The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Maddy

West Sussex, United Kingdom Gb

my nandina domestica has survived the very heavy snow but is looking a bit spindly and battered. Should I give it some sort of fertilzer/mulch?



I bought one of these plants a while back maddy....If you google it there is lots of helpful info about its care...:>)

12 Apr, 2010


I've had a good search but, so far, cannot find any advice on TLC for a rather battered plant.

13 Apr, 2010


I'm sharing some info. I just got:-

Have just had a chat to a man in the local garden centre who obviously really knows about gardening (i.e. doesn't just sell plants.)

He said that nandinas are pretty tough but needed sun (so it's in the right place) and although it might look bedraggled "just trim off the dead bits and it will recover." I said I'd tidied it up, but could I give it some sort of feed but he said that the snow would have caused it to release nitrogen which is very good for the plant and just leave it alone.

I'll post its progress in a few weeks!!

13 Apr, 2010

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