sad news
By irish
this evening has been very sad, one of my lovely neighbours died, he was found by his friend this afternoon, we have had the ambulance, fire brigade and police here all evening, seems the guy got home from work , put his tv on and died in his armchair. doctor recons it was a heart attack. the guy was only 37.
they have been living beside me for a yr now, four men from Romania, i couldnt have asked for nicer neighbours, always say hello and play with the dogs, even thought their English was not very good and i cant speak Romanian it didn’t matter , a smile was enough.
i went out to speak to the guy who found his pal dead, but words didnt come, he is devastated, just sitting in the garden crying. luckily they have good pals both Irish and Romanian who have all come up to be with him.
one of his pals told me he was only 37 married with two wee girls back home, he had been back with them 2 weeks ago for a holiday.
sorry for writing this blog but i do feel like i have friends on GOY and i hope ye will all understand if i don’t reply to messages or comments tonight. i am going to have a look at photos now as i need something to take my mind off what happened just for a wee while.
4 Aug, 2008
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I'm so very sorry to hear this Irish. He was so young. It sounds like he went very quicky and hopefully he didn't suffer. It's so shocking when this happens and especially to a young person. My heart goes out to his wife and daughters and to his friends. Take care Irish
4 Aug, 2008
Oh Irish,37 is so young, his poor family, your still in shock, hope you get some sleep tonight...dee..
4 Aug, 2008
Have just read and very sorry to hear such sad news. I'm sure his family will take comfort from the fact that although he was away from home he had such good friends and neighbours who cared about him here. you take care irish. As you said you've got friends here.
4 Aug, 2008
Big Hug from me Eileen, U must feel so sad&shocked rite now :/ Chat soon My Friend X
4 Aug, 2008
Oh Irish you must have had an awful shock. It's terible to think of such a young person dying suddenly, and as you say such nice people aswell.
I can understand something of how you feel because last New Years Day I found my neighbour dead on the pavement outside my house. He was only 45 and had been dead for several hours when I found him. We had Police etc here like you last night, and I had to be interviewed because I had found him. He lived with his mother and the worst thing was to hear her screaming from inside the house after she'd been told.
Take care of yourself now, and remember you always have friends here if you want to get anything off your mind.
5 Aug, 2008
thanks for all the nice messages guys.
Blodyn what a shock to actually find your neighbour that way .
and only a young guy aswell.
5 Aug, 2008
Irish - I am so sorry to hear this news. What a dreadful thing to happen and his poor family so far away. I hope you are OK and that you can help in some way. Your neighbours will need friendly faces won't they! It will help you if you can 'do' something for them.
5 Aug, 2008
Thanks Spritz.
5 Aug, 2008
Very sad Irish. I lost a close friend earlier this year aged only 55. Its extra sad when they didn't get a full life.
5 Aug, 2008
a pal? thats even harder Popeymike.
5 Aug, 2008
So sorry to here your bad news, my heart goes out to the poor mans family,so young aswell, terrible loss of a young life, but thanks to GOY you are not alone.
5 Aug, 2008
exactly clarice, good people on GOY
5 Aug, 2008
Oh Eileen, I'm just so sorry to hear what a sad afternoon you've had. He was so young, I feel for his poor family so far away. It's a blessing he was able to visit them recently. It's going to be difficult for his friends, being so far from home..I feel for them. Thinking of you right now, take care and chat soon xx
5 Aug, 2008
thanks for your message Joannie
5 Aug, 2008
Just read your message about your neighbor. I am very sorry to hear the news. It's always a heartbreaker when so young and with a young family. We never know....we never know....Take care Irish
6 Aug, 2008
true , you just never know
6 Aug, 2008
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I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbour Irish. We are aware that a lot of Romanians are going to other EU countries to earn money to send home for their families. Living away from the family puts extra stress on them. I expect the poor man was working very hard to earn as much as he could. We'll be thinking of you and the Romanian family at this time. It's always such a shock when something like this happens so close to home.
4 Aug, 2008