar Square every Christmas since 1947. I love traditions like this. I’ll see if I can go past one evening to get a picture of it all lit up.
Read more about it at the Norwegian embassy website
19 Dec, 2007
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One of the best things about living in London was going to see the Christmas lights including the tree. They were always worth battling the crowds for
20 Dec, 2007
yes they are really stunning, but then i genrally avoid central London for christmas shopping, i have plenty of good shops more local to me, and the tubes are a complete headake this time of year. but i do remember coming out of the clubs in london a few years ago, at about 4am on christmas or new years eve and seeing them all stunning - especially after a few beers! lol
20 Dec, 2007
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1 Mar, 2008
I well remember my father taking us up to London to see the tree lit up and to join in with the carols! That was about 1950-ish. To a young child it was just magical. One of my happy childhood memories. Thanks for reminding me, Ajay.
19 Dec, 2007