The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

re Amy's parking ticket problem.


The Candidates for the new Elected Police Commissioner Positions in all areas are now sending out their details to political parties for distribution to members. It is worth joining your local party to receive this information.
All the comments to Amy could be sent in. This would provide coverage from gardeners all over the country, and gradually improve these annoying situations that affect us all. I have done this, suggesting that reported crime figures for each area should be recorded in detail rather than Police numbers. Then as these crimes are solved and the culprits convicted, the detail with the names and addresses published in the local paper on a full page monthly. They think they can do anything they like and get away with it. This will prove they cant. Our Northamptonshire Elected Police Commissioner Candidate has been pleased to receive this suggestion and will keep it on file.
Then we can get on with our gardening.

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