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Kate, it has lovely soft foliage and pretty mauve flowers, quite a tall Geranium.


I would do it now. I might be that the buds won't open if they are ''squidgy'' so you have nothing to lose. It looks like the soil in the pot is wet so best not to water for a while when you plant it out.

On question - Hello...Advice please


Thanks for the attention...should I replant now or wait until the buds might just open ?

On question - Hello...Advice please


I have 3 now, Kate, as cuttings take easily.

On photo - Rosa 'Best Mum'


My favourite D.A. orange shade is "Lark Arising". I don't have one at the moment as no space. I like 'LoS' but not as much. She has all the attributes you describe, Karen, I agree.

On photo - Old reliable.


Ha ha, Karen, both examples of plants 'doing their own thing'. This doesn't romp here as the border it is in dries out over the period it is above ground. If it were more moist I would probably be more wary.


I tried to remove it in Scotland as it was rampant (bit like Rozanne!) but you can never get it all out…which is a blessing as well as a nuisance!


I love this one. The almost translucent colour…’juicy’ I call her, the scent and the health is great too. Gorgeous!

On photo - Old reliable.


Great tip! Thank you. I often wondered why my neighbour insisted on watering the plants rather than the soil. Now I know why!

On photo - P1140333


Sheila, it will. Rest assured, it will!

Kate, I wonder how many of us have grown it, removed it because….sprawly or just in the wrong place, then relented and bought it again. It needs cutting back but it’s so beautiful and it flowers all summer long!


I’m thinking of having a mini pond too, but not sure yet. I don’t want a smelly bucket of stagnant water! lol!


Yes, and speaking of deliveries…my Holly tree is on its way at last! :)

On photo - When it rains…


Me too Kate. Not normally a fan of bi-coloured flowers, but this one is pretty.


Thanks Kate, it is so lovely. It’s a real joy to me this rose.


Thanks Ange…not climate then! lol!


Thank you Kate.Couldn't resist...not a lover of cutting flowers from the garden and bringing them inside...just like to see them growing naturally.


Good advice from Jimmy...last year he advised me about a failing Clematis which certainly worked!

On question - Hello...Advice please


Hope they grow well for you Karen. Ours have flowers on, so we give them a gentle tap, then later spray them with water to set the flowers.

On photo - P1140333


Thank you kind friends :-)

On photo - little explorer


That’s good, Hywel. I’ve watched it since the late 70s, when I was a child. My grandfather loved to watch it and if my sister and I had a sleepover, we watched it with him on a Friday evening.

On photo - Mammillaria heliosa


It’s really very pretty.

On photo - Cream Camassia.


That’s a beautiful one, Ange. I’m really liking the pink hue and the form.

On photo - Rosa 'Best Mum'


Absolutely gorgeous, Julia! The colours are just so pretty and uplifting!


Ours came out when OH did the new path and back patio, but, I do like them, they are so floriferous…flowering for ages!


Those hostas will look fab when they grow!


I couldn’t be without a little water in the garden, it’s so relaxing.


Thanks very much for all your comments, much appreciated :-)


Or poetry even! 😊

On photo - Solar Bird Bath


Look forward to seeing you post your garden pics as things start to grow and deliver for you, Karen! It’s an exciting time!

On photo - When it rains…


It certainly is…I do love the colouring on this one.


That’s a very pretty one, loving the blousy appearance too, Karen. It has a real vintage look.


Love it. I’d always wanted one, and now I have it, but it’s already being overwhelmed by its neighbours. I just hope that it can still spread unseen!


Shirley, I can’t think what the geranium magnificum looks like, I’ll have to google now as I’m curious! Just realised, it’s the Cranesbill! Another lovely one!


Your shrub is pobably stressed in the container. You can almost hear it saying: ''Am I too wet, too dry, are my roots congested or do I need some feed.'' Many plants are saying this as you will notice from comments on this site. You will hear your shrub breath a sigh of relief when you replant it out in the ground.

On question - Hello...Advice please


Kate, you are more than welcome! Today I noticed the Geranium magnificum is flowering, it's another lovely Geranium and was gifted to me by a Goyer many years ago.


We're in North Wiltshire.


Have your machete to hand! ;-)


Yes! I just read that too! Some of those in the article are lovely. I was a bit tempted!


It struggled up in Scotland, but here it is the earliest and strongest of my new roses. I think it likes the south. Sorry Ange…not sure where you are!


Ange, I have planted 4 and I really need them to do their thuggery!


very pretty Karen. It looks wonderful and will be lovely sitting out in the afternoon and evening. I am east facing at the front and although back garden is west there are whopping great tress on the boundary. Lots of shade.

I see from the latest RHS magazine, Hebe is now Veronica! Another lot of new names to get used too.


That plant is running on empty in that there is no more soil in the pot. Plant it where its feet will be in the shade and its head in the sun as the old clematis saying goes. Best would be to crack the pot and remove the root ball that way but if the pot is your mothers you may not want to do that.


I have this one. It hasn't done much yet!


What's a bit of twee between friends??

On photo - Solar Bird Bath


Nice design.


It is a pretty plant but we had to take ours out it was such a thug. And even then, it's made a comeback!


She's a good all-rounder, Kate.

On photo - Old reliable.


Thanks Linda. Yes, that’s what I did..on the windowsill. Tigarella are one of most successful for me too. Huge cropper and a bush, so much easier.

On photo - P1140333


Kate…have you gone a bit over the top? ;)