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By Kerusha

South Africa

I bought the Arum Lilly from our local store, they where getting rid of it as they where dying :(, but o bought it anyway, how can i revive it, the plant still has a lot of life in it.

On plant Keru



do you know which arum lily it is? if it is Zantendeschia then it needs to be damp. often the stores don't water enough.

remove any really tatty /dead leaves. stand in water for a couple of days and see if it shows signs of reviving.
don't give it any food until there is plenty of new growth.

30 May, 2017


meant to say
welcome to GoY.

30 May, 2017


Definitely, welcome, Kerusha! Are the flowers white, or other color? The white Zantedeschia aethiopica needs ample water and regular feeding when growing, grows in cool weather, and goes dormant in hot weather, and blooms through the latter 2/3 of its growing period. The other colors like to dry out a little between soakings, need a little more heat to grow and bloom, are more frost tender, and normally only bloom for a few weeks before they go to sleep for the remainder of the year.

31 May, 2017

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