By Patpat
Please can any one give me advice on Penstomens, ie. do I cut them back after flowering or just leave them etc
Thanks Pat
16 Aug, 2008
More blog posts by Patpat
Keep deadheading for now to encourage more flowers then tidy them up late autumn and spring.Ours are producing a second wave of flowers after deadheading.
16 Aug, 2008
Definitely dead-head them, as Grenville is right - they keep on flowering well into the autumn if you do. Leave the last flowerheads on as these plants are not completely frost-hardy and this gives a little protection. Then in the spring when the new growth starts, cut them back to where they are shooting. Take cuttings now as a fall-back, too, as some Penstemons are short-lived plants anyway.
16 Aug, 2008
When I cut mine back in the spring I have managed just to strip some lower leaves off of the bit's Iv'e cut off and pinch the top off and just push them in the ground.
I have got loads more by doing this instead of just putting the off cuts on the compost.
16 Aug, 2008
You definitely have green fingers, T&T!
16 Aug, 2008
I cut mine back so that they dont get too leggy. I usualy do it in spring because I like to leave everything till then if I can so that there are loads of seeds and dropped leaves for the birds to scratch about in on the top of the soil during the winter months.
Lynne x
16 Aug, 2008