Is a big shoot on the top of a coleus plant normal??
By Bethyann09
United Kingdom
Hi , i have a coleus plant with multicoloured leaves ... but it had a big shoot on the top with the tinyist purple flowers!!! Is this shoot normal?? It is like the 1 in the pic but the leaves are yellow green pink purple , etc!!!

29 Jul, 2009
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It's a flower spike Bethanyann - perfectly normal. You can just pick it off if you want or leave it to die off - the plant will grow happily either way. Pinching it off will encourage bushier growth however.
29 Jul, 2009
thankyou very much Bernieh . I would like to encourage bushier growth but the shoot is really beautiful with its little purple flowers !!!! whats the best thing to do ??
29 Jul, 2009
I'm like you - I like the flowers, so I leave the flower spikes alone. When the whole plant gets a bit too leggy I then cut it back and it gets bushier with a bit of a haircut anyway.
30 Jul, 2009
Thankyou , wat does leggy meen ??
30 Jul, 2009
When the stems start getting rather tall, spindly and leafless - most of the growth is at the top and there's very sparse foliage at the bottom. Just trim back and new leaves will sprout at the bottom and the whole plant fills out once again.
30 Jul, 2009
Ohhhh , !!!!!!! :) Thankyou , i think i will pick it off then !! You have to cut them diagonall dont you??
30 Jul, 2009
They're not too fussy, but diagonally is best.
30 Jul, 2009
Okay , Thankyou . Do you have a coleus plant??
30 Jul, 2009
Yes Bethyann - I've got quite a few. I've been growing them for many years - they're one of my favourite plants.
30 Jul, 2009
Yes , i agree they are very beautiful!!!
30 Jul, 2009
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29 Jul, 2009