HiI can't remember the name of this - my question really is
By Curvyblonde
North Humberside, United Kingdom
I can't remember the name of this - my question really is; why have some of the stems suddenly stopped growing and ended up just stumps - healthy looking stumps - but stumps anyway, and can they be rejuvenated?
Thanks for your comments.
I have another of these plants, see new pics, this one is in the process of 'stumping' a stem and is an otherwise healthy plant not potbound and not as congested as the other.
- 30 Mar, 2015
It is Zamioculcas.
30 Mar, 2015
Ah, thanks for that Botanic - aroid palm is a name I've heard, along with Zee zee plant, both of which apply to this.
30 Mar, 2015
Zamioculcas is one of those plants that was touted as being half-hardy as they can take a frost in their native country and the USA but turn to mush in our mild but wet winters and lack of heat in summer. Still a wonderful plant.
I would say the plant in question has soil that is too damp for this time of year: an occasional watering is better. The leaves looks better in light shade with no direct sunlight. I suspect that potting it up in May will help it as well as Bamboo has said.
30 Mar, 2015
Looking at images on Internet, the brown shoot in pic 3 could be a flower head developing, but there are a couple of other shoots clearly visible so it seems to be surviving.
One site suggests that like aspidistra they thrive on 'benign neglect' - no direct light, very little water - and most of the images show quite large plants crowded into relatively small plant pots.
30 Mar, 2015
I don't know what this plant is either, and the calloused stems look like they've been cut or broken and a callous has formed. There is evidence of new growth, even from the base (new shoot showing in the third picture on the right), but it strikes me that the pot this plant is in is too small - how long's it been in the same pot? Suggest you check for roots hanging out the bottom or turn it out of its pot and if its completely rootbound, pot it up into something larger. That might explain why its unable to grow properly - a plant is only as good as its roots and the space available for them.
I hope someone can ID this... it would be very helpful to know what it is.
30 Mar, 2015