Your Stories
By Gemma
It’s great to see how much ‘Grows On You’ has developed over time and the site is still growing everyday!
As a starter gardener myself I have found this site to be a great resource for information about gardening. As mentioned in one of my other blogs, I am here to learn and develop my own gardening skills, as well as browse what other members have to say!
Like any social network, this site makes it easy for people to share their experiences – but what is different to your average site is that it is all about gardening!
I am interested in spreading the news about this great website to other people and in turn help Ajay and Peter grow the site even more!
So… I would love to hear about your own experiences of using this website, how it has helped you, why you joined and most of all why you think it is so great!I would be interested in hearing the reasons why fellow members have joined this exciting and unique site!
Your stories will help to encourage other members to join and in turn further expand this online gardening community!
I look forward to hearing from you,
8 Nov, 2007
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Next post: Help Needed!
Thank you for replying to my blog and providing your own feedback about Grows On You. It's good to hear you have found a site where you can chat freely about something you are interested in and receive feedback!
I have to say my knowledge of Begonias is rather limited but I hope that through your frequent blogging I will be able to learn more.
I would love to hear more stories about why people joined and how they find this unique site!
Thanks Again,
9 Nov, 2007
Hallo Gemma - I first heard about GOY in an article in the Amateur Gardening magazine - I know other members joined this way, too. As soon as I read the blogs and questions and looked at the photos I knew it was a friendly site and soon became completely at home here. I have found friends and like-minded gardeners. Any question posted finds an answer - people go to some trouble finding answers, I know I try to help when I can! The more you give, the more you get on this site. Encouragement, interest, help and friendship are what GOY is all about. A big thank you to Ajay and Peter for setting it up!
9 Nov, 2007
Ditto ! i love this site and ive found some really nice helpful people ,made some nice friends who I may never meet but they are always here to give advice ,and just chat to you , long may GOY continue ! and a big Thanks to you all for starting it !
10 Nov, 2007
hi Gemma, yes i completely agree with what the others have said, i just stumpled apon this website by chance it came up on my search engine when i was trying to get advice on toxic plants. and now i am completely addicted. any advice i need is alway here on any garden subject and i also love helping others out too. its great for insparation and ideas and also a great way of keeping record of what plants i have and whats going on in my garden, - i love plants and have quite a few in my fairly small garden so i can store all sorts of useful info as well as sharing experiences with others who are actually interested. i have already past it onto a few of my friends that have a bit of a dabble and they like it too! pat on the back to Ajay and Peter - fantastic idea!
10 Nov, 2007
Another thought - since I joined and started taking photos of my garden and flowers, it has made me set up a proper filing system on my laptop (by months, subdivided into 'plants and flowers', 'tubs' and 'borders'). I've also got a 'Projects' file with before, during and after pictures. This system is now a good record that I can refer to next year in order to see what worked and what I should change. A great help to me! I wouldn't have been so organised without this site, I am quite sure.
10 Nov, 2007
I was given the addy by my father in law, came for a look and stayed. It's such a friendly community and I never feel stupid asking what some may consider basic questions.The fantastic gardens that are shared on here aspire me to more in my own plot.
Great subjects, fab people !! One of the best sites on the net! Long live GOY
11 Nov, 2007
Like Spritz I find this site helps my record keeping, my garden feature holds a lot of information that I will add to and refer to next year, reading the blogs and questions is fun and it's so friendly, fun to give and get help
The new seed exchange looks promising too. Love all the wonderful photos, nice to see and it gives me inspiratin for my garden..
11 Nov, 2007
Hello to you all!!
I've just got back from being on holiday and was pleased to see so many of you had taken the time to reply to my post. It is great to see that Grows On You is getting such a positive response. It seems the site is great for a variety of things, for me it's an information resource but by the sounds of it it is also great for organising existing information. I love hearing about your own experiences of the site so keep them coming and thanks again!
20 Nov, 2007
Recent posts by Gemma
- Help Needed!
4 Dec, 2007
- Introducing myself
19 Oct, 2007
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1 Mar, 2008
Just thought i would leave a comment after reading your blog. Myself i am not much of a garden gardener, i am more of a greenhouse gardener. I first heard about growsonyou through the booklet that comes from The National Begonia Society, as i am a member. I logged on for a look, and joined. I find this site is really very friendly, everyone seems eager to help everyone else which is brilliant. I feel i can write blogs about the growing of my Begonias and, as its a gardening site, will likely be of interest to others - most other sites would probably find it a bore! I've not yet looked into this new facebook feature, but shall be doing so shortly. As you may gather from my blogs, if you've seen them, i grow Begonias and show them at local shows during summer. I've not come across another site quite like this one! Writing blogs about the growing and various stages of the season may be a help to someone that is starting to grow Begonias, but also it is a way of keeping notes for myself that i may want to refer back to at a future date, killing two birds with one stone, so to speak! Hope this is of interest to you, good luck in helping Ajay and Peter in spreading the news and expanding this online gardening community.
8 Nov, 2007