The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Ginders

United Kingdom Gb

my begonias caught the frost last there anything i can do to rescue them?



They are quite tough. Take them inside until the danger of frost has passed You can put them out during the day to harden them off but they do need protection at this time of year. If you really cannot find space inside for them how about covering them up overnight with fleece or newspaper anything to provide a shelter over them.

12 May, 2010


gonna be cold in London tonight - forecast here is for 1 or 2 degrees. I'm sick of hauling everything in every night and then putting it back out again next day, be glad when I can finally plant it all. Agree with Scotsgran's advice, Ginders and next year, don't plant your summer bedding until, at the earliest, mid May, and preferably the end of May.

12 May, 2010


Hi Ginders
I live in Scotland. They had snow in Aberdeenshire last night. I have a sore neck with lifting containers with plants that might suffer frost in and out.

12 May, 2010


we are due to have -4 tonight. it was -2 last night :o(

12 May, 2010

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