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Warm and safe and cosy...

Warm and safe and cosy...

Conker and Truffle are looking after Shaun the Sheep ...
... until Wallace and Gromit return to our Gravel Gardens.

More cosy pics on our recent Garden Gridlock blog ...

Comments on this photo


awww cute :)

2 Dec, 2010


And in the best place too.

2 Dec, 2010


well done lads, keep cosy ;o))

2 Dec, 2010


Got to go on my Favs, cute.....! \0/x

2 Dec, 2010


Thanks folks...
Shaun says baaaaaaaaaaaaa :o) x

2 Dec, 2010



2 Dec, 2010


Wonderful pic of your boys Tt! How big Truffle looks now, and Conker's looking really well too, such good boys to sit for their pics.....:o))

2 Dec, 2010


Oh just fantastic TT on my favourites just love your boys. Shaun is in safe paws :o)

2 Dec, 2010


All three look really well TT. Does Truffle like the snow? He must get like me. A bit restless with not being so active as usual.

3 Dec, 2010


Thanks Meanie, Janey, Neellan, Dorjac ...

I reckon last year Truffle wouldn't have been quite so gentle with Shaun...Lol...

"Shaun is in safe paws"... I like that :o)))

Truffle does like the snow... he has been eating it...
Getting plenty of exercise indoors, running around with his squeaky toys !

3 Dec, 2010


Ahhhhh... in my favs too TT :-))) x

3 Dec, 2010


Brill what a lovely photo of them both, i keep wondering about putting decorations up this year, think Jack will be ok, but Tilly anything thats dangles or moves she goes to play with it :o))

3 Dec, 2010


Thank you, Annella :o))) x

Thanks, Clarice... seems like you'd better limit the style of your Christmas decorations this year.... :o)

3 Dec, 2010


Shawn the sheep is looking very well protected there. The boys look really good.

3 Dec, 2010


Thanks Bob...
I hope Sylvia is well, and gets a chance to see this pic :o)

3 Dec, 2010


Fabulous photo TT ... It's so nice to see Conker looking so handsome and well ... :o))

3 Dec, 2010


Thanks, Amy... Conker is looking well these days....
fingers crossed he stays fit and healthy :o)

3 Dec, 2010


Funny you should say that TT, Sylvia just saw it and I have to add it to my favourites, no complaints from me.

3 Dec, 2010


Hi Sylvia... I hope you are keeping warm ... :o) xxx

3 Dec, 2010


Hi TT~
fantastic pic of your boys!

3 Dec, 2010


Hi Arlene....
Truffle, Shaun and Conker all say thank you. xxx

3 Dec, 2010



How very cute! :>)

4 Dec, 2010


Lovely pic as always Tt, all three looking great. Going to find your blog now:-)

4 Dec, 2010


Terra, I saw some Wallace and Gromit stamps on a Xmas card from England!!!!!
Gorgeous pic ;o)

4 Dec, 2010


Lovely Picture of conker Truffle and Shaun
One winter's day Truffle was out in the garden sniffing at the animal footprints left in the deep snow overnight. He heard bleating coming from under one of the shrubs. When he went to look he found a frightened small sheep with large round eyes staring back at him. "What are you doing there?" he asked. "I was flying on a new contraption with my friend Grommit and it was snowing hard, and I fell off, and I'm cold," he said. "Well come with me and I will give you a nice warm cup of tea, then you can meet my friend Conker, said Truffle. "Thought they grew on trees," said the sheep. "Oh we have an educated sheep now do we!" said Truffle, "What's your name?" "Shaun," said the sheep.
"Follow me," said Truffle, as his mum let him indoors. She looked down and to her amazement a small bedragled very cold sheep followed him in. Conker came over to sniff Shaun and then Truffle and Conker sat either side of him to warm him up while he waited for his cup of tea. Linda x

4 Dec, 2010


I knew there was an explanation Lindak, very nicely told:-)

4 Dec, 2010


Lovely photo TT :0) and a lovely story from Linda.

