A rare occasion, for Amy ! :o)
By Bloomer

16 Oct, 2013
See,I did do something positive this morning,,instead of gallavanting as you call it,or on Goy..I must be ill ! :o)
Yorkshire.Puddings for freezer,..funny shape but nice..Posh Flapjack,and Paradise fingers (when it's cold enough to cut up ) I hope you are impressed Lol xx
Comments on this photo
It all looks very scrummy yummy! :o)
16 Oct, 2013
Wow Sandra you weren't kidding ! yes I'm very impressed . what are paradise fingers ? I've never heard of them ,it looks yummy ,what time is tea ? :o))
16 Oct, 2013
I'm very impressed - and now I'm peckish!
16 Oct, 2013
Im impressed Sandra on my way right now and Harry wants to come too;0)
16 Oct, 2013
Im impressed too! we are on our way round right now;0))
16 Oct, 2013
Oh how I could just eat some of the 'Posh Flapjack' right now ... you cruel woman for showing these bakes! :o)))
16 Oct, 2013
I hope your nasty habit isn't ....cleaning???? I am almost there ,with no withdrawal symptoms at all :o) but if it's the one I'm thinking of..9 days is good,but.I'm not as disciplined as you Annie .x.
Thanks Petaltracey..it's not bad at all..tried some already :o) just testing,you understand..I would hate to have my sister in law disappointed,as she has enough problems ,being laid up with a broken ankle and leg :o(.
and no doubt our daughter will be taking some home tonight..won't be much left by then :o(
well,Amy,I just had to prove it to you,didn't I ? Lol.you probably know Paradise fingers as another name,as it's Chocolate set on foil,with a mix of Coconut,Sultanas,Cherries and two eggs..but that was the name I was given.years ago ..does it ring a bell ?
Thank you Sheila..just bog standard stuff..I don't do fancy..but I was so bored this morning.so thought it would pass some time on :o)..and there was no action on Goy !
Thanks Snoopy,I would prefer to be gallivanting to cooking anytime,but needs must :o) and home baking is nicest,I think ..just keeping my hand in .Lol.
Lol,Carole..you don't really need to ask twice!! ha ha..
Braising steak ,veg and Y,puds ok for main ? Thomas might pinch Harry's y.puds :o)x
16 Oct, 2013
Sorry for putting temptation in your way,Shirley..this one isn't a jaw or teeth breaker..trust me ! Lol..and I shouldn't eat it either..but one has to have a treat sometimes :o)
16 Oct, 2013
Yes it's that one Bloomer not the cleaning which I do enjoy lol!....Now don't take the p... :o))x
16 Oct, 2013
Can you ship some to me in NY?
16 Oct, 2013
Bad weather days make me cook too, not today though I did make a carrot cake the other day.....
We had torrential rain at lunchtime, then a clear blue sunny sky!
Yours look very tempting Bloomer, thats the trouble with nasty weather.....it makes us eat more. :0)
Very well done Annie you should be very proud of yourself xxx
16 Oct, 2013
Thanks Pam, after 30 years I am very proud of myself just wish I had done it before now :o)))x
16 Oct, 2013
Well done Sandra and very well done Annella ...think of all the money you'll save too.... well you'll have more to spend on other things anyway. Are you using e cigarettes or patches, or going cold turkey? I went cold turkey over 15 years ago:-)
16 Oct, 2013
I don't know that one Sandra but if it has coconut I would like it , recipe anytime please x
16 Oct, 2013
Would I ,Annie ??....of course :o) xx
16 Oct, 2013
Oh Bloomer how yummy are they?! now I have to go and raid the biscuit tin because it's too late for me to start baking!! I really like the sound of Paradise fingers!
16 Oct, 2013
If you don't mind it being furry and mouldy,by the time it gets there,Bathgate..no problem :o)
I love Carrot cake,Pam,but I've never made one..all this lot is almost gone..but it would have been greedy to keep it all for ourselves..I just smiled through my teeth,as I handed little packages over :o)..and now Thomas likes it as well..even less left for us ! Kids and family,eh?
Thanks Ba,I can't remember the last time I baked..it must be the influence of Mary Berry..Lol...she has nothing to worry about :o)
Ok Amy..I will let you have the recipe..before I go gallivanting again :o) I am working up to making a start on Christmas loaves next..maybe in the next couple of days,if the weather is bad..if not,forget it Lol.
I know it says 'fingers' ,but don't take that literally,I cut mine into worthwhile squares :o)
16 Oct, 2013
Thanks Neena,and sorry to lead you into temptation..Lol.
Enjoy your biscuit :o) If you want the recipe too,just let me know xx
16 Oct, 2013
Forgiven......Jaffa cakes filled the bill and yes please :o)
16 Oct, 2013
mmm.I like Jaffa cakes too :o) Recipe on it's way later xx
17 Oct, 2013
It's the Great British Bakeoff final next week, I wonder will paradise fingers will be one of the bakes? :-))) I 'll miss the Bakeoff when it finishes:-(
17 Oct, 2013
I wish,Ba,:o) even if it was only to be told what a failure they were by the blue eyed boy.It would be worth the put down.. ! lol..I will miss it too..:o(
17 Oct, 2013
I'm not impressed at all...firstly, where's my bit? And secondly, where's my blog? ;) lol!
