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By Lemnos

London, United Kingdom Gb

Buddleas-everyone says different things-when should they be reduced and or cut down low and what effect will the different types of methods have on next years growth?
thank for your help



hi i cut mine back by 2 thirds as soon as the last flower has faded some times it does flower again for a short time afterwards.then again in the spring.others might tell you different good luck.

24 Oct, 2014


Reduce in autumn if there is danger of windrock, and then cut back harder in Spring. I cut mine to about three feet high if that's any help. If flowers on the current year's growth.

24 Oct, 2014


I also cut mine in spring and autumn, trouble is the more I cut the bigger it returns, darn near impossible to damage one of these, they love a haircut......

24 Oct, 2014


Right down to 18" in February/March. Whatever you do, you won't kill it!

25 Oct, 2014


thanks to all that replied re the buddleas

25 Oct, 2014


A recent television programme with a feature on Buddlejas suggested that by pruning some of your subjects later in spring or early summer that you could stagger and prolong the flowering season.

26 Oct, 2014


Depends which variety you mean - Buddleia alternifolia and B. globosa should be pruned immediately after flowering. Buddleia davidii is best pruned end of March, right back to just above old wood, though reducing the height of long stems is advisable in late autumn to reduce wind rock in winter.

26 Oct, 2014


I do what Bamboo says. [Always!]

26 Oct, 2014


Hmm, if only that were true of everyone everywhere! No, not really, I just say what should be done, usually with all the tact of a housebrick - but whether you do it or not is not my business!

28 Oct, 2014


Lol Bamboo. Housebricks are usually pretty reliable!

28 Oct, 2014


Aye, that's the upside I guess, although that could be interpreted as reliably tactless, lol!

30 Oct, 2014


Us northerners like it that way.

30 Oct, 2014

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