The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Hyssop [V]

Genus: Hyssopus.

Species: Hyssopus officinalis.

Planted '10 Vistabile old pond bed
bought'?? from ? for ?

Hyssop, scientific name of Hyssopus officinalis, is a perennial herb that is a member of the mint family. It can grow up to 3 feet tall and has vertical stems with short leaves along them. In the summer, it develops pale purple flowers at the top of each stem. The leaves, stem and flowers of the hyssop are all used in medicinal remedies.

Difficulty: Easy

1. Water the hyssop plant only during periods of extreme drought since the plant can survive well without water. When you water, moisten the soil thoroughly to a 4- or 5-inch depth.
2 Prune the hyssop on a weekly basis to remove any wilted flower blooms and dying stems. Prune all wilted flowers back to just below the bloom with hand pruners and prune off dying stalks near the base of the plant. Perform major pruning in the early spring and cut the stems back to any desired height, even ground level, using pruning shears.
3 Spread a balanced, slow-release fertilizer over the soil under the hyssop yearly in the early spring. Sprinkle the fertilizer on the soil using the amount specified for your number of plants. Then, water the soil to soak the fertilizer down to the plant roots
4 Examine the leaves of the hyssop plant once per week for signs of a white powdery growth which is called powdery mildew. If seen, spray the enter hyssop plant with a organic fungicide solution according to manufacturer's instructions.

If desired, you can divide large hyssop plants in the spring. Simply dig up the plant and use a knife to cut down through the center of the hyssop's root system. Replant each section.

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due over 11 years ago:


dig up the plant and use a knife to cut down through the center of the hyssop's root system. Replant each section.


Major prune the stems back to any desired height, even ground level, using pruning shears.


Sprinkle a balanced, slow-release fertilizer over the soil under the hyssop & water to soak the fertilizer down to the plant roots