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Thank you. Sheila! Pleased you like this allium variety. I couldn't remember what it was I'd planted until it started flowering. I've a few dotted around and a few in a pot. Bought the bulbs last year.
I can't blame you for having a lilac phase! I've so many shades of lilacs, mauves and purples here!


Just read your blog, Resinone, I've heard of beer traps before.
A patient of mine has been using unravelled steel wire cleaning sponges, very effectively too.

On blog - Slugs!


I have to agree, Julia. I feel I can connect a bit more to the gardens they show, and the advice seems to resonate more.

On photo - Mammillaria heliosa


; -))

On photo - Mammillaria heliosa


Pretty flower with a pretty name too! Love this colour!

On photo - Clematis 'Arabella'


I can see why! That's a gorgeous one, Ange! Lots of buds too.


Oh that's great, thank you, Julia! Appreciate your advice.


Sheila, I have just watered the Hibiscus trionum (you gifted me the seed) and wonder if this could be your top tray I.D.?


Pretty one.


You did a great job Julia. Looks very attractive.

On photo - Area rejuvenated.


Just a tip Kate..
Last year I bought a Peony metal support...their spread is quite wide as they grow and this did the trick.


Such a mystery!


Thanks Owd but not that. I have plenty of Nigella growing in the garden so don’t want any more!

Shirley the leaves are quite similar but I think the top tray ones are delphinium. Thanks anyway!


It took 3 years from seed. Gladiolus seeds are easy to sow in the fall. They also like a dry summer, so I don't provide additional water.

On photo - Gladiolus dalenii


Watch it each week ..seems much better than GW.

On photo - Mammillaria heliosa


Thank you both,
I was told about the Beechgrove garden and I'm going to watch it on the iplayer.

On photo - Mammillaria heliosa


Might the top ones be Malva moschata? The ones I am growing from seed gifted by you!


The feathery leaves look a little like Nigella.


Thanks, girls.

On photo - For Julia


Good luck with your endeavours, Kate.


How gorgeous Hywel..gosh,it is tiny.

On photo - Mammillaria heliosa


Lots of lovely colour Kate. My favourite is your Allium (I’m having a β€œlilac” phase πŸ™‚).


Pretty flowers, Hywel. I watched the Beechgrove Garden on BBC 2 this week. There was a chap in Edinburgh showing his huge collection in his large glasshouse.
He had cacti and succulents. He did a demo on taking cuttings from some plants too.

On photo - Mammillaria heliosa


Looking good!!!


Ange, the scaffolding went up on Friday. Its a roof job. OH always disliked the differing pitches of two roofs at the back. One is a later addition when we added a snug extension from 12 years ago. So he always fancied a flush roof all the way across. The extension roof will now be vaulted with a motorised velux window.
Plus, while they're there, we decided to change the 2 back bedroom windows also.
Lots of decorating and refurbishment afterwards, which will be fun...but parents coming mid July. So, we'll be at it every minute we have spare, trying to get it all done!
Hope you enjoy deciding where all your new plants are going! It's all very exciting!


Thank you, Ange! Hope to plant out today. OH has a spot where it can go!


Very pretty too.

On photo - For Julia


Love the geraniums, our blue one is just beginning to flower.

On photo - Geranium


Beautiful little dog Janie, we say hello to a very similar one when we go down the road on our walk. Welsh poppies are lovely but they spread everywhere if you don't deadhead them.

On photo - Oscar


It's one of the blue corydalis. There are a few.

On photo - P1140337



On photo - Foxgloves


Oh my word, I thought twenty six slugs in one morning last week was bad enough! I picked up a dozen potted plants that are ready for a charity stall and nine of them had a fat slug attached to the base of the pot. The pots have been out on a gravelled area for quite some time, it never occurred to me to lift them to check for slugs ... :o((


Thanks Kate, we made a small border on the edge of the small veggie plot. I shall cut the flowers off when they finish and hope that it survives the haircut.....

On photo - P1140333


Yes they do Kate. They are so petite and pretty too.

On photo - P1140334


Lovely aren't they Kate.

On photo - P1140338


Hi Kate they are Shirley, Gardeners Delight, Shirley, cherry tomato, Tigerella and another cherry tomato of a different sort.


Hi Kate, I give it some cold tea now and again. I pour out our tea then refill the pot with cold water so it mixes with the leftovers in the pot, I also give the roses, azaleas and rhododendron's some now and again too.


Thanks Kate and Ange. Our birds have been about with beakfuls of slugs Ange, and we have a resident hedgehog to help too. Please can you tell me the name of this plant....

On photo - P1140337


Great! Hope you have many more Ange.

On photo - For Julia


Pick them off by hand and pop them on the bird table is perhaps the easiest way and kinder to the environment than spraying.

They are a pretty caterpillar and the adult moth is a good pollinator, though not that pretty.


My zinnia seedlings were scoffed in the g'house when I turned my head, Shirley. If I 'out' the plants that have been eaten I shall have huge gaps: red-leaved acers, viburnams, hydrangeas, rudbeckias, the list goes on. OH killed 258 slugs + 2 snails this evening (yes, he does count them!) What the hell is going on??


David, I shall definitely let you know when they are in flower and post a photo or two.


I agree, Shirley. Some of mine are as tall as me, but I'm not very tall!

On photo - Foxgloves


Ange, as Metaldehyde pellets are now banned, rightly so, the ones containing ferric phospate are said to be similar in effectiveness ... not in my garden they're not!!

Honestly, the slimy so-and-so's slither over coffee grounds, grit, egg shells, pellets so I am just going to 'out' the plants they favour as the season goes on. I presently have trays of Godetias and Zinnias, grown from seed, and now wonder if it's even worth planting them out ... :o((


My son gave me 6 Malva plants a few weeks ago & even asked me if I wanted some more as he has lots of them! He doesn't know anything more about them as he threw the seed packet away! So I don't know if they are the same as the ones you have, Shirley. Mine look quite like yours as well! We will see when they flower if they are the same as yours. Please put up a picture or two when yours flower & I will do likewise.


Sheila, that is precisely the correct word as I have lost seven of them now. The ones remaining are in pots but no doubt the S and S are forming a plan to scale them!

Kate, yes I did unravel one and placed it around the lower part of the stems, they just laughed at it ... :o)

Julia, I just say thanks to them leaving the Geums, Sedums, Welsh Poppies and Hebes alone .Mind you, I have found some huge snails resting within the Sedums.

Ange, it really is unfair!


Sheila, doesn't everything just look better with a blue sky?!!

Kate, I have never tried Delphiniums as they are fodder for slugs and snails around here. Shame as they are beautiful plants.

Ange, this is yet another plant that I'm sure has flourished with the rain through Winter.

On photo - Foxgloves


A beautiful Gladiolus, Wylie! πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ How long did it take to flower from being sown?

On photo - Gladiolus dalenii


My favourite geum - so reliable and delicate.

On photo - Geum Bellbank


I'm glad the snails have left yours alone!

On photo - P1140337