Wildlife Pond is a Bit Too Effective.....!!!
By Sid
Well, I always imagined that once I had the pond finished, it would start to attract wildlife. I envisaged frogs aplenty, water skaters, maybe water boatmen and, if I was very lucky, a dragonfly or two. So, you can imagine my surprise when, just a week after finishing my little 2ft x 3ft pond, I looked out of my kitchen window one morning to find a pair of ducks waddling contentedly up the middle of the lawn!
I suppose it could just be coincidence, but it’s strange that I’ve never had ducks in my smallish inner-city garden before, but just as I get a pond, there they are! Mr and Mrs Duck hung around most of the day and were fed a few crusts, which they seemed to appreciate.
Birtie was held up to the window to see the ducks and I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head – she was absolutely fascinated! She showed no signs of wanting to go outside, though, so I think she was a bit scared of them – she’s such a wimp sometimes!
Having been put in a wildlife-y frame of mind, I went for a stroll in the woods to see how spring was progressing there. I caught a glimpse of this woodpecker, though I’m afraid my wildlife photography is no match for Di’s woodpecker pictures!
Saw plenty of wild flowers showing through, so here are some pictures…..
Bluebells starting to open
A nice group of violets
There were some lovely big clumps of primroses – better than the ones in my garden!
I spotted these orchids, but I’m not sure what sort they are – maybe the one called ‘butchers cleavers’?
10 Apr, 2008
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that is a good pic of the woodpecker.. i have to confess i have yet to see one over here. did the ducks go near the pond ?
10 Apr, 2008
My, you two posted replys before I had finished my blog! But I don't mind...te he...
Ickledigga - I think Birts was just a bit stunned really! If she sees little birds outside, she's alot braver and nashes her teeth at them - it's really funny because if you're behind her, all you can see is her whiskers jiggling!
Irish - I don't think the ducks went in the pond - but then it would have been a bit small for them! Still, I would like to have seen it....
10 Apr, 2008
A great story. Glad to hear that the wildlife pond is doing such an effective job in such a short space of time. We have frogs forming a line during the mating season to rent water space! Hundreds of frogs have left the pond over the last few years after hatching there from spawn.
Best wishes,
10 Apr, 2008
Sid your little pond has done the trick and so very quick too...I wonder if Mr.& Mrs.Duck will visit you again?
Nice to know that the charming Birtie acted like a lady and I sure she enjoyed watching the ducks waddle around the garden just as much as her dad did.Hel.xxx.
11 Apr, 2008
Well done Sid at least can clearly see the woodpecker.Trying to photo goldfinches siskins bramblings but cant get close enough.Also have cat just like yours and she too very gentle nature.Also two ducks visit all day then wander along footpath to church next door.Amazing what a little water can bring.
11 Apr, 2008
We get a pair of Mallards each spring on our stream, they nest just out of sight on the bank where the stream leaves our garden. They've been and gone already this year with their brood of tiny ducklings - not sure how many. Lovely to see them, though! Henry doesn't get excited, luckily, as he does when the ducks from the farm next door appear in the garden! Mind you, there are usually around 15 - 20 of them, all at once!
11 Apr, 2008
Beautiful orchid picture!
Add unexpected nightime visitors. In the USA we have racoons. They take full advantage of the new fishery and frog deli zone. Take out, for sure.
On a practicle note. Do not put a night light out. We had no frogs for a couple of years. The moment this garden extinuished the light lighting, they returned.
The creation of dragonfly habitat alone makes this project worth doing!
Did you ever get the name of the orchid?
BTW are you a cinnamon or oyster?
10 Dec, 2008
Got loads of frogs in the pond Herb - no nightlights, so maybe that's why! No dragonflys as yet tho....fingers crossed for next year :-)
Sorry, didn't go back to see the orchid in flower - meant to. There are several orchid species native to the immediate area. I think it was probably one called Butcher's Cleevers, which are deep pink flowers. Also common is the Spotted Orchid tho, which it might also have been - they both have spotted leaves.
Sorry, what's all this 'cinnamon or oyster' business then?
10 Dec, 2008
Your mushroom picture is a?
11 Dec, 2008
Ah, I see. It's one we call a 'dryad's saddle'. It was HUGE - far bigger than an oyster mushroom - you could have sat a small child on some of these ones. They were pretty magnificent. I will have to dig out more pics of them at some point :-)
12 Dec, 2008
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oh how restrained of Birtie my Bobs would be throwing herself at the window making the most peculair noises!
10 Apr, 2008