By abacciocchi
could someone help with different plants and flowers that come up each year without having to replace or take them up in the winter hardy i think they are called we are still novices to the garden but we want really colourfull stuff be it bulbs small bushes or plants we would like help with names thank you
ann bacciocchi
29 Apr, 2008
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I know I answered this question this afternoon with some suggestions but don't know where my list has gone! - off into the ether - well, never mind, Poppy has several that I put down. I shall add hardy Geraniums, some for shade and some for sun. (not the ones in pots used in the summer, they are 'Pelargoniums') Other lovely plants for sun - Salvias (nemorosa), Erigerons, Helianthemums, perennial poppies (Papaver) Coreopsis, shorter varieties of Heleniums, add some grasses like Carex and Stipa tenuissima for a change, Tall Verbena bonariensis and short Verbena 'Seabrook's lavender' (it spreads). There are so many. Why not browse through the photos on this site and see what takes your fancy, Oh, and pop in some small spring bulbs for early colour like Iris reticulata, Ipheion, Scillas, crocuses and snowdrops. Good luck with your choosing!
29 Apr, 2008
Hi Abacciocchi,
There are so many plants to pick, but some of my favourites are Phlox. They are in various shades of mauve and pink. You can get tall or short ones.
A good one for late flowering is Michaelmas Daisy, i.e. Aster ( not the annual ones but the clump-forming perenials )
Sedum spectabile is a good one for attracting butterflies.
All these are easy to grow.
Good luck with your planting.
30 Apr, 2008
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My goodness, where do you start? You will get lots of response to your dilemma, all with loads of different suggestions. Its just a matter of preference to you:-
Sidalcia (my favourites)
Pieris (great for all year round colour & interest)
Veronicas (lovely)
Hebes (lots of variety in this shrub)
The list goes on & on. Any decent garden centre will have plants laid out in "categories", just look for Hardy Perennials or Herbaceous.
Enjoy your plant hunting but do a bit of research into what you want from your garden & of course your soil type, but if you buy something & later find its not right where it is dont be afraid to move things around until you get your planting scheme right for you (but not when in flower).
Have fun with it!
29 Apr, 2008