snow at last yipppeee
By sanbaz
hi guys sorry for the excitment but as you know i really wanted snow here in blackpool, and today is the day, my step daughter gone in to have baby so we are waiting for news, baz said he felt like he was taking mary and joseph this morning with the snow laying around lol
anyway ive been out walking and giggling to myself in the snow “what a kid i am” and i dont care, snow stopped now and sun shining but what a picture,
fed my birds and they are well pleased with the fat cakes i made, apple and mixed seeds to, so took a few pics not that you havent seen my robin and blackbirds a million times before haahah, but here we go
there we go i got my snow hahah x
21 Dec, 2009
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thanx blue... not sure it will last long here its stopped but at least ive been out in it, your garden would look like a real christmas card if you got snow, really pretty, take care with that ice :o))
21 Dec, 2009
I'm pleased for you Sandra :o))
I'm sure you're enjoying it. Are you going to make a snowman ? lol
We had one little snow shower late last night, but not enough to cover the place properly - just a sprinkling really. And it has disappeared now anyway.
Enjoy it while it lasts !
21 Dec, 2009
thankyou hywel im going to make one soon yes lol, just had a struggle with getting the wheelie bin out forgot what day it was then saw the bin men , rushed out and couldnt get the wheels to go round hahah, hope it stays clear for you hywel :o)) xx
21 Dec, 2009
HIya sandra . glad you got your snow, wev'e got quite a bit here as well I love it.
21 Dec, 2009
Got snow back in February Sandra, so just posted an xmas card from way back then :0)
21 Dec, 2009
Show us a photo of your snowman Sandra :D
They have quite a few inches of snow in Swansea - that's about 25 miles from here. Beryl lives there and I can't get to see her :o(( I was surprised they have it there and we have none. I hope it clears soon. ( but not for you lol )
21 Dec, 2009
hi tulsalady glad you like it to :o))
blue... i will go look, i lost my internet but back now lol
lol hywel sorry you cant get to see beryl, hope it clears for you soon :o))
21 Dec, 2009
I'm pleased for you. Sandra - go on - make a snowman if you feel like it!
Just keep it all up there thank you. We had a light sprinkle - nothing, really, but it's so cold that it's still here. I do know that there's snow just a few miles away, though. :-(((((
21 Dec, 2009
barbara snowman pic is posted lol, ive had so much fun today ;o))
21 Dec, 2009
Glad you got your snow! we have just been clearing ours this morning....we can get out again....:o))) How exciting for you all,waiting for a new baby,,,and
anxious,I expect.Look forward to hearing your good news,and hope she hasn't to wait too long....Sandra.
21 Dec, 2009
thanx sandra still waiting, she is booked in for a section but any emergency`s have to be done first so it could be any time today :o)
21 Dec, 2009
Glad it arrived safely San...after all we sent it first class !! Lol Hope it missed Clarice though !
Great pics ! x
21 Dec, 2009
lol jane yes got here first thing so good going on your part :o)) ive made my snowman so im happy as a pig in muck hahah
21 Dec, 2009
Great ! Oops,just seen Clarices pics !
21 Dec, 2009
yes me to,, poor carol, its awfull if it stops you going out, i do feel for those who cant
21 Dec, 2009
We have had several inches of snow here in Bristol last evening and the pavements are very icy.Everything is covered in a white blanket.The side roads are very dangerous, as the snow is covering a layer of ice. We went out in the car this morning as we had to do some shopping and the car got stuck in the snow! A group of young guys kindly pushed our car to get it going again,as it was skidding on the ice. The temperature has not risen above freezing all day.Were glad to be back in the warm!
Thanks for sharing your photos, and keep warm.
21 Dec, 2009
Glad you gor back safe and sound Grenville and Alan.Do take care and stay warm.Still under 6 inches of frozen snow here in Yorkshire !
21 Dec, 2009
Glad you've got your wish at last Sandra. :o))
Been snowing again here for the past hour, big flakes and doesn't look like stopping :o((( Not much fun for the poor birds.
Good job Baz managed to get them to the hospital Ok in the snow, my daughter didn't - had her 11lb baby at the doctors surgery instead! LOL
21 Dec, 2009
Lovely photos Sanbaz. I send my good wishes to your step-daughter, a Christmas baby - how lovely.
I had to laugh Sanbaz at "my" birds. Do they know they're your's? They probably do when they taste the special cake. Lucky birds.
I love the sight of snow, but not its effects. I can't go out because of the temperatures, and Mr. Mad won't risk a long journey in case of a break down.
Still, we're lucky enough to have plenty of food in the house, and we had a lovely pre-Christmas when our Son, daughter and two grandsons came up for 2 nights. One of the grandsons is on duty on Christmas day - he's a policeman, so we enjoyed Christmas number 1.
Sorry to go on like that Sanbaz but your snowy blog started me off. Let us know when the baby arrives. Happy Christmas.
21 Dec, 2009
BB no it did'nt but it is going now thank goodness.
21 Dec, 2009
melted a bit here carol but still alot in staining
baby arrived at 12 weighing 7lbs 11 oz ryan william not seen him yet as there are retrictions at hospital with that mrsa bug
21 Dec, 2009
glad you had a nice pre christmas mad and you do right to stay in and keep warm and safe, i love feeding my birds and im sure they know we look out for them, feeding etc ;o)) x
21 Dec, 2009
Cogratulations! Hope mum and baby are both well.I like his name too.You must all be very happy,now that its all over.Enjoy your special christmas....x
21 Dec, 2009
thanx sandra yes glad all went well for her, went a got a lovely rocking horse with teddy sat on it (soft toy) and a xmas bauble with baby boy on it for their tree, will take it when i get to see him ;o))
21 Dec, 2009
sorry grenville, alan and also lily i missed you along the way, thanks for your comments, guys its really bad to drive isnt it, i wont drive unless i have to,, leave it to hubby if we do have to go out,take care ;o)
lily baz took daughter and got them there before the snow which was a bit of luck :o)) all ok
21 Dec, 2009
Many congratulations Sandra to you and Baz and obviously the proud parents,pleased all went well,baby is a good weight..Glad you`re having fun in the snow, its been trying again here today and what we already have is frozen solid so a bit dicey for travellers.
