B(L)og Garden
By Gloriosa
For those of you utterly gripped by the images of our 10 cm dweebly stream transformed into a gushing, foaming brown torrent yesterday…..well, today is much the same. I’ve been outside only to seriously consider the merits of growing rice in the lawn, the slugs are everywhere, openly laughing at me, and our cats are just giving me ‘the stare’ if I try and ‘assist’ them out of the door with my wellie. I think I’ll go up to the Garden Centre up the road for a coffee …. more brown water, but with sprinkly bits and sugar. :(
10 Jul, 2008
Previous post: 'Let's just buy it!'
Blodyn wants me to open the door when it rains so that she can sit and watch from inside. lol. I hope you're out of danger now !
10 Jul, 2008
RAIN - more today. Need I say anything else?? :-(
10 Jul, 2008
order me a tea please and ill join you,,,, horrible horrible rainy weather here still, slugs and snails are multiplying by the minute, well it seems like they are. and just like your cats my 2 dogs are not impressed with me opening the back door to see if they need to go out.
if only i could sell these snails i would be a very rich woman lol
10 Jul, 2008