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I love this kind of primulas. Actually I love all Primulas except bedding ones.


Thanks Shirley. I’ll also spray the roses as it deters aphids too and prevents mildew!

On photo - Hosta 'Velvet Moon'


Janey, that's exactly what I thought this morning. We are enjoying a sunny day today but tomorrow there may be rain and thunder ... rarely two days the same!

On photo - Clematis


Well done Karen ... that should deter them!

On photo - Hosta 'Velvet Moon'


Oh Janey, it is so disheartening to look around the garden and see silver trails on stems and foliage. I am so glad they dislike Welsh Poppies, Roses, Grasses, Hydrangeas too, at least I do have some plants safe from the critters!

On photo - Hosta 'Velvet Moon'


I am boiling garlic as I type ladies!

On photo - Hosta 'Velvet Moon'


Rose…I chuckled…but I am trying hard to be a better person every day! lol!

On blog - At last!


Resin one, thank you so much for your considered compliment! I’m glad to hear I’m not alone in ditching the grass. We do have grass at the front at the moment. We’ll see if it grows well. If it doesn’t…..I’m loving being in Dorset. It’s been along old exile for me, but I’m back in England now. :)

On blog - At last!


Well thank you..:) There's quite a few of us with this Acer and we enjoy checking them out especially springtime.

On photo - Acer Jordan


Really? It must be all the rain we've had, giving it and everything else a thorough soaking..:)

On photo - Clematis


Thank you Lori, that was interesting.

Sorry about Rufus :(


You will. I bought some really pretty violas and munch chew munch, so the dreaded pellets have gone down.
Red lily beetle on the lilies!
We're just paying out to feed the enemy!
Time for action, no more spending on floppy frilly juicy things they love!

On photo - Hosta 'Velvet Moon'


Ants do not like the smell of lemon, so you could add some lemon juice to your water. Not too much or you may damage the plants as well.

On question - Help with ants


I would leave the soil alone. Ants prefer a dry situation so when you water, give the pots a good drink. Water once and then again about an hour later to get the moisture throughout the pot. Having said, you don't have to water every day.

On question - Help with ants


Thank you both very much - that’s great I’ve got some morning glory seeds I’ve started in a pot so will try them


Oh, that's a shame for you. It's about 10am and I just looked at the Hosta , annoyingly the critters have started munching on one in a big pot. I shall now be searching for the nasties ...:o((

On photo - Hosta 'Velvet Moon'


Janey, it was such a lovely surprise to see it again!

On photo - Clematis


Rose, I read somewhere that the stems should be pulled, as for rhubarb, rather than cut. Is that what you do?


Thank Janey, they look even better now than when first put in the vase.


You are so right Davey! My daughter is taking me to Croatia in a week and I will miss Rick not being with me.
Well..saying that, he is always with me! x

On blog - May in the garden


Great Shirley, and every time you cut them for the house, more will grow!


If you are like me Karen, you will never have enough! lol

On blog - At last!


Thank you so much Eileen...I looked at a few sites but they were out of stock...I always seem to be late in looking.
Is that near to you lovely to see them growing wild.


I really like the design of your new garden and totally understand your remark about a newly planted garden feeling special and fresh.
I'm trying to catch up with all the news on goy having been out of it for a cple of years so I'm surprised to see you in a new garden and location but you've risen to the challenge superbly.
I've totally changed my garden around as well, no more grass, thank goodness and loving the zen-like quality of it. My big surprise was how much joy i get from the clean lines and design that shine through, in the winter, again very Zen.
Lovely choice of bricks, very warm effect! I can't wait to see it develop and mature. Go girl...

On blog - At last!


You could take cuttings from the live bits, they root easily


It's very pretty when you see it in swathes on damp ground.
It seems to enjoy the sides of a road in a near-by industrial estate, somewhere I wouldn't expect to see it really ... unless it was already growing there before they built the factories.


Thanks Ladies...I have been busy this yr using my favorite x-mas present...a battery powered chainsaw that came with a pole extention lol. I had 3 large overgrown euonymus bushes that were suffering with scale on the left side of the walkway. I was able to remove them in less that 40 minutes ! I am now in the process of playing around with several types of perennials so something is blooming from Jan through Dec. in this small space.


Thanks Ladies....yes Lori, I still have the Japanese arbor my late husband built for me. It was similar in design to the one in his favorite movie, The Last Samurai.


Gorgeous shrub. l love the fact it has at least 3 shades of pink to white blooms, and the variegated foliage is beautiful when it's not in bloom.


I also have it and if it sets seed I'll save some for you too.

it is a British native so perhaps look at suppliers of wild flowers also.


It is absolutely stunning ! You always have had the best taste in plants, and putting amazing combinations together. l see some things never change. ;)

On photo - Acer Jordan


Thanks Karen :-)


Has anyone tasted Salsify? I understand it has a flavour like oysters.

On photo - Tragopogon Salisfy


Lovely one Karen 🙂.


Thank you Rose, and thank you Janey. I’ve been planting perennials today. Still need some more though!

On blog - At last!


Wow it's looking great Karen, much larger than what I'd thought.
I've been away in Cornwall so just catching up. You must be very pleased
now they've finished and better weather is here too. It's so exciting having a new garden!

On blog - At last!


It’s such a lovely one. I had this in Scotland, only in a couple of years. Loved it. The foliage is as beautiful as the flowers.

On photo - peony bartzella


Will it produce fruit eventually? I’ve never seen this before!


Wow, it's lovely Shirley.

On photo - Clematis


It’s a real beauty! I hope it does well for you this time.


I thought it was a painting at first, just lovely.


Love this one Shirley, how I wish I could have them here, it's not worth it, this being Snail Cottage!

On photo - Hosta 'Velvet Moon'


Would love a wander down there, it looks beautiful.


Dreamy, my type of garden..:)


Gorgeous and so good to see you back Flower crazy!