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I want to grow a screne across the front of my garden but Im not sure if conifers are the answer. Is there anything else I can plant to do this?



Hi , Depends how permanent you want the screen, conifers grow very tall, if allowed, I have screened my front garden wall with Burberus Rosy Glow, they are slow growing and can be controlled to the height you want, they also are a very rich colour different times of the year.

11 Oct, 2010


Berberis are less formal, but do make pretty screen. More traditional as a hedge might be an evergreen, such as Prunus lusitanica ("Portugal Laurel") which has smart glossy leaves. Clip once a year in late spring, early summer. There are many hedging plants available nowadays. Shrubs make for an informal screen, and 'hedging' plants tend towards the more formal or traditional. Which is it you are after? Phil J

11 Oct, 2010

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