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Very satisfying when a 'room' gets organised to your satisfaction. I have the greenhouse to tackle before setting the toms into their final spots. any volunteers to help ???


What a beautiful blog. The rose is beautiful and I can't believe it is 5 years since you lost your son. the rose is a superb tribute to him.


what a lovely blog and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
We have a large beech tree and it is a nightly roost for wood pigeons, but they do drop a lot of mess underneath.
we also get plenty of birds but as for sitting listening that is difficult as there is building works all around us again :(


wonderful part of the world to driving through really at any time of the year, but especially spring and autumn.


They look very healthy Balcony.


Beautiful garden.


Hi Meadowland, Ange and Sheila, we see them on the odd occasion as they run across the fields, and, DO THEY RUN FAST!!!!


Gosh Hywel what a wonderful collection you have! I can quite understand how you felt about the placing of the cacti...she must be a great help to you anyway. The Rhipsalis you sent me have both taken and growing well.


Thank you :)


Nice to see such sites on you travels :)


Oh Sheila, I can't believe it was 5 yrs ago! time goes so quickly.
It's nice to have a plant in memory of someone we love :) and it was very kind and thoughtful of your son's friend to send it to you.


Thanks David 🙂.


Beautiful flowers but a rather sad memory, Sheila. 😥


Lovey blog, Shirley! Nice that you could sit back &just enjoy your garden for a short time. Most of the time we find ourselves too busy to take time for a rest.

Although we don't have a garden like most people I enjoy watching the birds, too. It's pretty rare for a bird to actually enter the balcony but they visit our "lawn" (the patch of grass outside the balcony that the council gardeners cut for us every few weeks!) We get blackbirds, starlings, crows, rooks, thrushes (when there are any!), sparrows, magpies, as well as pigeons. We often get so many seagulls you'd think we lived on the coast & not 100 miles in land!

However we practically never see any of the finches or tits mentioned. 😥


Good luck with your little tree, Andy! I hope it recovers well, it looks to be doing alright at present.


Nice flowers & gesture, Karen!

On photo - Three in a row!


A beautiful Peony, Davey!

On photo - peony bartzella


How lovely Linda … you did well to capture a shot.


Thanks for the info, Andy! Mine are in a bright SW facing window & get all the sun going from about 1pm till gone 6 or 7pm. No direct sunlight though. as for night temps they get whatever is going form about 14C in winter to about 20C in hot spells in the summer - perhaps more when we are having a heat wave. I can't do anything much about night temps! They are growing like mad at present!


and to me too.


there is a small flowered one from my neighbours garden in the 70's called Dorothy Perkins, but the RHS says it is a rambler. My memory of it was it was in a large pot over their front door.


So glad you like it, Shirley! It will continue to flower all summer now, until the winter frosts put an end to its display - or I'm forced to cut it back so I can keep it over winter. I will take a few cuttings before the season's over so as to have at the very lest one for next year!


Just from seed this year...they have developed 3 sets of leaves so I've pinched the tops.Look a little leggy.


I don't particularly know why but I've never grown them! I like their beautiful flowers.

On photo - White Aquilegia


How have you grown Cosmos before - from plug plants? I've only ever grown them from seed both on the balcony & when I had an allotment.


They are magical creatures. Lucky you, Linda.


A good buy!


That's stunning, Gg, what is it, please?

On photo - Summer at last


A beautiful view.

On photo - Open arms


Warm welcome is one we have here..
Small,tangerine flowers and foliage,medium is growing through a Clematis...posted a photo a few days ago.


I don't know how I missed this blog Kate.
Your garden looks amazing and I love that Nemesia.
My garden is slow to flower at the moment but my roses are all blooming.


What a great job you have Kate getting to all the villages and seeing the trees and gardens.
I love this time of year the best!


I loved your blog Shirley and your garden looks lovely.
I love to just sit and watch the birds. The blue tits nested in the box for the first time this year and was a joy to watch them going in and out.
It was one of Rick's favourite things to do. He would sit in the conservatoy and watch them.
I have hardly ever seen a green finch, I don't know why, but get all the other birds.


Thanks Shirley and Rose. My maths let me down as ever, and it was 2019 that Steve died, It was on the night of 18th/19th May which probably confuses me.


I love that little corner Karen and the mirror.
I really wanted a mirror in my garden , so bought one and as most of the longest side of the garden is hedge, wasn't sure where to put it.
I should have thought of this first! But it is on the fence facing my rose garden now. The problem is that all my roses are so tall, I can only just see it!

On photo - Shadows


A lovely memory of him!




No Shirley, I just cut the flower right to the bottom, but don't pull it out.


I don't often see slugs here but do get snails.


Thanks Karen! I do buy plants online but only look for the ones I want.


How exciting Lindak...I would have been in ecstasy if I had seen them.
Last week one jumped out of the hedgerow as we were driving along..such a treat.


Thanks kindly, Shirley, happy you enjoyed looking through the pics!


You're spot on, Ange! Thank heavens! Finally, lots of lovely late Spring colour and sunshine!!!! We are certainly welcoming the warm weather and our gardens are delivering too! I have to say, I'm happy travelling through Lincolnshire this past week or two, it's been almost therapeutic!
Glad you like the pics, Ange. Hope you enjoyed traversing through Lincolnshire too.


Aw thank you, Callie! I'll have to pass on your lovely feedback about the little bridge, Karen's too!!! He'll be very pleased I should think.


I'd forgotten you had grown up in Gainsborough, Karen! Yes, you'll recognise the names of villages in the blog.
Thanks for liking, I was really keen to take a pic of this chap's back garden area. He's new to me, he's lived in this house for 60 years.
He has gardens to either side of his house, plus a smallish area front and back.
I thought how lovely to have this at the back of his garden, with a little stream running right along the rear of his property.


Sheila, those bracts turning pink are delightful and the Rose is gorgeous. I am stunned to realise Steve has been gone six years, he was far too young to have left you.


Thanks so much Callie, we heard a dreadful noise at midday today when a Seagull was being attacked by a Crow above our garden. The Crows have young in a big Eucalyptus tree along the road and ward off any Seagulls who dare to come too close!

Thank you Ange, I do love the emerging flowers in the Spring together with all the new lush foliage on the trees and shrubs. How lovely to have seen the busy Bluetits.

Sheila, many thanks for your kind words. Blackbirds are a joy to watch but since our new(ish) neighbours cut down the huge Bay tree in their garden, we haven't seen a Blackbird at all and I really do miss that. We were in the sun house earlier and saw a jet black Butterfly, no idea what it was, stunning though!


Maybe a dwarf cherry (Prunus kojo-no-mai) underplanted with Anenome Blanda, and followed with a carpet of Phlox subulata and Phlox chattahoochee? I like the daisies in your grass - please don't replace it with artificial grass (I've heard it can be a nuisance!).


How lovely! I had forgotten all about these ... hope you'll enjoy them when they flower :)


Kate, I have loved seeing these photos, so thanks for sharing them.