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recognise this??


By Usernut

scotland, United Kingdom

saw it at the botanic gardens yesterday and want one real badly?



I think that's a Coleus.
I don't know much about them so let's hope someone next up does !

Well, i didn't know that .... it's an ornamental member of the mint family !!!
(just googled it!)

6 Oct, 2009


Yes Coleus , not hardy in U.K.

6 Oct, 2009


Yes, it's a Coleus. They are not hardy and mature plants don't seem to overwinter very well indoors either. But, the good news is that they are VERY easy to grow from cuttings, and young cuttings do overwinter easily on a windowsill indoors. They are also easy and cheap from seed. You can get just about any colour combo you care to dream up! I like them - I've got a variety called Kong Rose which has enormous leaves, with a bright pink flash.

6 Oct, 2009


must survive as a houseplant though?

6 Oct, 2009


No, as I said, mature plants indoors don't seem to do well over winter, but young plants from cuttings overwinter indoors. I've tried overwintering mature plants along side young ones from cuttings and the former don't fair well, while the latter do well. It's weird...

6 Oct, 2009


sorry , typed before I saw your answer Sid, that plant was the first thing I noticed as I entered the glasshouse, very bright pink.
Should've took sissors with me lol.

6 Oct, 2009


They are, as Sid says, easy to grow from seed in the spring but also very cheap to buy as strips /boxes of bedding if you don't want the bother. They're berst used outside and are fantasic in containers with flowering plants and other (plain coloured) foliage plants!
|Mine are still looking good in pots now. I will probably take them out this weekend. But I'll just put them on the compost heap and grow more from seed next spring!

6 Oct, 2009


LOL I once met an old lady who visited gardens with a potato tucked in her pocket so she could go round taking cuttings and poking the ends in the potato lol lol Very naughty - not suggesting it for one minute x-D

6 Oct, 2009


hahaha - I like that one! very cheeky! lol!

6 Oct, 2009


We often joke when we visit gardens and see a plant we like, "pisssssst! where's the potato?!" lol

6 Oct, 2009


nice one Sid, i like that ;-)

6 Oct, 2009


You used to be able to buy these as houseplants, not sure if you still can - I had one for 8 years, but you have to keep pinching out the flowers and sometimes the growing tips to keep it bushy.

6 Oct, 2009


Was her nickname 'Spud' Sid? I've known a few old ladies who are much more brazen about it and carry bags and damp newspaper to wrap the cuttings in etc. They don't seem to worry that they shouldn't really be doing it!!

6 Oct, 2009


It seems that gaul comes with age, Paul!

6 Oct, 2009


Yes, I reckon so!! I can remember a few years ago, walking along the prom in Eastbourne with my parents in law in the Autumn and we saw quite a large group of , mostly elderly, people around the flower beds. It turned out , when we got closer that the council gardeners were digging out the summer bedding and the oldies were waiting to get their hands on the Geraniums for cuttings. Don't think I could be bothered, however old I get!!!!

6 Oct, 2009


Give 'em ASBOs - after all, they are nothing more than common thieves

6 Oct, 2009


I've got 4 coleus I grew from seed on the office desk alongside the laptop I'm typing on right now. Sowed in August they are presently a few inches high by more across, lovely leaf colouring. Yes, easy from seed - must be if I can do it.

6 Oct, 2009


Ooh, harsh, Andrew!

6 Oct, 2009


You cannot tell me with hand on heart that none of you have never, ever, pinched (Irishmans cuttings they call it) a little cutting?

6 Oct, 2009


I can tell you that, hand on heart, Dottydaisy, unless the owner has said ok, but that's probably mostly cos I could never be bothered much with cuttings, being a bit lazy!

6 Oct, 2009


Yes I agree Andrew(ASBO's). That'll stop 'em hanging around the streets, terrorising the rest of us with their walking sticks!!!

6 Oct, 2009


I can Dd. I prefer to grow from seed that I buy or collect from my own plants! However, I have been given pieces of plants by people but that's different!

6 Oct, 2009


So, just Dottydaisy then, is it;-))) (sorry Dotty, couldn't resist)

6 Oct, 2009


I have a couple in my tropical border and they look fantastic, im not for a minuite expecting them to survive our winter but they were cheap and they add a hot look amongst the tropicals.. Gorgeous Plants..

6 Oct, 2009


Yes, I'll notify the 'Cuttings Police' Bamboo(Ha Ha). Or I suppose we could use blackmail!!!!!

6 Oct, 2009


I think Andrew might want a dawn hanging...

6 Oct, 2009


He'll have to get the evidence otherwise that wouldn't be fair!! But we've got a confession. Oh well, ok then that will do!!!

6 Oct, 2009



6 Oct, 2009


YDD, that's what I want some for a wee tropical display, think they'd look great.
Dottydaisy, i must have a wee bit irish in
I,d wanted a buddliea black knight for ages and noticed the council had some beauties near me, and when I passed by it,three rogue cuttings jumped in my pocket.

6 Oct, 2009


You must have walked too close. They really are devils those Buddliea!!!

6 Oct, 2009


Cheeky buddleia - try beating it with your walking stick next time, Usernut, keep the damn thing out of your pockets ;-)))

6 Oct, 2009


I am admitting to nothing......I was only asking....research you could call it : + {}

6 Oct, 2009


Wellllll, one way to look at it, if it's a Council planting, then we kind-of helped pay for it didn't we. Sooooo......I little serruptitious cutting jumping into your pocket I think can be forgiven ;-)

Actually, I used to live next to a park that happened to have some municiple planting and when we spotted the council workers ripping one lot out to plant the next lot, we'd often go out and ask for plants. Depended what it was, but we got primulas, wallflowers, pansys, etc. They'd have gone on the tip otherwise and the workmen were more than happy for us to help ourselves out of their trailer. Good freebies!!!

7 Oct, 2009


Anything you say will be taken down...............Dd2

7 Oct, 2009


i,m watching for the council removing the summer display from the local roundabout, there's some nice tropical types and ferns there, you can only

7 Oct, 2009


Yes, some of ours have got cannas.....but I suspect they keep those don't they?

7 Oct, 2009


I should think the Cannas will go in a council polytunnel for next year Sid.

7 Oct, 2009


Not sure if our Council have got polly tunnells any more......not sure but I think they decided it was cheaper to buy anew than to run/keep the polly tunnells. Sounds like madness to me tho........

7 Oct, 2009

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