A walk to get fish and back.
By Raquel
It’s been raining on and off for the past two days, at times it gets very dark and thunders but mostly it rains softly, almost imperceptibly and then the sun comes out and shines. And then a few hours later it rains again. And so today, not feeling like cooking, I went up to the church to get catfish for supper and took the long way around to see what was in flower…first I came across these wildflowers:
I think these blue ones are bluebonnets:
You’d think I was walking in a park or woods, but no! This is actually the median that separates a very busy road coming off the highway and the residential area:
Here you can see a building:
And here is the McDonald’s across the street, opposite a car mechanic’s shop:
As I stood taking these pictures I could hear the roar of the highway nearby.
But I also found my favorite flower this time of year, it comes in pink and white and I find it in the grass and near the gutters…sadly no one seems to have it in their gardens, and it’s so beautiful, paper thin and delicate. I think they’re showy sundrops, but I’m not sure:
Coming back with the catfish and hushpuppies, I went through Camp Logan and admired these petunias as I always do. They look like they’re growing in the ground, but they’re actually in containers! Buried in the ground! I had never seen that before:
I also saw tiny daisies (they look like Jacque’s!):
And passed by a house I always admire – I like their garden, especially how the ivy is done in squares and contrasts with the brick, and the porch. And of course they have geraniums everywhere:
Finally coming home, I saw a young dove trying to eat the seeds that had fallen on the balcony…and the mess the birds ( I think they’re chickadees) made! I will have to clean their water bowl…goodness! How did they manage to get so many seeds out??!:
The sight of the “Cora Mix” vincas, which I also planted last year, and pruned hard in December, soothed me and made me smile – How big they are now! I love their pale pink color and deep red centers!
And off I went inside to eat my fish.
28 Mar, 2009
More blog posts by Raquel
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Next post: I feel bad for the birds...
Interesting blog.
The Texas Bluebonnets are very pretty.
~ adopted in 1901 as the Texas State Flower.
also called Lupinus texensis, so Hywel is right there.
Thanks for the walk around your neighbourhood ~
I enjoyed it. :o)
28 Mar, 2009
Enjoyed the walk withyou, hope you enjoyed your fish.
28 Mar, 2009
Oh thank you I love the plants you saw on your way how fun I love doves they are so beautiful Iove to listen to them cooo.I had one for three years. She was so beautiful she would fly from my head to my grandchildrens they loved her. Have a wonderful day. Fish sound sounds great good idea. thanks.
28 Mar, 2009
Thank you all for your kind comments! Wouldn't you know the newspaper had an article on the wildflowers today! The red ones are Drummond phlox. Bluebonnets used to be called wolf flowers, also buffalo clover and el conejo (the rabbit). These were actually sowed on purpose by volunteers last Fall in city parks, esplanade and bayou sites.
Lujean, I laso love doves...their cooing reminds me of home, especially my grandmother's house. There were always lots of doves around.
The fish was great, thank you, but nothing beats the huspuppies. They are the best I have ever had, better than ones I tried in restaurants. These actually have flavor!
28 Mar, 2009
Enjoyed your blog Raquel...especially the photos of the wildflowers..they look stunning !
28 Mar, 2009
The delicate little pink and white flowers are called Evening Primrose and are another of the native wildflowers seeded by the state wildflower program. They are lovely, aren't they?
29 Mar, 2009
Thanks, BB!
Ahh Evening Primrose..that's good to know, thanks Wohlibuli...they are beautiful..maybe the seeds got blown everywhere I mostly find them near the gutters and near the sidewalks...though there is a spot that has large patches of pink...!
29 Mar, 2009
Ah, at the first pic I thought, now that is texas! Those texas lupin I'd know anywhere. So wonderful that all the wildflowers hae been named. My sister Greensis keeps evening primrose in her garden because they self seed so readily. Never know where they'll be year to year. I loved the intimate feel of the wildflowers while still seeing all the commotion around you. True to my heart. :-) Wonderful blog. Thanks for sharing your walk.
13 Apr, 2009
Recent posts by Raquel
- The Serendipity of Plants (or seeds that the wind throws down)
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- Re-wind to February-Tulips in Houston
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- Bloomin' Narcissus...!
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- The Cats of Old San Juan.
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What a lovely walk Raquel. So much to see. The blue flowers in the first photos remind me of Lupins. - must be the same family. Thank you for showing the pics of your walk, and I hope you enjoyed the fish. :o)
28 Mar, 2009