By daveharris
Have just seen 10/12 the wild about your garden “improvements” Not for hedgehogs! They drown in this type of pond with steep sides. They need a couple of stone blocks they can climb up and out.
10 Dec, 2008
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Just watched it on the BBC i player. They showed them making the ends of the long narrow pond have slight gradients so that hedgehogs could get back out if they did fall in. Only the two long sides were steep.
Hedgehogs are good at swiming and would find this type of pond/pool fine.
Take a look at the i player as you can watch the shows like these if youve missed them. As I just have as I missed tonights and last weeks.
Loved last weeks garden by the way.
10 Dec, 2008
I have a blog already started about these shows.
Do either of you mind if I copy your comments to put under that thread so that members following the series of shows on my blog get to read what you have said?
You've both made interesting points, so I would appreciate this. Many thanks.
11 Dec, 2008
I've just seen youre blog and I am more than happy for you to cut and paste.
Interesting about the plant list etc, I shall have to check out the web site.
11 Dec, 2008
Thanks Treesandthings ~
I have two blogs running ~
One for the Wild About Your Garden BBC TV shows,
and another about the Gardeners' World Top Tips programmes which are followed each day by Natures Top 40.
Yes, interesting about the plant lists. :o)
11 Dec, 2008
Hi welcome to GOY.
11 Dec, 2008
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29 Mar, 2008
Hi. I have a blog about these shows.
Would you please go across and make some comments there for everyone on that thread. Thanks. :o)
and welcome to GoY . Enjoy :o)
10 Dec, 2008