By CluelessKev
I’m just going outside; I may be away some time.
17 Sep, 2008
Previous post: Why ?
Next post: It's been a while...
Are you going to the moon, as mentioned on Crystaltips' blog ?
We still need Wensleydale cheese for Gromit, please.
That disproportionately tiny head on your avatar ~ it hasn't grown at all.
Are you giving it the right plant food?
While you're out, maybe you'll find a larger head.
That could certainly take some time.
Or... are you going out to find CLUES.
That's it. I've got it haven't I !!
Clueless Kev is looking for CLUES.
Please let us know when you find some. :o)
17 Sep, 2008
Bye Clueless
17 Sep, 2008
Bye Bye ...... Clueless !!
17 Sep, 2008
is it safe to go outside Kev, we will worry now untill we hear from you again
17 Sep, 2008
Kev, have we to send for help, or do you have a mission to accomplish ... mmmmmm : o
17 Sep, 2008
Are you back yet, Kev? Hallo? KEV?????
17 Sep, 2008
As Oates said to Scott . You up the Pole Clueless?
17 Sep, 2008
Pole-vaulting now, BB?
Can't you stick to your own sport?
Don't want one team member winning all the golds.
17 Sep, 2008
No the Clue to Kevs statement on this blog lies in what Oates said to Capt.Scott on that fateful trip to the North pole. You said you re looking for clues?
No danger of me getting all the golds according to Andrewr interpretation I dont qualify , not born in Yorkshire or Somerset so cant represent either.
17 Sep, 2008
Yes, I'd already analysed all aspects of the Arctic clue, but sorry I haven't igloo.
Maybe it's Scotts Porridge Oates.
Some kind of cereal ~
sort of story in several parts ?
17 Sep, 2008
He's not back yet. He's been gone all day.
17 Sep, 2008
Ahh now ,I have been to museums where they have what they call thunderboxes outside in the back yard , maybe he is c-lued to the seat .
17 Sep, 2008
Let's hope it wasn't super-clue.
18 Sep, 2008
18 Sep, 2008
Kev will be back as soon as it rains again ...... sometime next week ?
18 Sep, 2008
somebodys cut my grass, is that where youve been kev?
18 Sep, 2008
Lucky you, Lyd.
I had to cut all my lawns today.
Kev didn't even arrive to trim the edges.
He's still looking for clues.
Then he'll be Cluefulkev.
18 Sep, 2008
Does anyone else think that Kev's silhouette on his name photo looks like a Far Side (Gary Larsson) cartoon? They are hilarious, and seeing Kev, or rather not seeing him, always makes me think of them. Sheer class.
Kev, whatever you are doing out there all day and all of the night, it must be worth it.
18 Sep, 2008
Kev I,m on holiday next week so if you are cutting lawns pleeese do mine , the clue might be in the long grass !!
18 Sep, 2008
Still no sign. Thats another day gone.
18 Sep, 2008
Do you think hes lost..:)))))
18 Sep, 2008
hiya dee, do you think hes done a keegan?
18 Sep, 2008
I,m going away on holiday tomorrow for a week , so I will be gone for some time you think i,ll bump into Kev .......... Aaaah ............
18 Sep, 2008
Amy ~ do you think Paddington jumped on his BSA, kidnapped Cluelesskev,
and motored off to Darkest Peru ?
19 Sep, 2008
Now that is a possibility Terratoonie ~ They obviously think Kevs up to no good ~ LOL
Do you think he,s a spy , !!!!!!!
19 Sep, 2008
Spritz has vast experience of starring in James Bond movies for GoY. I think we'd better ask her....
19 Sep, 2008
Gluelesskev might have gone to find glue to mend Gillian's mower and broken trowel ~
see her latest photos....
19 Sep, 2008
Enjoy your holiday Amy, you could be back before Cluelesskev Haha..
19 Sep, 2008
should we organise a search party at this stage to look for Kev? im worried that Amy is actually going to go look for him but is saying she is going on hols so as not to worry us all lol
20 Sep, 2008
Irish ~ Search party - that's a great idea.
