Photo upload problems - Update
By ajay
Sorry to those of you having trouble uploading photos. We are trying to figure out what is going on and will update this post when we figure things out. Thanks for your patience.
UPDATE 1 – Growing pains. Looks like we crossed the maximum number of subdirectories our operating system allowed on our server (32,000 for those of you interested). Photo upload should be working again now but we will be making some changes later today or tomorrow to prevent this happening again. Sorry once again we know how Sundays are a popular photo upload day.
10 Aug, 2008
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Ajay, does this also account for photos disappearing from my pages ??
10 Aug, 2008
Hi Bluespruce. Yes, sorry. Promise they won't be missing for long (and that they are safe) we just had to move some photos to another directory and we chose to move some of the oldest. Sorry.
10 Aug, 2008
Ajay,no problem.
10 Aug, 2008
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The joys of Administration eh Ajay.
32.000 now thats an achievement in its own right
Best Wishes
10 Aug, 2008