18 Oct, 2013
Your bit was sadly eaten by a three year old visitor this morning,,Karen..he needed it before going to the Cinema to see a new film out today...'Turbo' all about snails !! I would have saved yours,but you are so pushy ! ..Lol
I have saved my bit till teatime....:o) ..I might give some thought to making a start later on..if you get off my back ..ha ha x
18 Oct, 2013
Trust me to miss all this delicious baking - I suppose it has all been eaten up by now?!!
Mary Berry and I have missed a treat here!!!
18 Oct, 2013
delicious :-P n' feel hungry everytime i look at it:-P
18 Oct, 2013
I feel I have been severely reprimanded...there's only one thing for it...I shall seek refuge in a bottle of Rioja!
18 Oct, 2013
Lol, note the word 'bottle' as opposed to 'glass' - sorry Ck - too good to miss! :o)
18 Oct, 2013
So sorry,Chris..even the crumbs have gone..better luck next time..it could be a while :o) x
Hi there Junna..so lovely to see you again,I've missed you,and thank you :o)x
Well,Karen,if you would just put that bottle down,and take a look..part two of Tatton is on..but,oh dear,..the Rioja seems to have taken precedence ! Lol :o)) x ..
You are so naughty,Shirley..I have a really big spoon youcan borrow ! :o)) x
18 Oct, 2013
Got my own Sandra ... but thanks for the offer ... lol!
18 Oct, 2013
I thought you might have ,isn't it wearing out by now? Lol..
18 Oct, 2013
No worries Sandra - I have a drawer full of stirring spoons ... lol! I couldn't resist a freshly baked cherry scone today .. living dangerously eh? :o))
19 Oct, 2013
And why not indeed? life isn't all about calories ! :o)
19 Oct, 2013
Definitely need some comfort food right now - the sky is almost black with torrential downpours - Hayling Island (close to Portsmouth) had a mini tornado at 8am today! :o(
20 Oct, 2013
..I hadn't heard about the mini tornado ! It was dull here this morning,but it's been a lovely afternoon..sunny and warm,no coat needed..just like yesterday..but it poured down at teatime..no worries,as we were back home by then..I hope it didn't affect you,apart from the heavy rain and black skies...
20 Oct, 2013
Just seen this pic and the comments, Sandra (been off line for a wee while) It was so tempting to open the biscuit tin after gazing at your yummy produce, but managed to resist...today's a fasting day :(
Have you had your baking day with Thomas yet? Freya and I had ours last week...great fun!
21 Oct, 2013
You are very strong minded,Waddy,much better than me:o) Fasting!..never done that,except for medical reasons..I hope you are ok..Thomas and I haven't had our baking day yet..saving it for when he stays longer,and we can't go out..I'm glad you and Freya enjoyed yours :o)
21 Oct, 2013
Sandra - it just meant lots of leaves falling from all the neighbouring trees in to my garden ... :o(
21 Oct, 2013
Oh dear,Shirley,but at least your home was safe..we are back to sweeping the Sycamore leaves up from next door too..our neighbours are too frail to help now,so it's up to us young uns ! Lol
21 Oct, 2013
Yep, there are loads swirling around right now, no point in sweeping them up in the windy weather ... :o(
24 Oct, 2013
That's very impressive! It looks so yummy!
24 Oct, 2013
It has been beautiful today,Shirley,very warm and calm..got lots of potting up done,all the washing dry,and even washed the Patio..I'm a very messy potter upper ! Lol ..and Russell made the tea,even better :o) It's all downhill tomorrow apparently :o( x
24 Oct, 2013
Thank you Delonix..it didn't last long though.I made a Christmas cake ,and an Orange cake yesterday..the latter is almost gone too.Strange how the family turn up on baking days :o)
24 Oct, 2013
The orange cake sounds so yummy!
It is strange how family and friends turn up during baking days. lol! :>)
26 Oct, 2013
It was,and maybe it's a good thing not to have to eat it all ourselves...:o).I try to remember."when it passes your lips,it goes on the hips " ..Lol.
26 Oct, 2013
That's funny! :>)
26 Oct, 2013
..But very true :o)..Why do all the nice things have a down side? Lol.
26 Oct, 2013
Well done... ur all stocked up for winter... :))))
9 Nov, 2013
Thanks Holly..but bad news I'm afraid..all gone that same week ! only got an Apple pie and Victoria sponge left in the freezer now..and we are half way through a fruit loaf this week :o)
9 Nov, 2013
Food looks truly scrumpcious Bloomer. If you have the oven going you might as well have a big baking session. I usually put some cake in the freezer......
20 Nov, 2013
Thanks Linda..I agree..not worth the bother for one item,is it? not good when you check the cupboards to see if you have enough ingredients though,and one or two are missing..easy solution..send OH round to the Co-op ! Lol
no baking today,just a pan full of mushy peas,to freeze in portions,when we have pies or fish and chips..I think it's my recent new oven that has got me back into baking..at least they look even now,and not brown on one side! :o)
20 Nov, 2013
When you have a mo. B. would you put the recipe up for those Paradise fingers please?? Ta. x
20 Nov, 2013
I'll PM it to you G..not always sure whether to post recipes or not..no problem,I'll do it later when I answer your last message,if that's ok..:o) x
20 Nov, 2013
Absolutely no hurry B. thanks you. anytime. x
20 Nov, 2013
Done it and sent it G.. get the oven on ! :o) xx
20 Nov, 2013
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Well I'm impressed and hungry!! Trying to give up a very nasty habit is making me peckish Lol......Day 9 today xx
16 Oct, 2013