How about you drive the red London bus which we have ready for the GoY Wellie Olympics.
We could try looking in GoY members' gardens ~
Newcastle, Worcestershire, Buckinghamshire, North Yorks, Dublin, Hungary......
20 Sep, 2008
no probs TT but ill need my sidekick janette with me, also will need diesel money lol so pass the hat around now
20 Sep, 2008
Oh a mystery tour How exciting ,when are we going I am free now
20 Sep, 2008
Yes, Irish.
Janette is already recruited to help you with the bus at the Olympics, so this would be ideal practice for her.
Thought you might grow a crop to produce the bus fuel?
Any ideas? :o)
20 Sep, 2008
emmmm welllllllll if drunken singing could fuel the bus me and janette could tour the world
20 Sep, 2008
20 Sep, 2008
a mystery tour janette??? your meant to be my Sat Nav lol. we're doomed, doomedddddddddd a tells ya
20 Sep, 2008
Just face east and you'll arrive in Hungary Eilleen and Janette. I've been keeping a look out for Kev around here but he's not turned up. He'll find it difficult if he comes looking for my garden because I'm sure he hasn't a clue about the Hungarian language.
21 Sep, 2008
Chrispook ~
Just in case Cluelesskev is fluent in Hungarian, maybe put a message on this thread in that language, to help him find his way.
A translation for us would be welcome. :o)
21 Sep, 2008
Szia Kev, üdvözlöm Őrbottyánban! Egy óra Budapestról a vonaton. (Hi Kev, welcome to Orbottyan, one hour by train from Budapest)
Orboyttyan is the village where we live. No sign of Kev yet. Do you realise he has been missing for a week now?
23 Sep, 2008
Wow, Chrispook ~
I hope that translation is accurate.
We don't want any flagging of foreign words. Lol
You're right. You had the first comment on this blog.
I'm wondering if you've had some inside information all along?
Are you in league with Cluelesskev?
Maybe gave him your EU pass for trams and buses?
That EU document of no use to you personally.
You're far too young to qualify. :o)
23 Sep, 2008
Not in league with Clueless TT. We don't have a document to use transport in Budapest, all we need is to show passport or ID to prove age.
I know, Kev must have forgotten his passport. I'd better check with police, perhaps they detained him at the airport.
23 Sep, 2008
Great idea.
Cluelesskev could be in custody.
Or did he take his rhubarb crop ~
in which case, in custardy :o)
23 Sep, 2008
Can't follow that one, you are really on form tonight. My brains going to sleep now, can't stay up too late at my age you know. After all it's nearly 11pm here.
23 Sep, 2008
Cluelesskev fans ~
Alert. Possible sighting by Amy.
Please see her most recent photos. :o)
30 Sep, 2008
Another sighting ~
Joebell's photos - 31 Aug. 07.
Hiding amongst the foliage -
What do you think?
30 Sep, 2008
Yet another sighting ~
Photo by Hamish. - 18th Oct. 07.
His silhouette is rather similar.
30 Sep, 2008
TT are you saying Kev has managed to go back in time lol
30 Sep, 2008
I think time-travel is a strong possibility.
Look out for the Tardis...
30 Sep, 2008
Funny , I,ve been thinking that myself , don,t you think his sihouette looks very like Alfred Hitchcock , Creepy ...
30 Sep, 2008
I am given to believe that Kev is currently dressed as a native american indian and has been spotted in the vacinity of Falmouth and Hereford........
12 Oct, 2008
Wow, Sid ~
You've been doing very thorough GoY research.
According to another blog, Cluelesskev has also been seen swimming doggie paddle in Mikec's basement ..
12 Oct, 2008
In an indian costume? His feathers will get all wet....
Of course, you know what this means - he's crossed the Atlantic! He's gone to America wearing a native american indian know he's into his bushcraft - I bet he's chewing on a buffalo steak by a campfire, making smoke signals right at this moment...... 0_0
12 Oct, 2008
Smoke signals on GoY ~
That might be the way to tempt Cluelesskev back home.
