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Thank you.
We have several GOY members growing this JM in the pot.
Mine is in the ground.


Thank you Shirley_tulip for your lovely comment. XXX


Very much the same here Ange...a new Coriopsis was planted 2 weeks ago and looking very denuded .I'm surprised at the Acer far so good .They seem to be at their worse this year.I recently replanted the blue planter and each morning there are 2 on the side of it..whether they have already had a breakfast I don't know.

On blog - Slugs and snails.


Will do.

On photo - Iris sibirica


Oh dear - senior moment, again!

On photo - Old reliable.


Wonderful colour!

On photo - Begonia


Thanks Kate!

On photo - Friend's Wisteria


He does Kate, he's used to his mum taking his pic and a lovely boy..:)

Hope you enjoyed Croatia Rose, I bet it was beautiful and sunny!

On photo - Oscar


He is a sweet chap Linda and a good friend to Lottie..:))
I know, I've so many Welsh poppies, but I don't mind, they're easy to take out and give away, everyone seems to love them..

On photo - Oscar


So do I Linda, my blue one is beginning to flower too, well I split it, so there's two..Rozanne and looking so well this year with all the rain..

On photo - Geranium


Ange, this has been the worst Spring for these critters that I have ever known. I am finding so many of the brown/orange slugs, slithering around after rain showers and then sheltering under fading foliage, especially Primroses and Geraniums.

Also, some of the snails are pretty big, sitting on Sedum leaves so they are all being dispatched to the brown bin.

That's a good reason for never buying the Council garden improver made, allegedly, from the green waste collections!

I couldn't bear to boil Garlic for 2-3 hours at home, don't like the stuff.

On blog - Slugs and snails.


Karen, it was actually totally white one year, not a sign of the red!


Klahanie, I have really enjoyed viewing your set of photos today, thanks so much for sharing them.


Lovely colour.


Absolutely beautiful.


That's a wonderful tree.


Ange, I would love that. Thanks so much for the offer ... :o)

On photo - Iris sibirica


You're right, it is an apricot shade, so my guess was totally wrong!

On photo - Rosa 'Best Mum'


Ange, they really have invaded your garden haven't they? I disposed of fifteen last night and today found a further twenty, mostly lurking within, or under, the fading leaves of Primroses. They are always the same type, brown with the orange side, one was found in the greenhouse today which explains the holes in the Zinnia foliage.

I did read that if they are disposed of about twenty metres from the garden where they were, they lose their sense of tracking. Let's think, off to the nearby woods with them ...

On photo - First sweet peas.


What a beauty! I have 2 fully hardy Begonias in my garden and although they are still tiny, they are beautiful with their patterned leaves and red undersides. Spectacular when back lit by the sun….erm…yeah….sun…where did that go to?

On photo - Begonia


At least there are no slugs inside the house Ange. But don’t leave your doors open too long! :)

On photo - Caladium


Oh blimey! This is dreadful. You will need 1)Garlic spray 2) a pond for frogs and 3) A couple of Indian Runner Ducks (other varieties are available, but none are as amusing). The slugs here are of two varieties. A. About 4” long, chestnut brown, pretty much pets. B. Manky little white bu**ers that will eat anything that grows. I keep telling myself that the big ones eat the little ones. But boy…they are massive. You honestly would not want to tread on one of these, you’d go flying and land in a pool of slime! :) Keep you chin up and your garlic handy and….pray!

On blog - Slugs and snails.


Great Shirley. Hot Lips is a bit too racy for me though! lol!


Someone else mentioned Lark Ascending as their favourite Rose on Instagram. Not one I have ever grown, but it sounds and looks amazing. Beautiful piece of music too…one of my favourites!

On photo - Old reliable.


Indeed, but it is very lovely!


I love them but I haven't had much luck before now. Slugs have (amazingly) not been too much of a problem so far. (50+ last night!!)

On photo - First sweet peas.


I think that's peach, Shirley. I haven't seen it so I'm not sure.

On photo - Rosa 'Best Mum'


When it's finished flowering, you're very welcome to a bit, Shirley.

On photo - Iris sibirica


Julia, these are very pretty. Many years ago when we had moved house where the garden had a lovely Paeony, I cut some flowers, put them in a vase on the dining table and was aghast later to find the place crawling with ants! The flowers must have been full of them ... :o(


This is a new one to me, very pretty. I am chuffed to see a cutting I took from S. 'Hot Lips' is growing well in the South facing front garden.


Julia, these seemed to feature often at RHS Chelsea but would not thrive in my garden as it appears they like damp soil, something my garden doesn't really have!

On photo - Cream Camassia.


These are lovely ...

On photo - Iris sibirica


Might it be called 'Best Mum Ever'? It is a very pretty Rose, by any name!

On photo - Rosa 'Best Mum'


I second that.

On photo - Clematis 'Arabella'


That has filled out really well.

On photo - Area rejuvenated.


I second that!


These are lovely shades ... I would be smug too!

On photo - First sweet peas.


I love all the planting around your pond area.

On photo - Zantedeschia


Kate, it has lovely soft foliage and pretty mauve flowers, quite a tall Geranium.


I would do it now. I might be that the buds won't open if they are ''squidgy'' so you have nothing to lose. It looks like the soil in the pot is wet so best not to water for a while when you plant it out.

On question - Hello...Advice please


Thanks for the attention...should I replant now or wait until the buds might just open ?

On question - Hello...Advice please


I have 3 now, Kate, as cuttings take easily.

On photo - Rosa 'Best Mum'


My favourite D.A. orange shade is "Lark Arising". I don't have one at the moment as no space. I like 'LoS' but not as much. She has all the attributes you describe, Karen, I agree.

On photo - Old reliable.


Ha ha, Karen, both examples of plants 'doing their own thing'. This doesn't romp here as the border it is in dries out over the period it is above ground. If it were more moist I would probably be more wary.


I tried to remove it in Scotland as it was rampant (bit like Rozanne!) but you can never get it all out…which is a blessing as well as a nuisance!


I love this one. The almost translucent colour…’juicy’ I call her, the scent and the health is great too. Gorgeous!

On photo - Old reliable.


Great tip! Thank you. I often wondered why my neighbour insisted on watering the plants rather than the soil. Now I know why!

On photo - P1140333


Sheila, it will. Rest assured, it will!

Kate, I wonder how many of us have grown it, removed it because….sprawly or just in the wrong place, then relented and bought it again. It needs cutting back but it’s so beautiful and it flowers all summer long!


I’m thinking of having a mini pond too, but not sure yet. I don’t want a smelly bucket of stagnant water! lol!