The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Davrob

West Sussex, United Kingdom Gb

I have a Philadelphus Virginal - Mock Orange. It did nothing for two years when positioned east facing - moved it to south facing for this year which seems to have improved but while it looks more healthy it still hasn't flowered. Any ideas?




It looks very small still for one that's been in two years and not really big enough to start flowering much, and moving it will have meant it needs to recover a good root system afterwards.. Did you improve the soil before planting? If you just lifted the turf and put it in then poor soil may be the problem as the surrounding turf looks in poor condition as well. I would remove more turf to give a larger area round it without competition and then in autumn give it a good mulch of organic compost. Don't let the mulch actually touch the stems.
It looks healthy so do this and be patient!

10 Jul, 2017


I too would have said the shrub is in poor impoverished soil... did you add any organic matter when you moved?

10 Jul, 2017


Hi, I agree with Steragram, fhey take a while to get established after being moved, or when first planted from the nursery, I think you should start to get flowers either next year or the year after, Derek.

10 Jul, 2017


It looks like it was pruned heavily early this spring, too, which will prevent flowering this year. Best pruned immediately after bloom.

10 Jul, 2017


Might have been pruned preparatory to moving in which case it should soon grow again if above advice is followed.

11 Jul, 2017

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