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'Champagne' Mango doing very well.


By Stan510

'Champagne' Mango doing very well. (Mangifera indica (Mango))

I can't explain why this tree grew so well this year of all years. It had been growing so ..not slow,but with very little gaps between nodes in new flushes. So height challenged to the point I almost dug it up.
This year,its taken off..for a Mango in my area that is. Its over 4' now in 5 years..It could have just finally gotten a good root system in my clay soil.
The foliage color is a darker green then my Manila. Its also grown red new foliage before becoming green. The red deeper also then my Manila.
High hopes for this little tree.

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Just under a foot a year then Stan its done well for you recently let's hope it continues.

5 Sep, 2018


Another 5 years before it hits a good size. Best case!

5 Sep, 2018


Well at least it's growing you ll be stuffed with mangos then lol.

5 Sep, 2018

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