Silly vegan woman.
By Raquel
She’s not silly because she’s a vegan but because she thinks that organic fertilizer mixes that contain rabbit manure should somehow be off-limits for the plants! I was so annoyed, it was at a lecture and she was asking if anyone grew their own food and I said I had grape tomatoes and said I used the organic fertilizer….That’s when she said “isn’t it funny how we use manure to grow our food? I have a friend who instead of that puts in algae and phosphate and orders it especially for his plants” implying of course that there’s something gross about using a mix with manure, which is just silly! And that we should all be ordering algae for our plants.
First of all as far as I know manure has been used for crops for ages, and anyway these rabbits are farm raised rabbits, it’s not like the company (Rabbit Hill Farm) went out into the woods and fields to gather the droppings! Secondly, the mix is NOT just rabbit manure. It contains other things too, including phosphate.
And actually I made a mistake, because the tomato and pepper mix does not contain manure, only the organic mix for blooming plants does.
But it just annoyed me.
I just told her I was doing “organic on a budget” and that the plants like it, which is true. That’s what annoys me about some vegan and vegetarian ex-hippies that they have this know-it-all attitude towards food that wants to make us feel guilty and inept in the garden! Besides, anyone who eats raw cacao nibs can’t be trusted in my opinion. Or eat real chocolate, or don’t eat it! And don’t even mention carob to me, which is just disgusting.
She also made fun of my garlic and onion pest control spray, which WORKS by the way, so she might be a vegan, but hardly someone who knows about organic gardening.
Ok I’ll stop now. I just wanted to vent! =)
15 Nov, 2008
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Hi Irish, thanks! yes, she was annoying me tremendously. I'm gonna sound like Hywel now, but it's Raquel, not Rachel. =)
PS I never get many likes but that doesn't bother me though sometimes I wish we didn't have that smiley face there. Could make it seem like a competition. But as long as no one takes it too seriously, I'm sure it's fine!
15 Nov, 2008
lol i corrected that mistake now.
i doubt folk that that serious, i hope not anyhow.
15 Nov, 2008
Go girl go.......Im with you....if it aint broke dont fix it
15 Nov, 2008
You have a good rant if you feel like it, Raquel! Definitely a silly woman. She deserved a good 'put-down'!
15 Nov, 2008
Raquel, Oh you have just met a wanna be, she doesn't know the first thing about organic gardening and vegetarianism. To her it's just cool! Forget her, you know more then she could ever conceive and she is unworthy to call herself a vegan.
She's just a poser!!
15 Nov, 2008
Well done Wohlibuli, got it in one! I've met people like this and the best way to annoy them (and don't we all want to!!!!) is to ignore them and carry on being brilliant. More strength to your gardening brain Raquel!
16 Nov, 2008
Raquel, as a vegetarian of over 30 years I can confirm that your vegan friend is talking out of her bottom and does not represent us veggies in the slightest. Pre WW2 all human faecal waste was used as fertilizer for crops, honey wagons were a common sight at night time outside the cities with sewage systems. I recently horrified my next door neighbour when I told him I was going to dig in farmyard manure for my new lawn soil preparation. If I had plenty land I would seriously consider a reed bed filtration system. Ever since I started composting 15 years ago I have understood the cycle of life and feel very comfortable about using vegetarian animal fertiliser.
16 Nov, 2008
Raquel I've remembered to 'like' this blog. I often read them and forget to say so.
Anyway whatever you put on the ground it has to break down into chemicals before the plants can make use of it.
16 Nov, 2008
Thanks everyone for all your comments! I feel better now and really appreciate the show of support! =)
I'm not a vegetarian but I have changed my diet so I eat mostly very lean proteins, and every few days a vegetarian meal. I made the change for health reasons, to keep my kidneys working well as long as possible (proteins are hard for the kidneys to process, especially fatty ones), high blood sugar also damages them.
Ams, people are horrified with the idea of manure but I don't get it, they'd rather have chemicals in their soil, I guess...but that actually worries me more!
Hywel, thanks for the 'like' - you know the same thing happens to me I read a lot of blogs and can hardly think of any I didn't like, but I always forget to click on the smiley face...! =)
19 Nov, 2008
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lol i actually liked this blog Raquel could feel how annoyed you were with this woman and i dont blame you.
15 Nov, 2008