The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Bernieh's Garden

Mandevilla 'White Fantasy'

Genus: Mandevilla.

Species: Mandevilla.

Common name: 'White Fantasy'
Botanic name: Mandevilla 'White Fantasy' (a hybrid of Mandevilla boliviensis)
Family: Caprifoliaceae

A moderately vigorous climber to 4m (12'). Flowers are produced prolifically from spring to autumn. The buds have a slight pink tinge, opening to large, white, trumpet-shaped flowers with pink throats.

Great in pots on patios or in a garden semi-shade to full sun.

'White Fantasy' will grow in most areas of Australia. In cool areas such as Melbourne select a warm, sunny spot and protect from frosts.

Mandevillas like a warm position, with protection from very hot sun. The roots are sensitive and resent disturbance, and it's important not to overwater in winter, as they don't like 'wet feet'. Prune in late winter to early spring to promote bushy growth.

Photos of this plant

  • Mandevilla_white_fantasy_2
  • Img_3014