Packing Peanuts
By Gillian
I have my begonias, callas and cannas drying in the garage at the moment, and was going to purchase vermiculite or sphagnum moss to store them in over winter. Having looked at the prices of these and being short on funds (as usual!) I started to think about alternatives and am wondering if packing peanuts would do the job.
I can get these free at the store and I think it might work.
Anyone got any thoughts on this?
26 Oct, 2008
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lol love the photo Gillian, i would imagine that the packing peanuts would actually work but ill watch this space to see if anyone has used them before
26 Oct, 2008
We're all doing the same.
Adding a comment and waiting to find out! :o)
26 Oct, 2008
Don't know about the peanuts Gillian, as they would not absorb moisture at all, but would insulate....I am experimenting with shredded paper from my home paper shredder for the same economic reason...this is my first year with cannas, so I will find out the hard way if it doesn't work!
26 Oct, 2008
Think we'll all be watching this space.
26 Oct, 2008
Grammazoo has a point, packing peanuts won't absorb any moisture but shredded paper should. Possibly a mixture of the two would work. Shredded paper for moisture control and packing peanuts for air circulation. I use shredded junk mail for worm bedding, and have always thought new houses should be built with a built in shredder for paper and foam packing. I hate unpacking a new purchase and then have to dispose of all the packing.
26 Oct, 2008
What about adding the peanuts to the spagham moss or vermiculite to stretch you would not have to purchase as much?
26 Oct, 2008
LOL I don't think I'm thinking of the same sort of peanuts as you Gillian.
26 Oct, 2008
Just read an article that said plastic wrap works well for storage of tubers, not heard of this before but success rate is supposed to be high.
26 Oct, 2008
Polystyrene packing seems to have lots of names ~
peanuts ~ beads ~ chips ~ popcorn ~
Maybe some of these are different shapes?
26 Oct, 2008
Lots of shapes, lots of colours, some edible (soy based).
26 Oct, 2008
I've heard of peanuts and popcorn, but it sounds like Cracker Jacks to me. : )
Sorry I couldn't help myself!
26 Oct, 2008
~thing is if you can get it free then pity not to use it!
How about putting some shredded paper round your rhizomes and storing in a bag inside another one with the peanuts-you could wrap the lot in bubble wrap to prevent getting too cold-
The belt and braces approach!
26 Oct, 2008
I like that Arlene, might give that a try!
26 Oct, 2008
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26 Oct, 2008