Love your pics, I`m having problems here with feeding the birds because naughty Brynner keeps raiding the birdtables, I think I`m going to try and suspend a table in the trees out of his reach, ....
21 Dec, 2009
I'm really pleased for you having snow, our's has nearly gone it's now all slushy. :0)))
21 Dec, 2009
Wow Sandra a baby boy, how lovely for you and the lucky parents, no wonder you are so happy and you got your snow at last! lovely birdie pictures too. ;0)
21 Dec, 2009
So there`s going to be a Christmas baby Sandra, how lovely. Like Baz said, a bit Mary and Joseph!
There`s been snow on the ground here since Thursday but it was snowing again this afternoon. They say it will freeze again tonight so the roads will be dodgy. As for me I`m staying indoors keeping warm. :o)
Sandra x
21 Dec, 2009
Congratulations on the new arrival Sandra.
We had snow last night, it froze the driveway to where I live .....half a mile of downhill ice....never got out all day!
21 Dec, 2009
Pleased baby Ryan arrived safe and well best wishes to all.
21 Dec, 2009
thanx sue, stripes,carole, sandra. potty, and mavis, still not seen our new addition :o( being strict at hospital, but think hayleighs mum is probably going which i dont blame her, but feel so sorry for baz he isnt getting a look in, i feel a bit angry about it,he took her to get her there safe with the weather and not heard anything since they told us, he tried to call but cant get ben on mobile or home :o( poor baz
22 Dec, 2009
Congratulations, Sandra!
Glad you have snow! You wished it so much...
22 Dec, 2009
thankyou uma yes its been fun not good for driving though, in work tomorrorw
22 Dec, 2009
Glad baby arrived safely San ! Road conditions here fine on the main ones but the side streets etc are lethal.
22 Dec, 2009
yes same here jane, hope it doesnt freeze when we go to hospital, cant wait to see him ;o))
22 Dec, 2009
When are you going San ?
22 Dec, 2009
at 6pm tonight jane
22 Dec, 2009
Lovely....take care on the roads then!
22 Dec, 2009
thanx jane see you later :o) x
22 Dec, 2009
Congratulations on your Christmas baby, glad all went well for you. And you got the snow too, how lucky was that? just very cold here, would like some for Christmas....
Like your new avatar, very glam!!!!
23 Dec, 2009
You've gone all white Sandra, have you really had THAT much snow! LOL
23 Dec, 2009
thanx dotty glad you like my new avatar ;o), baby doing well will see them christmas eve, taking presents round,
yes had plenty of snow, melting now in blackpool but like an ice ring round my village lily,, and in the small town where i work, ive almost fell a few time, i love to see fresh snow but after that i dont like the ice and slush lol
23 Dec, 2009
I meant your lovely new avatar had gone all white Sandra, what happened there? Glad to see it's back now.
24 Dec, 2009
really lily was ok here, very strange, maybe im melting hahah
24 Dec, 2009
I wish things would melt here sandra, although the snow is going very very slowly! I thought maybe you'd decided to go white like Alzheimer's gone black LOL, Happy Christmas sandra x
24 Dec, 2009
Congratulations Granny!! Lol!
You could've had my snow!!
Happy New Year!
1 Jan, 2010
Congratulations on your new arrival, Sanbaz. So lovely to have a new baby in the family, especially at Christmas. My eldest grandson, now 20, was born on Christmas Eve and it was the best present ever! So glad you had some snow too. I am like you and really like snow - we had some this morning, big beautiful snowflakes :)
Happy New Year to you and your family, I hope 2010 continues to bring you only pleasant surprises.
1 Jan, 2010
Congratulations Sandra, I hope mum and baby are both doing well and what a way to start a new year! :~))
1 Jan, 2010
Aw....lovely pics San.....all that snow over there too, at least we get to see the birds...:o)
1 Jan, 2010
thanx mari and a happy newyear to you :o)) xx
thankyou Gee our new baby ryan is beautifull, snow all gone here but i can see it on the pennines it looks lovely when its on the peeks ;o)) x
thanx ian yes a great start hope all goes alot better this year for all of us :o)) x
cheers janey i really enjoyed it but glad we are back to normal, i can feed the birds at the bottom of garden again now thankfully, baz had to scrub down the patio after feeding them under my table, they left me lots of little birdy msg`s lol :o)) xx
2 Jan, 2010
congratulations to you and your family what a lovely time to have a new baby,i have a grandson age8 whos birthday is today,it just seems a long time to come round for them
2 Jan, 2010
Hi Sanbaz congratulations on the arrival of your new grandson a precious gift! (Sorry I’m a bit behind!) Hope you enjoyed the snow :0)
3 Jan, 2010
thankyou joanella, happy birthday to your granson x
cheers sueb yes he is so cute bless, and i did enjoy the snow but didnt like the ice after, all gone now ;o)
3 Jan, 2010
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Good for you Sandra, still no snow here on the south coast, but damn cold and everything is frozen solid!
21 Dec, 2009