By Annegerman
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Shopping in B & Q I noticed large tubs of Chicken manure pellets for sale - I wondered if anyone has any experience of using this product. Certainly when I lived on a farm chicken manure was spread very successfully.
15 Jul, 2011
I'd agree with Bamboo we've used too
15 Jul, 2011
It is best used on leafy vegetables and plants as chicken manure is high in nitrogen.
15 Jul, 2011
If I told you I get a bucket of chicken manure pellets every year for Christmas (and yes, it's gift wrapped...) would you...
a) Think what a sad person she must be...
b) Think most people have turkey....
c) Believe me it's the best thing to make your garden grow!!!!
I spread it round my borders in early spring, and again in late autumn....just lightly forking it in, and whenever I plant a new plant, I add a handful to the bottom of the hole, and mix it in with the soil or compost. I also use it to "top dress" my pots of lilies, around February just before they start to show through the compost.
15 Jul, 2011
I use a similar product but it's in powder form (been using it for over 25 years). I sprinkle it over the soil and lightly fork it in when tidying the garden in early spring. Greedy plants (such as clematis, paeonies, hydrangeas, roses and hellebores) get a bit more at the same time
15 Jul, 2011
theres nothing like the natural stuff and it has been freeze dried so it doesnt come with any nasty little extras . i actualy use the pond pellets from my pond as food for my plants and pondwater to water them and everything is tickaty boo lol x .
16 Jul, 2011
Yes, I've used it, quite effective - but the pellets should not come into contact with plant roots without being 'slacked' first, i.e, in water for a day or so. Good on unplanted ground in their neat state.
15 Jul, 2011