January Joy
Here are plants busy in my garden at the moment. At this dark time of the year, they're...
She's here!! ?
Just wanted to tell you my new baby granddaughter is here! Aleksandra arrived last...
February Garden
What a windy, blustery day, the 1st of February, but also warm, sunny and bright...
Cotoneaster Cornubia
No photos as yet, but maybe in the Spring. Today I took cuttings from a friends...
Welcome home Teddy!
Last week Teddy was taken ill late at night and I rushed him into the animal hospital...
A couple of pics
Hello Everyone......I'm afraid I haven't been posting many gardening pics lately,...
Rainy autumn morning.
What a torrential downpour we had this morning! As I'm looking after my daughter's...
Summer garden flowers
Hello everyone, it was so good meeting up with Karen the other day, I realized just...