4 Dec, 2010


So now they are sheep hearding what will Conker and Truffles get up to next I wonder Conker is looking so well.

4 Dec, 2010


Thanks Delonix, Bornagain, Pipc, Linda, Sue and 6d...

Pip... I'm glad you've seen the Wallace and Gromit postage stamps. I'll add another photo with the stamps to my previous blog if I get a chance... I'll put a comment on here if I get the opportunity to add the pic... x

6d... Sheep herding comes naturally to Conker... Shetland Sheepdog.. but Truffle the Terrier has to work harder to get it right. ;o) x

4 Dec, 2010


:o)) poor Truffle he ll get the hang of it watching Conker.

4 Dec, 2010


Lol. :o)))

4 Dec, 2010


I hope Conker is'nt practising too much on Shaun, he might tire himself. We have had a W&G postage stamp TT. I have a set of giveaways by the tea people in a little cabinet. Mr and Mrs with balls of wool, the dog and that nasty black penguin ( don't let him in if Truffle finds Him shivering in a bush). He is not nice to know. Also Mr and Mrs salt and pepper waiting for the next picnic ( long wait).

5 Dec, 2010


Hi Dorjac...

Sounds like you have a good selection of Wallace and Gromit characters....

The lady from the woolshop is Gwendoline ....
... and the "black penguin" is Feathers McGraw :o)))

You'll notice I have much knowledge on such important subjects ..LOL. :o)

5 Dec, 2010


Terra, you could go on Master Mind...subject Wallace and Gromit! There are much odder 'subjects' on it now and I'm sure you'd win. Wouldn't it be lovely to see 'our' Terra on tele? and they may allow you to take the boys on as mascots. Do apply Terra and let us all know when you're on:-))

5 Dec, 2010


Hi Bornagain...

Actually, it's Conker who is the real Wallace and Gromit expert...Lol...

... please see pic I've just added to my 19th Oct. 2010 blog... Conker getting ready to write his Christmas cards ... with the W & G stamps..

Pipc... it's the pic I promised I'd include for you. :o)

5 Dec, 2010


Good suggestion Bornagain. TT would have to bone up on all the W&G filums then answer lots of general knowledge questions.......very scary.....but good fun. Or general gardening knowhow would really suit to a TT.

5 Dec, 2010



5 Dec, 2010


That may bi included in general knowledge Dorjac:-) I've seen your addition to Oct blog Tt and commented:-)

5 Dec, 2010


ARrrrrrrrrrr what a cute pic TT

6 Dec, 2010


Thanks Raquel and Holly :o)

6 Dec, 2010


Lovely photo of your two handsome boys, TT, and so good to see Conker looking so fit and healthy.

6 Dec, 2010


What a great photo of your two lovely dog's Terratoonie.

6 Dec, 2010


Thank you Gee and Mavis ...
Conker is looking very well lately...
fingers crossed he stays fit... :o)

7 Dec, 2010


Lovely photograph of three handsome boys.

7 Dec, 2010


Thanks, Kath...
... I hope lovely Max is keeping well :o)

7 Dec, 2010


haha i love it looks like xmas card lol xxxxxx

8 Dec, 2010


Hello Cristina...
Truffle and Shaun and Conker all say Hi... xxxxxxx

8 Dec, 2010


Your "boys" are looking fabulous, TT! You really have a knack of composing these little scenes! I'm so happy to see them looking so well!

I just had to add them to my Favourites! :-))

11 Dec, 2010


Hi Balcony...
Shaun the Sheep and his canine pals all say thanks for adding them to your favourites :o)

14 Dec, 2010


dont they look like two little angels very nice pic

16 Dec, 2010


Hi Pondlady..
Thanks.. I was asking about your puppy on your blog.
I hope you have a photo to show us :o)

16 Dec, 2010


2 beauties Tt!!!!....(3)

18 Dec, 2010


Hi Motinot ...
Truffle, Shaun and Conker all wish you a Merry Christmas :o)

18 Dec, 2010

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