We know :o) and :o( and even =]
but what about O_O ?
That looks like a pair of spectacles.
Wear those, Kev, and you'll see the following smoke signals:
OOO 000 OOO ooo OOO 000 OOO
If you're baffled, Sid will translate. :o)
12 Oct, 2008
0_0 = kinda surprised and concerned I think...?
12 Oct, 2008
I've resisted remarking on the 'nose' you drew under the disguised squirrel.
It took all my fortitude to do so........
Looks like we've drawn a blank again in trying to find Cloooooooooooooolesskev. :o)
12 Oct, 2008
Think we'll have to rely upon our friends across the pond if he HAS gone to America to live as an indian....
12 Oct, 2008
I can't believe he's still missing, after all this time. I think he's deserted the GOY army altogether. He's probably in disguise as a spy in some politically sensitive situation, so we will never find him.
12 Oct, 2008
Nooooo ....:-v ... he wouldn,t go to America he can,t speak the language .
I,m beginning to think he is the brains behind all our missing money even as we speak he is sunning himself on some distant shore ,disguised as a palm tree , it,s odd that he should go awol at such a time . .......
Come back Kev ! put just a little bit back in my account , one gold ingot will do . ............
12 Oct, 2008
Maybe Kev is in training for the Wellie Olympics.
Ben Fogle and James Cracknell were looking for a third man to accompany them to the South Pole.
Perhaps they chose Kev in his wellies............
12 Oct, 2008
Do you have positive identification of kevs wellies TT ,?
a photo pic. would be useful . maybe you were right with the American theme !
Big foot and Yeti spring to mind ...............
Right shape ,size , knowledge of indian music , how to imitate them . .........
Were his boots a funny shape or exceptionally large ???
12 Oct, 2008
Amy ~
so many questions.
Have you been auditioning for presenter on Mastermind?
I've started so I'll finish.........
Good news is that I have a positive ID on Kev AND his shoes.
Take a look, folks, please at Kev's 15th photo uploaded.
It's a pic. of the man himself in what he describes as his 'favourite garden'. The Butts - the old target site.
So Kev is practising archery ready for the GoY Wellie Olympics! My suspicions are confirmed by comments about arrows, from Spritz underneath the photo.
Does anyone live near The Butts. Could go on a scouting expedition. ? It's near Walsall - Hatherton Lake.
Could this be another Cow Watering Training HQ ?
12 Oct, 2008
Wow! You lot are bloomin good.............still off the mark, tho'.
Great entertainment.
If this carries on it could turn into one of those facebook groups............"search for clueless kev".........?????
23 Oct, 2008
Crystaltips ~
Is there a clue in your current avatar silhouette?
That bit on the right ~
Is it Kev making a sign with his fingers?
23 Oct, 2008
Hi TT I,m off on Saturday morning for a weeks holiday near York , I,ll be keeping my eyes open for any strange happenings and weird figures , especially in the area of the dungeons , Kev. may have been held against his will !they may be trying to get GOY secrets out of him . He could be on a rack right now , if so we would have to send in a rescue team ..............
23 Oct, 2008
Amy ~
That's such good news that you can do some searching for Kev. :o)
Do you think he might have gone looking for Yorkie bars ?
The GoY Wellie Olympians have been busy training at Grenville's HQ in Cow Watering Lane. They're ready at a moment's notice to run to the rescue. Don't want any GoY secrets being revealed.
Sshhh .. keep quiet about Paddington, Sausage Trees, Chocolate Factories.....
23 Oct, 2008
TT - I think Chrystaltips avatar is of Kev with a bunny rabbit on his shoulder ;-)
23 Oct, 2008
Sid ~
Check out the photo by Crystal recently uploaded.
Apparently of Clueless Kev behind a hedge.
You could be right about the bunny rabbit. ;o)
23 Oct, 2008
It,s good to know that the rescue team down Cow Watering Lane are ready at a moments notice , don,t worry TT they won,t get any secrets out of me regarding the ...You know whats .... actually i,m thinking of sending Paddington in first as a decoy , they wouldn,t suspect him ... He could bribe them with a toffee
23 Oct, 2008
Amy ~
Good thinking.
I guess Paddington has his suitcase packed.
And such good news about the ~~ You Know What~~
Let's also keep quiet about the ~~ You Know Who ~~
because as they say ~
It's not what you know, it's who you know....
23 Oct, 2008
Newsflash ~
Joe Pasquale was filmed in India for This Morning TV show, broadcast today.
He walked past a camel and said,
" That's Kevin. Hello Kev."
6 Nov, 2008
Did the camel answer TT was it in Disguise LOL .......
6 Nov, 2008
PMSL x-D x-D x-D
6 Nov, 2008
Kev the camel tried to fool us by copying Joe and replying in a high-pitched voice....
but we weren't fooled. :o)
6 Nov, 2008
Well, do any of us actually know what Kev sounds like? Maybe he does sound like Joe Pasquale...........?
6 Nov, 2008
Maybe he is Joe Pasquale ..
but, in that case,
who was the camel ??? :o)
6 Nov, 2008
I like Daff's new Christmas doggie avatar.
(see above)
Correction ~
I want Daff's new Christmas doggie avatar.
How come so far only myself and Pottygardener have given this blog a like ?
Kev worked so hard writing this blog. :o(
6 Nov, 2008
TT - isn't that a Haloween avatar of Daff's? Got bats in, but if that's your bag at Christmas, I won't judge!
You made me feel guilty about the whole 'likes' business - to be honest I usually forget about the 'like' thingies on blogs.
Hey - have you noticed that Kev's avatar has changed? Or did that happen ages ago and I just haven't noticed?
6 Nov, 2008
You get points for noticing that Daff's avatar has bats.
Skippy and I have made a pact to be a bit batty this week.
(See her cat photo of Bat Boy)
You now lose all those points you just earned because Kev has had his different avatar for ages.
Our powers of observation seem severely limited.
No wonder between the two of us we can't find Kev.
6 Nov, 2008
I think your right Sid, wasnt his avatar pic a shadow of Him????
6 Nov, 2008
Doh :))) I never noticed that TT... Good wittness i would make. hahaha
6 Nov, 2008
Dee ~
Kev's old avatar shadow is still on his photo pages, so he can't escape from us. :o)
6 Nov, 2008
Hadn't noticed it had changed ;-)
6 Nov, 2008
Don,t you see , he must have had access to a computer to do that , he is in the hills in army gear , my guess is that he is away on duty and being held somewhere against his will . we need to get the H Q at cow watering lane in on this to track him down .
Kev if you are out there let us now you are alive and well, If you have access to a computer ..sneak a message to us however cryptic , we will figure it out and come to your rescue .
We must get you home by Christmas
7 Nov, 2008
Enough's enough now Kev. Come out from behind the potting shed and show yourself. This has gone beyond a joke.
7 Nov, 2008
Good try Weeding ~
Congratulations on your efforts to lure Kev into the limelight,
but it seems he's still hiding.
Well done Amy ~
onto something with the Cow Watering Lane clue.
The GoY Wellie Olympics HQ is well-hidden down there, so likely Kev is undergoing intensive training for special sports.
Which Wellie sports do you think Kev is perfecting?
Camel riding ? Clue chasing ?
Your ideas very welcome as it may help us to find him. :o)
7 Nov, 2008
How about shadow boxing ....... He,s very good at hiding ?
7 Nov, 2008
Amy ~ good one.
Shadow boxing ~
Wellie weight division ?
8 Nov, 2008
do we even have proof that Kev exists I wonder? Kevinus invisibilis.
11 Nov, 2008
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- It's been a while...
20 Dec, 2013
- Why ?
20 Jun, 2008
- Welcome To All New Arrivals @ GrowsOnYou.Com
13 Jun, 2008
31 May, 2008
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That sounds ominous.
17 Sep, 2008